Permits & Fees

The following Forms & Permits are provided here for your convenience. Should you have any questions, please contact the Town Clerk at 608-562-5751.


Dog Licenses


Dog licenses are required to be purchased yearly from Juneau County for all dogs in Juneau County. 

Please note fees for Spayed/Neutered is $12.00 and Un-Altered is $15.00. 

To purchase a doge license, go to: 

If you have any questions please call or email the County Clerk’s office—608-847-9300 or [email protected].



Sign Permit Application

Signs are regulated under the Town’s Ordinance #23 on Signs.

Download and fill out the application, and bring it to the Germantown town hall along with the fee.

Liquor Licenses and Operator Licenses

Liquor License Application

Visit the  WI Department of Revenue for information about liquor licenses.

Also review Ordinance #2 on License and Regulation of the sale of Liquor, Beer and Soda.

Operators License Application

Fill out the Operators License application and then bring it to the Town Hall along with the $25 application fee and your server’s certificate.

Town Hall Rental and Park Rental

Town Hall and Park Rental

The Town Hall Community Center (capacity 167) is available to rent for your meetings, weddings, etc. Please call the office to make sure the date is available, then fill out the rental form and return it to the Town Hall.

Hall Rental Form

Each Day Will be a Separate Charge

Residents fee:                                                $200 ($100 may be refunded)
Non-resident fee:                                          $400 ($200 may be refunded)
Civic organizations with food                      $200 ($100 may be refunded)
Civic organizations without food                               No Charge


The Park (behind the Town Hall) is for the enjoyment of all residents and their guests. If planning a large get-together at the park, please call the office to make sure it is available, then fill out the rental form available at the town hall, and return it along with the $50 fee.

Park Rental Form

View a map of the property.

Brush Dump Permit

Brush Dump Permits

The brush dump is for normal yard waste generated only in the Town of Germantown, such as leaves, grass clippings, yard waste, brush, and small branches up to 12” in diameter from yard maintenance.  It is not for lot clearing.

In 2022 the Town of Germantown processed one million pounds of brush.  Then in 2023, the Town of Germantown again processed record amounts of brush. Due to increased demand, expense for disposal, and misuse of the brush dump, a permit will be required to be purchased and displayed when using the brush dump. The cost is $25 for a Town of Germantown resident’s permit, $5 for a second vehicle, and $250 for a Town of Germantown commercial permit. Permits will be available at the Germantown Town Hall.   Then the sticker you receive must be adhered to the driver’s side of the windshield.  Brush Dump Permit application

The brush dump is for normal yard waste generated only in the Town of Germantown. Trees greater than 12” in diameter, tree stumps, and building materials are NOT to be left in the dump. We hope the dump will be used properly, but if the dump rules are not followed the security cameras will be used for enforcement. Please limit it to grass clippings, branches, and leaves and trees less than 12” in diameter and 8’ in length.

Do not include payment for a dump sticker in the same check as your tax payment.

Not accepted and Not to be left in the dump area:
Full sized trees (even cut into segments), tree stumps, and building materials. It is Not for lot clearing.
Metal or other debris as it would damage equipment that is used to mulch the piles and haul it away.

The brush dump is open during daytime hours, except in winter when the area is under snow.
We hope the dump will be used properly, but if the dump rules are not followed the security cameras will be used for enforcement.



Burning Permits

There are two types of Fires – one requires a permit and the other does not.

Debris Disposal Fire (leaves, brush & pine needles) This kind DOES REQUIRE a DNR burning permit! After the annual permit is obtained, check for daily restrictions by calling 1-888-WIS-BURN or visiting

Warming or Cooking Campfire (clean & dry wood)  DOES NOT REQUIRE a DNR burning permit. Campfires are allowed anytime, except during Emergency Burning Restrictions.

Burning permit can only be obtained form online at: Burning Restrictions and Fire Activity – DNR (

Know Your Wildfire Risks  We hope you will consider alternatives to burning.  But if you are going to burn brush, the safest time to burn is when the ground is completely snow covered.  Embers can stay hot for weeks, even when there is snow on the ground.  Make sure your burn pile is completely extinguished before spring arrives.

Construction Permits

Construction and Zoning are regulated under Ordinance #9 on Land Use and Ordinance #22 on Zoning

View the Town of Germantown Fee Schedule

Building Permit Applications

Before you begin building, you need both a Zoning Permit and a Building Permit. The Zoning Permit is issued by the Town of Germantown, and the Building Permit is issued by Jeremy Phillis of GEC.  For your convenience, you can download the applications and instructions here for both or pick them up at the town office, and turn the completed applications in to the town office. Direct any fee questions for the Building Application to Jeremy Phillis of GEC. Contact information is included in the Building Permit Requirements and Fees document.

NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION Zoning Compliance and Building permit packet


ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION Zoning Compliance and Building Permit packet

More Zoning Application information:
Application for Zoning Compliance Permits must be filed with the Town Zoning Administrator on forms furnished by the Town of Germantown.  The Zoning Administrator shall act on the application within fourteen (14) calendar days following its receipt.  If the application is rejected, the applicant will be notified, in writing, stating the reason(s) for rejection.  A copy of the rejection notice shall be delivered to the Town Clerk and the Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

An application for a building permit must be accompanied by:

  • A site plan showing he location of the building, structure, or dwelling to be placed on the lot, plus any existing buildings or structures, well and/or septic system on the property and driveway from the street or road edge to its termination, all with respect to property lines and in correct relation to each other, in scale or in size dimensions.
  • Proof of ownership i.e. copy of deed or tax bill.
  • A valid Juneau County Sanitary and/or Shoreland Zoning Permit must be presented to the Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit for a dwelling, structure or commercial building. NOTE:  Any construction within 1000 feet of a navigable water way requires a Juneau County Building Permit prior to issuance of a Germantown Zoning Compliance Permit.
  • A Zoning Compliance Permit for a dwelling will NOT be issued for dwellings with less than 816 square feet on the ground level.
    1.  Zoning Permit for a building or structure up to 815 square feet in area is $100.
    2. Zoning Permit for a building, dwelling, or other structure 816 square feet or greater is $200.
    3. Zoning Permit for New Home is $400.
    4. Zoning Permit for Non living space addition, i.e. carport, open porches, decks, and roof over manufactured home, etc. is $75
    5. A multi-family building, i.e. Condominium, is $200 per unit.
    6. Conditional use permit is $200.

Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit Application

Download and fill out the application and bring it to the Germantown town hall.  The fee amounts are on the Fee Schedule.

Driveway Access Permit Application

Download and fill out the application and bring to the Germantown town hall.  The fee amount is on the Fee Schedule.


Fence Permit Application

Download and fill out the application, and bring to the Germantown town hall. The fee amount is on the Fee Schedule.


Pool Permit

Download and fill out the pool permit application and a zoning compliance form, The fee amounts are on the Fee Schedule.


Moving a Building -Moving Permit Application

Download and fill out the building moving permit application.  The fee amount is on the Fee Schedule.


Camping Permit

Camping permit is required for camping. Please review the Camping section of Zoning Ordinance #22 and definitions, print and complete the included Camping Permit application , and bring just the application to the Germantown town hall along with the fee.


If an ordinance number is missing, that ordinance was rescinded – no longer in effect. See the bottom of the page for a list of rescinded ordinances.

View the Town of Germantown Fee Schedule

2. License and regulation of the sale of Liquor, Beer and Soda




The Town Board of the Town of Germantown does ordain as follows:



The provisions of the Wisconsin statutes relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors and fermented malt beverages and adopted as a portion of this Ordinance so far as applicable, except as otherwise lawfully provided by this Town Ordinance.



No person, firm or corporation shall vend, sell or traffic, or for the purpose of evading any law or ordinance, give away any intoxicating liquor or fermented malt beverage in any quantity whatever, or cause the same to be done, without having procured a license as provided in this ordinance, nor without complying with all of the provisions of this ordinance, and all the statutes, ordinances, and regulations applicable thereto.

All fees associated with the licenses below can be found in the Town of Germantown Fee Schedule.




A “Class A” license, issued by the Town Clerk, under authority of the Town Board, shall authorize the retail sale of intoxicating Liquor for consumption OFF premises where sold and in original packages, containers, or bottles. The fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.


A Class “A” license, issued by the Town Clerk, under authority of the Town Board, authorizes retail sales of Fermented malt beverages for consumption OFF the premises where sold and in original packages, containers, or bottles.  The fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.


A “Class B” License, issued by the Town Clerk, under authority of the Town Board, authorizes the sale of intoxicating liquor to be consumed by the glass only ON the premises where sold and also authorizes the sale of intoxicating liquor in the original package or container, in multiples not to exceed 4 liters at any one time, and to be consumed OFF the premises where sold. The fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.  Wine, however, may be sold for consumption off the premises in the original package or otherwise in any quantity.


A Class “B” License issued by the Town Clerk, under the authority of the Town Board, authorizes retail sales of fermented malt beverages, to be consumed either ON the premises where sold, or OFF the premises.  The fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.

In addition, persons holding a Class “B” license may sell beverages containing less than 0.5% of alcohol by volume without obtaining a license under S. 66.0433(1).


Reserve “Class B” Liquor Licenses are those licenses available under the quota system existing before December 1, 1997, that were not granted or issued by the township as of December 1, 1997.  The number of Reserve “Class B” licensee available to a municipality is determined by engaging in a series of calculations described in State Statute 125.51(4)(br)1. State Statutes 125.51(4)(a)(4).

The issuance fee and annual liquor license fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.


A temporary Class “B” License (lasting less than 4 days), issued by the Town Clerk, under the authority of the Town Board authorizes (picnic) beer licenses to sell Beer and other fermented malt beverages (e.g., wine coolers with a fermented malt beverage base) to consumers at a picnic or similar gathering of limited duration.  Such license may be issued only to bona fide clubs, county and local fair associations, agricultural societies, churches, lodges, veteran’s organizations or societies that have been in existence for at least six months prior to the date of application.  The fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.

Application shall be filed 15 days prior with the Clerk to granting of license. State Statute 125.04(3)(f)(3).


7.  “Class “C” Wine License” 

“Class C” licenses may be granted to an applicant only if:

  1. The applicant meets the qualifications set out in State Statute 125.04(5) for other retail licensees.
  2. The license is for a restaurant in which the sale of alcohol beverages accounts for less than 50% of gross receipts.
  3. The restaurant does not have a barroom.
  4. A “Class B” Liquor License cannot be granted to the applicant because the municipality has issued all of the “Class B” Liquor Licenses available under its statutory quota.

Wine licensees may sell wine by the glass or in an opened original container for consumption on the premises where sold. The fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.


A retailer’s license for the sale of non-intoxicating and soda water beverages when issued by the Town Clerk, under authority of the Town Board, shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell or offer for sale, non-intoxicating and soda water beverages.  A license may be issued at any time for a period of six months in any calendar year for which one half of the license fee shall be paid but temporary license shall not be renewable during the calendar year in which issued.  Such license may also be issued to bona fide clubs, county and local fair associations, agricultural societies, churches, lodges, veteran’s organizations or societies that have been in existence for not less than six months prior to the date of application.  The fee for this license can be found in the Fee Schedule.



An applicant surrendering a license will NOT be refunded license fees in whole or in part of.  23OAG538(1934).  Intoxicating Liquors #826(1979).



  1. If a licensed premises is leased or sold, the new owner or tenant may receive an available retail license for the premises if, prior to granting the license, control of the premises can be shown by purchase or lease agreement. 28OAG123(1939)
  2. The new tenant or owner cannot legally operate under the alcohol beverage license issued to the prior lessee or owner for that premises. Only the person named in the license has the right to sell alcohol beverages.  The licensee does not have the power to assign or transfer these privileges.


No liquor license shall be granted to an applicant whose business premises are within 300 feet of a church, school, or hospital.  The restriction will not apply to premises covered by a license on June 30, 1947, and to premises licensed prior to the location of a church, school, or hospital….does NOT apply to beer only licenses.  State Statute 125.68(3).



Application for license to sell or deal in fermented malt beverages or intoxicating liquors shall be made in writing on the form prescribed by law and shall be sworn to by the applicant and filed with the Town

Clerk not less than 15 days prior to the granting of such license.  Said application shall be accompanied by the cost of public actions provided by law. State Statute 125.04(3)(f)1.



The Town Clerk shall notify the Town Board who shall inspect the premises to determine its suitability and the suitability of the applicant. In determining the suitability of an applicant consideration shall be given to the moral character and financial responsibility of the applicant and generally the applicant’s fitness for the trust to be reposed.



Opportunity shall be given by the Town Board to any person to be heard for or against the granting of any such license.  Upon the approval of the application by the Town Board, the Town Clerk shall upon the filing by the applicant of a receipt showing the payment of the required license fee to the Town Treasurer, issue to the applicant a license.  Each license shall be numbered and shall specifically state the premises for which issued, the date of issuance, the fee paid, and the name of the licensee.  Except as otherwise provided, all licenses shall remain in force until the 1st day of July next after the granting thereof, unless sooner revoked by the Town Board.



An operator’s license for retail Class “B” premises may be issued by the Town Board to persons of good moral character who have been citizens of the United States at least 18 years of age when license is issued.  A written application shall be filed with the Town Clerk stating the name, residence, age, and sex of the applicant, together with such pertinent information as to fitness as may be required.  Upon approval of the application by the Town Board, the town clerk shall, upon filing by the applicant of a receipt showing the payment to the town treasurer of a license fee as found in the Fee Schedule, issued to the applicant to license to expire on June 30, next ensuing.



  1. Licenses pursuant to this ordinance shall be granted only to persons who are citizens of the United States.
  2. No such license shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of a felony, unless such person has been pardoned.
  3. No such license shall be issued to any person acting and agent for in the employ of another, except that this restriction shall not apply to any bona fide club, society or lodge.
  4. Each licensed premises shall at all times be conducted in an orderly manner, and no disorderly, riotous or indecent conduct shall be allowed at any time on the licensed premises.
  5. Whenever any license shall be revoked at least six months from such revocation shall elapse before another license shall be granted to the person whose license was revoked.
  6. No license shall be granted for operation on any premises upon which taxes or assessments or other financial claims of the town are delinquent and unpaid.
  7. For the purpose of consumption OFF the premises intoxicating liquors, fermented malt beverages and wine in the original packages, containers or bottles shall NOT be sold, given away, charged or mortgaged (an understanding between owner/operator and customer where customer will return “in a few days” to pay for) from 12:00 a.m. (midnight) to 6:00 a.m. on any day.


The officers or employees of Germantown Township shall have the right to sell beer at any public park operated by the county or municipality without a license or permit.  State Statute 125.06(6)



Every license and permit issued pursuant to this ordinance shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the room or place where fermented malt beverages or intoxicating liquors are kept for sale.  Every applicant procuring a license thereby consents to the entry of police or any duly authorized representative of the Town (Constables) at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection.



Any ordinance or parts of ordinances, inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed.



This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and posting.

Passed and adopted this 9th day of April, 2002.

APPROVED:                                                                        ATTEST:
Bob Brainerd, Town Chairman                                  Marion Uphoff, Town Clerk/Treasurer
Wilmer (Bud) Kass, Supervisor
Bart J. Hallinan, Supervisor
Richard C. Mazzoni, Supervisor

Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED:                                                     ATTEST:
Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman                   Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer


Amended to update Sections X and XI to align with the State of Wisconsin, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 12th  day of September, 2023.

APPROVED:                                                                ATTEST:

Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman                                 Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

4. Regulating and the installation of driveways

Driveway Access Permits

Ordinance #4


Section I     –   Title and Purpose
Section II    –   Authority
Section III   –   Adoption of Ordinance
Section IV   –   Definitions
Section V    –   Coverage
Section VI   –   Specifications
Section VII –   Application and Permit Provisions
Section VIII –   Penalty Provision
Section IX   –   Severability Clause
Section X    –   Effective Date


Town of Germantown

Juneau County

This Ordinance replaces Ordinance #4 adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown the 14th day of May, 1973.


The title of this ordinance is the Town of Germantown Driveway Access Permits Ordinance.  The purpose is to regulate and assure, for public health and safety reasons, the establishment, repair, construction, improvement, modification and reconstruction of all private driveways. This is not a town zoning ordinance.


The town board has the specific authority under ss 66.0425 and 86.07, Wis. stats., to adopt a town roads access permit ordinance and has the general authority under village powers under s. 60.22, Wis. stats., to adopt this ordinance.


This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the Town Board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides for the regulation, by permit, of certain driveway access from the town roads.


  1. “Driveway” means any private way, private road, or other avenue of private travel that runs through any part of a private parcel of land that connects or will connect with any public highway, and will provide vehicular access from the highway to a residence, business, recreational site or other similarly appropriate use.
  2. “Emergency vehicle” means any fire, police, ambulance or first responder vehicle used in emergency or hazard activities in the town.
  3. “Town” means the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
  4. “Town Board” means the board of supervisors for the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, and includes any designee of the Board authorized to act for the Board.
  5. “Town Clerk” means the clerk of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
  6. “Wis. stats.” Means the Wisconsin Statutes, including successor provisions to cited statutes.


  1. No person may establish or construct a driveway or reconstruct, reroute, or alter the existing slope of any existing driveway or any town or other highway or highway right-of-way in the town in relation to the connection of the highway or highway right-of-way to a driveway, whether new or previously existing, without first obtaining a Town Driveway Permit to be issued by the Zoning Administrator.
  2. Any person prior to and at the time of seeking a Town Driveway Access Permit must own or have legal access to the land to which the permit(s) will apply..


Commencing on the effective date of this ordinance for new driveways being constructed, all driveways in the town for which a Town Driveway Permit is required under Section V shall meet all the following minimum requirements.  No permit shall be issued unless the materials submitted as required under Sections VI and VII demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this section.

The location and width of driveways crossing the right-of-way from a public street or road must be a minimum of 15 feet wide at the roadway and extend through the road right-of-way.  Driveways must be a minimum of 12 feet wide with a headroom clearance of 15 feet to permit access for emergency vehicles.  A twelve (12) inch in diameter culvert which extends one (1) foot beyond either side of the driveway is required when the road right-of-way drainage ditch is deeper than 15 inches below the surface of the roadway.


  1. The town board shall approve an application form for the Town Driveway Access Permit which shall be available from the Germantown Hall.
  2. The applicant for a Town Driveway Access Permit shall submit a completed application for each with the appropriate fee and with the following attachments:
  3. Site Plan:  A sketch showing the approximate location and dimensions of the project. the sketch must show the location and distance, in feet, of the driveway in relation to the property lines.  Driveways must be a minimum of 10 feet from a property line.
  4. No building permit for any construction of buildings or structures will be issued by the Town until the driveway access is constructed, reconstructed, rerouted or altered to the specifications of the permit as issued and this ordinance.
  5. An application fee, that is nonrefundable, in an amount, determined by a resolution of the Town Board, will be charged for each permit application as found in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
  6. The Town Board, or its designees, shall have the right of inspection onto land pursuant to a warrant issued under s. 66.0119, Wis. stats., for the purpose of inspecting existing driveways to determine if the driveways will allow for safe and timely travel by emergency vehicles or vehicles of the general public.


Any person, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that fails to comply with the provisions of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, pay a forfeiture as found in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.  Each day violation exists or continues constitutes a separate offense under this ordinance.  In addition, the Town Board may seek injunctive relief from a court of record to enjoin further violations.


If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance that can be given without the invalid provision or application, and to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are severable.


This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.

The Town Clerk shall properly post of publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

Adopted this 14 day of February, 2012


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
 Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

7. Regulating Use of and Commercial Leasing of Snowmobiles




The Town Board of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:

SECTION I  –  State Snowmobile Laws adopted.

Except as otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance, one statutory provisions describing and defining regulations with respect to snowmobiles in the following enumerated sections of the Wis. Statutes are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this ordinance as if fully set forth herein.  Acts required to be perform or prohibited by such statutes are required or prohibited by this ordinance.

350.01  (Definitions)
350.02  (Crossing Highways)
350.03  (Operation of Snowmobiles on or in the vicinity of  highway)
350.04 (Snowmobile races or derbies and routes)
350.05  (Persons under 12 operating a snowmobile)
350.06  (Firearms and bows)
350.07  (Driving bear, deer or other game prohibited)
350.08  (Owner permitting operations)
350.09  (Headlamps, tail lights and brakes)
350.10  (Miscellaneous provisions for snowmobile operation)
350.12  (Registration of Snowmobiles)

SECTION II – Snowmobile Routes Designated

  1. The following streets are designated as permitted snowmobile routes:
    • 22nd Avenue from Town Line south to 33rd Street
    • 33rd Street west to 20th Avenue
    • 20th Avenue south to 36th Street
    • 36th Street west to 19th Avenue
    • 19th Avenue north to County G
    • 40th Street west from County G to 20th Avenue
    • 20th Avenue south to 43rd Street
    • All of Sandstone Drive in Sandstone Estates (added Jan 8, 2013)
      1. (added Nov 13, 1984)
        • Shacks road from Co. G north to its dead end.
        • 22nd Ave. from Co G north to its dead end in Sec. 35-17-4
        • 37th St. from 17th west to Co. G
        • 17th Ave. from Co. G north to its dead end
      2. (added Nov 12, 1985)
        • 30th St. west from Co. Hwy G west to Yellow River (Approx. 2 miles)
        • 18th St. to Yellow River (Approximately ½ miles).
      3. (added Oct 13, 2015)
        • 15th Avenue north from Hwy G to 32nd Street
        • 16th Avenue north from County G to 32nd Street
  2. Snowmobiles operated on designated snowmobile routes that cross over public highways shall observe the rules of the road for motor vehicles set forth in Chapter 346, Wis, Statutes, which is hereby adopted by reference and made part of this ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to performed or prohibited by such laws is required or prohibited by this ordinance.


(SECTIONS III, IV, AND V removed March 14, 2023)


SECTION VI  –  Effective dates of this Ordinance

This ordinance shall be in effect during the parts of the year when the machines are used.

