Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Town of Germantown

Planning Commission Public Hearing Minutes

March 15, 2023

Present:               Commission Chair Shannon Armel, Commissioners Ken Jax, Keith Korbein, Mick McCormick, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Mick McCormick, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein

Absent:                Commissioner Gervase Thompson 

Applicant Present:           None 

Public attending:              one


The Public Hearing was called to order by chairperson Shannon Armel at the Germantown Town Hall at 5:30 pm.


This public hearing is to hear and consider public comment upon a request for a conditional use permit for two triangle framed sign structures for Michael Edwards at N6858 State Road 58 to hold up to six 32 sq ft signs on each structure. 


Applicant was not in attendance to answer questions.

Each of the six signs on each structure would be 4’x8’.

These structures are considered like a billboard because of the size.

One person emailed state statute chapter 84 and did a road frontage/sign comparison.

It would open residential lots to advertise, not just businesses.

Concerns about Germantown section of Hwy 58 turning into Juneau County A in the Town of Clearfield on the opposite side of Hwy 58 with all the signs.

The ordinance should be enforced.


With no other public comments, the public hearing was closed at 5:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Michaele R. Korbein

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer