Town of Germantown

Office Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Regular Town Board Meeting


Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
March 12, 2013
7:00 p.m.


Present: Chairman Rosetta Boyle, Supervisors Dale Simonson, Jim Collis, Ray Feldman, Greg Haunroth, Zoning Administrator Bill Bruce, Assistant Clerk/Treasurer Susan Ganther

Absent: Emergency Management Director, Fred Cobbs, Clerk/Treasurer, Marion Uphoff


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Town of Germantown.

Susan Ganther verified proper posting at The Landing, Buckhorn Store, Germantown Junction Store, the Town Hall, and The Messenger.

Chairman Boyle approved the agenda in any order.

Motion made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson to approve the February 12, 2013, meeting minutes as written.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

The bank financial statement was read into the record as follows:


            Balance on hand February 1, 2013                                                 $2,492,519.84

                Income                                                                                                  $1,307.332.27

                Disbursements                                                                                      $3,412,999.49

                Balance                                                                                                 $386,852.62


                Balance on had February 28, 2013                                                 $386,852.62


                Bank of Mauston Checking                                                              $106,102.48

                Harris Bank Checking                                                                        $102,099.21

                Harris Bank Money Market                                                              $52,452.18

                Impact Fees                                                                                          $125,514.25

                LGIP                                                                                                      $684.50


                Bank Totals                                                                                          $386.852.62


                Principle Balance on Loan                                                                $157,280.37


Operator’s License

Application was submitted by Karyn Fank (Pine Cove).  Background check was completed by Officer Green.  Motion made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson to approve the application.  Motion carried. (Greg Haunroth abstained)

Application was submitted by Alex St. John (Dirty Turtle).  Background check was completed by Officer Green.  Motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson to approve the application.  Motion carried.

Committee Reports

Emergency Management

Grant from DNR had been received.

Neighborhood Watch

Officer Green presented information on the Neighborhood Watch program that he would like to start in the Township.  It is felt that due to the growth of the community and the number of homes with residents that are not full time that this would be a good program to implement.  Officers will be meeting with the Presidents of the different Homeowner’s Associations to start giving out information and do training on the program.  Letters will be sent out to those Presidents soon along with any interested resident that is not part of an association.  The

Officers would like to have the program up and running by May or June.

Roads Report

There was approximately 16 days of plowing done in February.  Jim Collis recommends that the budget be increased in 2014 as the expenses in 2013 have been much greater than budgeted. 

Purchase of New Office Computers

A quote from Diane Houy was presented by Dale Simonson.  Greg Haunroth requested that Husky Computers be allowed to bid the hardware portion.  It was decided that the presented quote be voted on. A motion was made by Rosetta Boyle, seconded by Dale Simonson to approve the hardware portion of the quote in the amount of $3,583.25.  Motion passed with a vote of 4-1.  Greg Haunroth was the lone opposing vote. 

CRAM Update

Notice was given to the Township that the landfill will be closing on July 1, 2013.  Drop off will still be available and waste will be transported to other landfills.  Recycling will still be accepted at the landfill. 


Wood has been cut for the Sanitary District easement.  Dead oaks were also removed in the area outside the easement.  The brush will be removed after the cutting is done.  In the summer the rest of the property will have dead trees removed.

Board Member Reports

We received a notice that a study is being done in the area regarding the need for Park and Ride. 

A public meeting will be held on March 20 at the Wisconsin Dells Municipal Building.

Zoning Administrators Report

4 building permits were issued (2 in February, 2 in March) 3 of the 4 were for new homes.


A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson to approve vouchers 16520-16599 totaling $286,606.99 and checks 1123-1131 totaling $2,820,775.76.  Motion carried

Public Comment

A request was made to have the Voucher Report available to the public. 

Concern was voiced regarding a possible conflict of interest for the Town’s lawyer.

Questions were posed regarding ambulance service. 

New owner of South Shore informed the board that she was working with Marion to obtain a liquor license. 

Owner of Husky Computers thanked the Board for their previous patronage.


Motion to adjourn was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Jim Collis.  Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.