SECTION VII  –  This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication or posting.

Introduced and adopted this 12th day of January, 1979.
Approved by the Town Board:
John Laskowski, Chairman
Art Buye, Supervisor
William H. May, Supervisor

Amended and adopted the 13th day of November,  1984.
Approved by the Town Board:
Wayne K. Potter, Chairman
James. E. Dowling, Jr., Supervisor
Lee Janssen, Supervisor

Amended and adopted the 12th day of November, 1985.
Approved by the Town Board:
Wayne K. Potter, Chairman
James. E. Dowling, Jr., Supervisor
Lee Janssen, Supervisor

Amended and adopted the 8th day of January, 2013.
Approved by the Town Board:
Gregg Haunroth, Supervisor
Dale Simonson, Supervisor
Ray Feldman, Supervisor
Jim Collis, Supervisor

Amended and adopted the 11th day of November 2014.
Approved by the Town Board:
Gregg Haunroth, Supervisor
Dale Simonson, Supervisor
Ray Feldman, Supervisor
Jim Collis, Supervisor

Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.
APPROVED:  Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

Amended to add two streets to Section II, a), (3) at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on this 13th day of October, 2015.
APPROVED:  Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

Amended to remove Sections III, IV, and V at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on this 14th day of March, 2023.
APPROVED:                                                            ATTEST:
Gregg Haunroth                                             Susan Ganther
Town Chairman                                             Town Clerk/Treasurer

9. Regulating Land Use

Ordinance 9     Ordinance 9 Regulating Land Use July 13, 2021

13. Regulating Traffic




The Town Board of the Township of Germantown, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:


Except as otherwise specifically provided in this code, the statutory provisions in Chapters 194, and 340-350, of the Wisconsin Statutes, plus the administrative rules and regulations adopted by the secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Code, describing and defining regulations with respect to vehicles and traffic, exclusive of any regulations for which the statutory penalty is a fine or term of imprisonment are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this code as if fully set forth herein.  Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this code.  Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this code in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of traffic on highways, street and alleys of the State of Wisconsin.


  1. DUTY OF THE TOWN BOARD OR ITS DESIGNEE TO ERECT AND INSTALL UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. Whenever traffic regulations created by this code including a State of Wisconsin traffic regulation adopted by reference in Section I, require the erection of traffic control devices for enforcement, the Town Board or its Designee shall procure, erect and maintain uniform traffic control devices conforming to the Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual promulgated by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, giving notice of such traffic regulations to the users of the streets and highways on which such regulations apply.  Whenever State law grants discretion to local authorities in erecting or placement of a uniform traffic control device, devices shall be erected in such location and in such manner as in the judgment of the Town Board will carry out the purposes of this Code and give adequate warning to users of the streets and highways of the Township of Germantown.
  2. CODE NUMBERS TO BE AFFIXED TO OFFICIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. The Town Board or its Designee shall cause to be placed on each official traffic control sign, guide board, mile post, signal or marker erected under subsection (1) a code number assigned by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and shall also place or direct the placing of Code numbers on all existing official traffic control devices as required by the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
  4. OFFICIAL TRAFFIC MAP ESTABLISHED There is hereby established an Official Traffic  Map for the Township of Germantown upon which shall be indicated no parking areas, restricted parking areas, stop signs, arterial intersections, yield signs, special speed limits, one-way highways, school crossings and all other restrictions or limitations contained in this Code, as from time-to-time amended or modified by the Town Board when the laws of the State of Wisconsin require the erection or use of official traffic control devices to enforce such restrictions or limitations.
  5. VIOLATIONS PROHIBITED When official traffic control devices giving notice of the restrictions, prohibitions and limitations shown on the Official Traffic Map are erected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section a violation of the restriction, prohibition or limitation of the provisions of this code.
  6. MAP TO BE MAINTAINED A copy of the Official Traffic Map shall be maintained and displayed in the office of the Town Board or its Designee.
  7. ADDITIONS TO MAP The Town Board may from time-to-time make additions to or deletions from the Official Traffic Map and the Town Board or its Designee shall keep such Official Traffic Map current.
  8. PROHIBITED SIGNS AND MARKERS IN HIGHWAYS No person, other than an officer authorized by this code to erect and maintain official traffic control devices or his or her designee, shall place within the limits of any street or highway maintained by the Township any sign, signal, marker, mark or monument unless permission is first obtained from the Town Board or its Designee and/or the State Highway Commission.  Any sign, signal, marker, mark or monument placed or maintained in violation of this subsection shall be subject to removal as provided in sub. (5)
  9. REMOVAL OF UNOFFICIAL SIGNS, MARKERS, SIGNALS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. The Town Board may remove any sign, signal, marking or other device which is placed, maintained or displayed in violation of this code or state law.  Any charge imposed against premises for removal of a prohibited or illegal sign, signal, marking or device shall be reported to the Town Board for review and certification at its next regular meeting following the imposition of the charge.  Any charge not paid on or before the next succeeding November 15 shall be placed upon the tax roll for collection as other special Town taxes.


The Town Board hereby approves the Statutory speed limits as enforced in the Township, but reserves the right to modify such speed limits were found to be imprudent, unreasonable or unsafe.


  1. THROUGH HIGHWAYS DESIGNATED In the interest of public safety and pursuant to the authority granted by Wisconsin laws, the highways so designated on the official traffic map described in Section II hereof are declared to be through highways.
  2. CONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS DESIGNATED In the interest of public safety, the intersections which have traffic control signals as shown in the official traffic map described in Section II hereof and declared controlled intersections.
  3. DESIGNATION OF LOCATION OF STOP SIGNS AND YIELD SIGNS In the interests of public safety, stop signs and yield signs shall be installed at the locations indicated on the official traffic map referred to in Section II herein.
  4. OPERATORS TO OBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Every operator of a vehicle approaching an intersection at which an official traffic control device is erected shall obey the direction of such official traffic control device as required by the Wisconsin Statutes incorporated by reference in Section I of this Code.


No person shall drive or operate a vehicle on any highway or portion thereof except in conformity with the traffic control device designating and identifying an area; such as a one-way turn or U-turn area; or area designating separate lanes for slow moving traffic or for traffic moving in a particular direction.


  1. STREETS DESIGNATED AS CLASS “B” HIGHWAYS All highways under the control of the Township of Germantown, are hereby designated as Class “B” Highways by the Wisconsin Statutes adopted by reference in Section I of this Code, the County Highway Commission or by the Town Board.
  2. SPECIAL AND SEASONAL WEIGHT LIMITATIONS The Town Board or its Designee shall have the authority to impose special and seasonal weight limitations maintained by the Town to prevent injury to the roadway or for the safety of the users of such bridge or culvert and shall be responsible for erecting uniform traffic control devices giving notice thereof in accordance with this Code.


  1. ABANDONMENT OF VEHILCES PROHIBITED No person shall abandon any vehicle unattended within the Township of Germantown for such time and under such circumstances as to cause the vehicle o reasonably appear to be abandoned.
  2. DEFINITION   As used in this Section “vehicle” means a motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer or mobile home as defined in Section I of this Code, whether or not that vehicle is registered under Chapter 341, Wis. Stats.
  3. PRESUMTION OF ABANDONMENT Any vehicle left unattended for more than 48 hours on any public street or grounds, or on private property where parking is prohibited, limited, or restricted, without the permission of the owner or lessee, is deemed abandoned and constitutes a public nuisance; provided that the vehicle shall not be deemed abandoned under this Section if left unattended on private property out of public view, by permission of the owner or lessee.
  4. EXCEPTIONS This Section shall not apply to a vehicle in an enclosed building; a vehicle in an appropriate storage place or depository maintained in a lawful place and manner.
  5. REMOVAL AND IMPOUNDMENT OR SALE. Any vehicle found abandoned in violation of this Ordinance shall be impounded by the Town Board or its Designee until lawfully claimed or disposed of as provided in this Section.  If the Town Board determines towing costs and storage charges for the impoundment period, would exceed the value of the vehicle, the vehicle may be junked or sold prior to the expiration of the impoundment.  Upon the determination by the Town Board or its Designee that the vehicle is not wanted for evidence or any other reason; provided that vehicle is in excess of 19 model years of age shall be sold or disposed of only by auction, sale or sealed bid in accordance with this subsection.
  6. MINIMUM IMPOUNDMENT   The minimum period of impoundment or storage of a vehicle found in violation of this Section shall be 30 days.
  7. NOTCIE TO OWNER The Town Board or its Designee removing or causing the removal of any vehicle found in violation of this Section shall within 2 days thereafter notify the owner and lien holders of record, by certified mail, of the impoundment and of their right to reclaim the vehicle.  The notice shall set forth information contained in Section 342.40(3), Wis. Stats., and shall state that the failure of the owner to lien holders to exercise their rights to reclaim the vehicle shall be deemed a waiver of all right, title and interest in the vehicle and a consent to the sale of the vehicle.
  8. SALE Each retained vehicle not reclaimed by the owner or lien holder may be disposed of by sealed bid or auction sale a provided in Section 342.40(3), Wis. Stats.
  9. SALE TO BAR CLAIMS AGAINST VEHICLE The sale of a motor vehicle under the provisions of this Section shall forever bar all prior claims thereto and interest therein except as hereinafter provided.
  10. PURCHASER TO REMOVE VEHICLE The purchaser of any vehicle on sealed bid or auction sale under this Section shall have ten (10) days to remove the vehicle from the storage area upon payment of a storage fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule for each day the vehicle has remained in storage after the second business day subsequent to the sale date.  Ten (10) days after the sale the purchaser shall forfeit all interest in the vehicle and the vehicle shall be deemed to be abandoned and may be again sold.
  11. REQUEST FOR LIST    Any listing of vehicles to be sold pursuant to this Section shall be made available by the Town Clerk or his Designee to any interested person or organization who makes a written request therefore, for a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
  12. NOTICE TO DEPARTMENT Within five (5) days after sale or disposition of a vehicle under this Section, the Clerk shall advise the Wisconsin Department of Transportation of such sale or disposition on a form supplied by the Department.
  13. OWNER MAY FILE At any time within two (2) years of a sale of a motor vehicle as provided herein, any person claiming ownership of such motor vehicle or a financial interest therein may present a claim to the Town Board setting forth such facts as are necessary to establish such ownership or interest, and that the failure of the claimant to reclaim the vehicle prior to sale was not the result of the neglect or fault of the claimant.  If the Town Board is satisfied as to the Justice of such claim, it may allow the same but in no case shall the amount allowed exceed the sum paid in to the Town Treasury as a result of the sale of such motor vehicle, nor the amount of interest of the claimant therein.
  14. EXEMPTION Any owner or person operating a registered vehicle which shall become disabled or inoperative for any reason, and who shall be unable to cause removal of such vehicle from any alley, street, highway or public place, not otherwise regulated as a restricted parking, stopping or standing zone, shall within twelve (12) hours of such occurrence, notify the Town Board or its Designee of the location of the vehicle an shall transfer and deliver clear title for said vehicle to the Designee together with a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule to offset the costs of towing and junking charges and shall be exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance.

When so requested by the owner or person in charge of a vehicle, the Board’s Designee shall be authorized to order such vehicle removed and junked directly from the scene of disablement by him or a contractor engaged by the Town for towing of disabled vehicles.


  1. FORFEITURE PENALTY The penalty for a violation of any provision of this Code shall be a forfeiture as hereinafter provided together with the costs of prosecution and the penalty assessment imposed by Section 165.87 Wis. Stats., where applicable.  Payment of the judgment may be suspended by the sentencing Judge for not more than sixty (60) days.  Any person who shall fail to pay the amount of forfeiture, costs of prosecution and penalty imposed for violation of any provision of this Code may, upon Order of the Court entering Judgment therefore and having jurisdiction of the case, be imprisoned until such forfeiture, costs and assessments are paid, but not exceeding ninety (90) days.
  2. OTHER SANCTIONS Nothing herein shall preclude or affect the power of the sentencing Court to exercise additional authorities granted by the Wisconsin Statutes to suspend or revoke the operating privileges of the defendant or to order the defendant to submit to assessment and rehabilitation or attend traffic safety school in addition to payment of a monetary penalty or in lieu of imprisonment.
  3. FORFEITURES FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC OFFENSES Forfeitures for violations of any traffic regulations set forth in the Wisconsin Statutes adopted by reference in Section I of this Code shall conform to the comparable State Statutes, including any variations or increases for subsequent offenses; provided, however, that this subsection shall not permit prosecution under this Code of any offense for which an imprisonment penalty or fine may be imposed upon the defendant.


This Ordinance shall be enforced in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes and this Section.

  1. APPLICABLE COURT PROCEDURES Except as otherwise specifically provided by the laws of the Statutes or this Code, the traffic regulations of this Code shall be enforced in the Circuit Court of Juneau County in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 288 and 299 and Section 345.20(2)(a), Wis. Stats.

Introduced and adopted April 13, 1981
Gervase Thompson, Town Chairman
Paula Tessmer, Town Clerk


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED:  Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer 



Amended to remove the word “culvert” and add “special and seasonal weight limitations” to section VI, 2, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on this 13th day of October, 2015.

APPROVED:   Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

15. Town Roads





The Town Board of the Town of Germantown does ordain that:



State Statutes 86.01 through 86.07 through 86.105, 86.14 through 86.17, 86.19(1), (3), and 86.192 are specifically adopted and incorporated into this ordinance.  Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this ordinance in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of highways, streets and alleys of the State of Wisconsin. 



After May 9,2023, all roads, prior to being accepted by the Town from a developer, owner or other entity, shall have the following minimum geometric design standards:  Right of way; 4 rods: crushed aggregate base course roadway width 30 feet hot mix asphalt pavement; surface width 22 feet; gravel shoulder width 3 feet.



Before any road or street will be accepted by the Town, the owner must comply with the following requirements:


  1. That the 4 rod right of way has been brushed, ditched and back-sloped, except that back-sloping may be eliminated by action of the Town Board or its designated representative if the natural ground slope is such as to render back-slope grading impractical.


  1. That the depth of ditching shall be adequate to meet the drainage requirements existing at the site, but in no case shall the ditching be less than 15’ below the bottom of the road base material. A 12’ diameter culvert which extends at least 2 feet beyond either edge of a driveway must be installed if that driveway would impede drainage water flow.  Owner’s responsibility of all new driveways.  For town roads contact the Zoning Administrator, for county roads contact the County Road Superintendent.


  1. Knolls and hills shall be leveled to provide vision of a minimum of .1 mile in either direction.


  1. Curves and intersections shall be graded and designed to provide full vision and safety for all users of the road or street.


  1. There shall be a minimum of 8” compacted road base material conforming to section 305 of the State of Wisconsin, DOT, Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure The road base shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% Modified Proctor Density crowned at the center line and evenly sloped at a downward grade of 2% to the outer edge of the shoulder. 


  1. The roadway finished surface shall be three inch hotmix asphalt pavement applied and finished in accordance with Section 460 of the State of Wisconsin Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction. The finished surface shall be crowned and sloped as provided for the road base. The hot mix asphalt pavement shall be constructed in two courses.  The first course shall be a 1.5 inch binder course.  The second course shall be a 1.5 inch surface course.


  1. Shoulders shall be of the same material as the road base or surfaced roadway, level with the joining roadway surface. Shoulders shall be compacted to the same degree as the road base.


  1. Ditches shall be seeded with a DOT standard seed mixture appropriate to the area and conditions, applied in accordance with Section 630, of the State of Wisconsin, DOT Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction. Growth of seeded mixture plants shall be healthy, without burn and a minimum of two inches in height upon acceptance.


  1. Public roads should be laid out to be through streets if possible. If cul-de-sacs are used, the cul-de-sacs shall have a right of  way radius of at least 75 feet .



Town Ordinance 5, “Ordinance to assign town road names”, published October 19, 1976, is incorporated herein and Ordinance 5 is abolished.



In accordance with Statute 81.01(11) of Wisconsin Statutes (created by chapter 381, Laws of 1975), which requires the assignment of names of each road under the Town’s jurisdiction, the road names as shown on the attached plat are hereby assignees.”



Naming of roads will also require coordination with Juneau County to avoid name duplication.



Any person(s), form or corporation violating a provision of Section I of this Ordinance shall be liable, upon conviction to the fines or imprisonment or other legal resources as provided for in the State Statutes concerned. 



If any provision of this Ordinance is invalid or unconstitutional, or if the application of this ordinance to any person or circumstance is invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the provision or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or applications.



This Ordinance shall be in force and affect the day after legal publication.  The foregoing ordinance was amended and adopted at a regular meeting of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, on January 14, 1997. 

                                Michael Sullivan, Supervisor 1

                                C.J. Laridaen, Supervisor 2

                                J.V. Schulz, Town Chairman

                                Published this 15th day of February, 1997

                                Kathleen Potter, Town Clerk


Changes were adopted at a regular town meeting of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, on June 10, 2003.

                                Robert Miller, Town Chairman

                                Rosetta Boyle, Supervisor

                                Richard Mazzoni, Supervisor

                                Bartley Hallinan, Supervisor

                                Wilmer (Bud) Kass, Supervisor


Changes were adopted at the regular town meeting of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, on September 15, 2004.

                                Robert Miller, Town Chairman

                                Rosetta Boyle, Supervisor

                                Richard Mazzoni, Supervisor

                                Wilmer (Bud) Kass, Supervisor

                                Dave Specht, Supervisor



Changes and updates were adopted a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on this 9th day of May, 2023. 

APPROVED:  Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman 

ATTEST:  Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

18. Hand Guns




The town board of the Township of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:

Definitions:  As used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

  1. “Public Building” means any structure, including exterior platform or steps providing means for ingress or egress, used in whole or in part as a place of resort, assemblage, lodging, trade, traffic, occupancy, or use by the public.
  2. “Hand Gun” means any weapon designed or redesigned, or made or remade, and intended to be fired while held in one hand and to use the energy of an explosive to expel a projectile through a smooth or rifled bore.

It shall be unlawful for any person to wear or carry a hand gun in any building open for business to the public, except of said person’s place of lodging, in the Township of Germantown, unless the person is:

  1. A law enforcement officer;
  2. A licensed gun dealer at his place of business;
  3. In a licensed gun dealer’s place of business for the purpose of buying or selling a hand gun, or delivering or picking up a hand gun for repairs.
  4. In possession of a Wisconsin concealed carry permit issued under state statute 175.60, or an out-of-state concealed carry permit that is recognized by the state of Wisconsin.

Any person found to be in violation of this Ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.

If any section or part of this Ordinance shall be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.  To this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are declared severable.

This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Introduced and adopted this 13th day of September, 1982


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer                     


Amended to add section II. d. at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on November 10, 2015.

d. In possession of a Wisconsin concealed carry permit issued under state statute 175.60, or an out-of-state concealed carry permit that is recognized by the state of Wisconsin.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman 
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

22. Zoning Ordinance (includes camping)

Ordinance-22   Zoning Ordinance

23. Signs

Sign Ordinance – Sign Ordinance #23 as updated Oct 12, 2021

25. Subdivisions

Ordinance 25      2002-11-12       Subdivisions

27. Issuance of Citations




The Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:

Pursuant to Section 66.119 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Germantown hereby elects to use the citation method of enforcement of town ordinances described herein other than those for which a statutory counterpart exists.

The citations shall contain the following:

  1. The name and address of the alleged violator;
  2. The factual allegations describing the alleged violation;
  3. The time and place of the offense;
  4. The section of the ordinance violated;
  5. A designation of the offense in such as can readily be understood by a person making a reasonable effort to do so;
  6. The time at which the alleged violator may appear in court;
  7. A statement which in essence informs the alleged violator:
  8. That a cash deposit based on the schedule established by this ordinance may be made which shall be delivered or mailed to the Clerk of Court prior to the time of scheduled court appearance.
  9. That if a deposit is made, no appearance in court is necessary unless subsequently summoned.
  10. That if a cash deposit is made and the alleged violator does not appear in Court, he will be deemed to have entered a plea of no contest, or if the court does not accept the plea of no contest, a summons will be issued commanding him/her to appear in court to answer the complaint.
  11. That if no cash deposit is made and the alleged violator does not appear in court at the time specified, an action may be commenced to collect the forfeiture.
  12. A direction that if the alleged violator elects to make cash deposit, the statement which accompanies the citation shall be signed to indicate that the statement required under “g” above has been read. Such statement shall be sent or brought with the cash deposit.
  13. Such other information as the Town deems necessary.

Deposits shall be made in the amount equal to a schedule adopted by the Town Board and amended from time to time by resolution. Copies of the schedule shall be available from the Town Clerk.

Citations may be issued by members of the Town Board or any individual designated by the Town Board pursuant to board resolution.

Section 66.119(3) Wisconsin Statutes relating to violator’s options and procedures on default is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.

Adoption of this ordinance does not preclude the Town Board from adopting any other law or ordinance relating to the same or other matter.

The issuance of a citation hereunder shall not preclude the Town Board or any authorized office from proceedings under any other ordinance or law or by any other enforcement method to enforce any ordinance, regulation or order.

If any provision of this ordinance is invalid or unconstitutional, or if the application of this ordinance to any person or circumstances is invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity to unconstitutionality shall not affect the provision or application of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application.

This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication as provided by law.

The foregoing ordinance was adopted at a regular town meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown on February 29, 1996.

Ordinances enforced by citation include (Ordinance number and simplified subject matter only):
Ordinance 1  Regulating Boat Speed
Ordinance 3  Littering
Ordinance 4  Driveways
Ordinance 7  Snowmobiles
Ordinance 8  Camping
Ordinance 9  Division of Lands, etc.
Ordinance 14  Slow – No Wake
Ordinance 18  Control of Hand Guns
Ordinance 22  Zoning
Ordinance 23  Signs
Ordinance 24 Recycling
Ordinance 28  Slow – No Wake


Adopted February 29, 1996

29. Increase Size of Town Board




The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:

That as provided for by s.s. 60.21, the Town Board shall be increase from three to five members during the spring election of 1998.  This provides for three supervisors being elected during the spring election of 1997 and two supervisors being elected during the spring election of 1998.  This pattern of electing three supervisors each odd numbered year and two supervisors each even numbered year shall be ongoing as provided by s.s. 60.21 (1).

An advisory but non-binding referendum shall be available to the electorate during the general election of November 5, 1996.

The wording of the referendum ballot shall read:  “Shall the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin increase the size of the Town Board from three to five in the year 1998?  This is an advisory, non-binding referendum.”

The final decision to increase the size of the Town Board shall rest with the Town Board elected at and installed in office following the spring election of 1997.

This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and one day after publishing.


Published this 29th day of October, 1996.

30. Speed Zones





The Town Board, Town of Germantown, County of Juneau, State of Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:



A traffic and engineering investigation having been made on the following described highways, the maximum permissible speed at which vehicles may be operated on said highways, which speed is herewith established as reasonable and safe pursuant to section 346.57 (4)(g) and section 349.11, Wisconsin Statutes, shall be as set forth herein, and upon erection of standard signs giving notice thereof.


The maximum permissible speed for all vehicles on the following described portion of town roads in the Town of Germantown shall be forty-five miles per hour:


  1. 16th Avenue from 38th Street, south to County Highway G
  2. 17th Avenue from 38th Street, south to County Highway G
  3. 19th Avenue from 28th Street, south to County Highway G
  4. 19th Avenue from County Highway G south to 43rd Street
  5. Petras Road
  6. 38th Street from State 58, east to 17th Avenue
  7. 40th Street from 19th Avenue, east to County Highway G
  8. 41st Avenue from 19th Avenue, east to County Highway G
  9. 15th Avenue from 37th Street, south to 38th Street


The maximum permissible speed for all vehicles on the following described portion of town roads in the Town of Germantown shall be thirty-five mile per hour:


  1. 15th Avenue from Little Yellow River, south to 37th Street
  2. Shacks Road
  3. 38th Street from 17th Avenue, east to Pine Cove Resort
  4. 22nd Avenue, South
  5. 22nd Avenue, North from 31st to 29th
  6. 17th Avenue, from 38th Street, north to end
  7. 29th Street
  8. 30th Street
  9. 31st Street
  10. 18th Street
  11. 17th Street between 28th and 30th
  12. 37th Street from State Highway 58, east to 17th Avenue
  13. 32nd Street from Hwy 58 to 15th Avenue


The maximum permissible speed for all vehicles on the following described portion of town roads, in the Town of Germantown shall be twenty-five miles per hour:


  1. 19th Avenue from 36th Street, north to County Highway G
  2. 16th Avenue from 32nd, south to County Highway G
  3. 20th Avenue from 36h Street, north to County Highway G
  4. 15th Avenue from 32nd Street, south to County Highway G
  5. 22nd from 29th to 28th
  6. 32nd Street from 15th Avenue to 16th Avenue
  7. Alice Lane
  8. Apache Trail
  9. Bailey’s Boulevard
  10. Barbara Lane
  11. Bayshore Drive
  12. Bayside Circle
  13. Beach Drive
  14. Beach Cottage Drive
  15. Beach Landing
  16. Beachtown Circle
  17. Beachview Circle
  18. Big Oak Drive
  19. Blue Water Court
  20. Blue Water Circle
  21. Boater’s Dream Drive
  22. Brook Trout Court
  23. Buckhorn Drive
  24. Cabin Court
  25. Castaway Drive
  26. Castle Court
  27. Castle Rock Drive
  28. Cherokee Circle
  29. Cherokee Lane
  30. Clearwater Drive
  31. Copper Point Drive
  32. Collie Drive
  33. Dam Road
  34. Deer Park Drive
  35. Deer Path
  36. Driftwood Lane
  37. East Point Circle
  38. East Side Court
  39. Etier Way
  40. Evergreen Lane
  41. Evergreen Street (Gardens)
  42. Fish Camp Circle
  43. Forkhorn Court
  44. Germantown Drive
  45. Glacier Road
  46. Godfrey Avenue
  47. Haagenson Circle
  48. Half Moon Bay Drive, East
  49. Half Moon Bay Drive, West
  50. High Ridge Road
  51. Horny Place
  52. Island Court
  53. Island Lake Drive
  54. Island View Drive
  55. Jim Legge Drive
  56. Jones Avenue
  57. Kayak Court
  58. Lake Cabin Drive
  59. Lake Court
  60. Lakeport Circle
  61. Lake Road (High Ridge Subdivision)
  62. Lakeview Court
  63. Legend Lake Circle
  64. Lookout Point Court
  65. Lucy Lane
  66. Mallard Drive
  67. Mallard Drive (Eagle Lake)
  68. Meadow Court
  69. Meadow Drive
  70. Meadow Lane
  71. Nordall Lane
  72. Northface Cir
  73. North Fly Rod Court
  74. North Lake Drive
  75. North Log Cabin Court
  76. North Osprey Drive
  77. North Shore Drive
  78. North Stone Gate Drive
  79. Northwater Circle
  80. Oakdale Drive
  81. Oak Hollow Trail
  82. Osprey Drive
  83. Osprey Road
  84. Osprey Court
  85. Overlook Drive
  86. Park Place Drive
  87. Pheasant Drive
  88. Pine Lane
  89. Poplar Lane
  90. Presnell Court
  91. Quail Drive
  92. Quiet Water Court
  93. Rainbow Trout Court
  94. Raven Court
  95. Raven Drive
  96. Red Oak Court
  97. Red Pine Drive (May’s Point)
  98. Ridgewater Drive (to cul-de-sac)
  99. Rising Sun Court
  100. River’s Edge Road
  101. Ruby Drive
  102. Running Bear Trail
  103. Ruth Court
  104. Sandstone Drive
  105. Sawyer Road
  106. Setting Sun Court
  107. Shady Lane
  108. Shimmering Waters Drive
  109. Silver Canoe Court
  110. Sioux Court
  111. South Fly Rod Court
  112. South Lake Drive
  113. South Log Cabin Court
  114. South Osprey Drive
  115. South Shore Road
  116. South Stone Gate Drive
  117. Sullivan Lane
  118. Sunny Lane
  119. Sunset Drive
  120. Three Rivers Drive
  121. Timber Ridge Lane
  122. Timber Trail
  123. Tomahawk Trail
  124. Trail’s End Court
  125. Trophy Drive
  126. Wally Way
  127. Water Street
  128. Waterstone Lane
  129. Waterway Circle
  130. Westwater Circle
  131. Whistling Wings Drive
  132. White Oak Drive
  133. White Sand Court
  134. Windcrest Court
  135. Windover Court
  136. Wood Duck Lane
  137. Woodland Trail
  138. Woodside Avenue
  139. 15th Avenue from County Highway G south to Little Yellow River
  140. Woodland Drive
  141. Oakwood Lane



Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance may be required to forfeit a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.



This ordinance replaces and/or supersedes previously published ordinances numbered 10, 11, 12, 19, and 20.



This ordinance shall be in force and effect the day after legal publication.


The foregoing ordinance was introduced and adopted at the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown this 13th day of July, 1999.


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

Amended by the town board at a meeting held November 13, 2018

Amended by the town board at a meeting held December 11, 2018.

Amended by the town board at a meeting held August 16, 2022.

Amended by the town board at a meeting held July 18, 2023.


APPROVED:                                                                            ATTEST:

Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman                                  Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

31. State of Emergency

Ordinance 31


WHEREAS, Chapter 166 of the Wisconsin Statutes confers the power to plan for and response to natural or man-made disasters on the County; and

WHEREAS, Chapter 166 authorizes local governments to adopt ordinances to provide for emergency management;

WHEREAS, it is advisable to provide for clear lines of authority and control in the event of emergencies to that governmental resource can be quickly and effectively applied to meet emergency situations;

WHEREAS, Town Board has opined that the Town has the authority to adopt an ordinance delegating the power to declare an emergency to its Town Board Chairperson;

NOW THEREFORE, the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Germantown does hereby ordain as follows:

Ordinance 31 of the Town of Germantown Code of Ordinances is created to read as follows:


31.1(1) Findings.  The Town Board of Supervisors finds that preparation for and planning to meet the circumstances which may confront the Town in times of natural or man-made disasters or emergencies is a high priority of the Town.  Town’s obligation to promote the public health, safety and welfare requires that clear procedures be adopted in advance of emergencies so that the resources necessary to respond that such emergencies can be immediately and effectively directed to meet them.  Therefore, the Board finds, that pursuant to section 59.07(64), stats., the public peace, health, safety and welfare, together with the need to maintain the good order of the community, requires that an ordinance be adopted providing for emergency management, and delegating the power to coordinate such emergency management to the Town Board Chairperson.

31.2(2) Declaration of Emergency.  Whenever, in the discretion of the Town Board Chairperson, it appears that by reason of flood, storms, hail, pests, drought, chemical contamination, radioactive contamination, insurrection, civil emergency, tornado, ice storm, or other natural or man-made emergency, it becomes necessary, to provide for the safety, welfare, health and relief of the residents and occupants of Town of Germantown, the Chairperson may declare an emergency according to the provisions of this ordinance.

31.3(3) Declaration of Emergency. Upon the happening of an event described in section 10.2 of this code, the Chairperson may sign a written order finding that circumstances describing the order warrant and require the declaration of an emergency.  The declaration shall state the area covered by the declaration with reference to towns or incorporated municipalities.  The declaration shall state the purpose of the declaration, for citing the general goals sought to be accomplished through the declaration.  The declaration shall state the expiration date of the declaration; if no date is provided, the declaration shall automatically expire within or at the end of the seventh day following the proclamation.

31.4(4) Effective Declaration.  Upon the execution of the declaration, the Chairperson shall file a copy of the declaration with the Town Clerk, and communicate the declaration to the Town Chairman, Mayors, Village Presidents, or other local officials of the areas affected by the declaration.  A copy of the declaration shall also be provided to the sheriff of Juneau County and to its Chiefs of Police of any police departments within the area affected by the declaration.  The Chairperson shall seek with diligence to inform the public through the press and media of the emergency.  The declaration shall have the effect of an ordinance enacted pursuant to section 59.04(64), Stats. And shall be enforceable as such.  The Sheriff and other law enforcement officers are authorized to use the power of arrests to affect necessary protective evacuation of individuals from disaster areas, and the Town shall save and hold harmless any peace officer acting in good faith pursuant to the directives of a declaration of an emergency.

31.5(5) Town Board Chairperson Powers; Enforcement.  For the purpose of effecting emergency response, the Town Board Chairperson shall, during the term of any declared emergency, exercise the supervisory powers of Town department heads and employees that are provided to the county administrator by section 59.033m stats, not-withstanding this grant of authority, however, the Town Board Chairperson may not utilize this supervisory authority for the purpose of discharging or demoting any town employee.  The Town Board Chairperson shall have the authority to direct by order that persons endangered by the pendency of natural or man-made disasters may be evacuated by the sheriff and other peace officers.  The Town Board Chairperson may also order and direct the prosecution of relief efforts using equipment owned or obtained by the Town for any necessary purpose related to disaster relief.

31.6(6) Succession to authority of Town Chairperson.  In the event that the Town Board Chairperson is absent from the state or is physically unavailable to exercise the authority vested in this ordinance, or has been incapacitated by accident, disease or injury, then the powers contained in this ordinance shall transfer to a person designated by a Resolution, enacted in May of each year, naming a Line of Succession approved by a majority vote of the Town Board.

31.7(7) Obstruction of Emergency Relief Efforts; Penalty.  No person may obstruct, interfere, impede or in any way harass or impair the efficient and effective prosecution of relief efforts necessary for the protection of persons or property.  Any person who so obstructs or impairs relief efforts, having first been warned orally by the relief authority to desist from such activities, may be fined according to fees set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.  Each day of the violation shall be considered a separate offense.  It shall be a defense to this offense for a person, not incompetent, to refuse  to be evacuated for the reason that the person wishes to remain with his or her property and the person releases and waives any liability on the part of the county or its officers for failing to evacuate the individual.

This ordinance shall be effective on the day following its publication.  Town of Germantown Board of Supervisors.

Passed on Feb 13, 2001


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer



Amended to add the bold text below to 31.6(6) Succession to authority of Town Chairperson.  In the event that the Town Board Chairperson is absent from the state or is physically unavailable to exercise the authority vested in this ordinance, or has been incapacitated by accident, disease or injury, then the powers contained in this ordinance shall transfer to a person designated by a Resolution, enacted in May of each year, naming a Line of Succession approved by a majority vote of the Town Board.

at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on this 13th day of October, 2015.

APPROVED:  Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

34. Public Nuisance



Section 1: Title / Purpose
This ordinance is entitled the “Town of Germantown Public Nuisance Ordinance”. The purpose of this ordinance is as follows:

Section 2: Authority
The Town Board of the Town of Germantown has the specific authority, powers and duties, pursuant to Sec, 66 (1998-1998) Wis. Stats., and Chapters 60, 61, 62, 66 and 823, Wis. State Stats., and pursuant to the specific statutory sections noted in this ordinance and/or by its adoption of village powers under Sec. 60.10, (1988-1989) Wis. Stats., to regulate, control, prevent and enforce against in the Town of Germantown certain uses, activities, businesses and operations by persons that may cause a public nuisance in the Town of Germantown.

Section 3: Purpose
The purpose of this ordinance is to promote and protect the peace, health, safety, property and general welfare of the Town; to protect and preserve property values; to abate and prevent blighted areas; and to recognize the private and public benefits resulting from the safe maintenance of buildings and vacant areas.

Section 4:  General Provisions

4.1 Public Health Nuisance
No person shall cause, allow or permit any person to create any public nuisance areas on owned, leased, or controlled by that person in the Town of Germantown. The following are specifically declared by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown to be public health nuisances. This declaration should not be construed to exclude other public nuisances affecting public health in the Town of Germantown.

a.  breeding places for vermin, etc.; Accumulation of decayed animal or vegetable matter, garbage, refuse, rubbish, rotting lumber, bedding, packing materials, scrap metal or any materials whatsoever in which flies, mosquitoes, disease carrying insects, rats or other vermin may breed.

b.  an unburied animal carcass area where a dead animal or dead animals are not buried in a sanitary manner within 24 hours of death.

c.  stagnant water area where mosquitoes, flies and other insects can breed.

d.  noxious odors, etc.: Any use of property, substances or things within the Town  emitting or causing any foul, offensive noisome, nauseous, noxious or dis-agreeable odors, gases, effluvia or stenches extremely repulsive to ordinary persons, or which annoy, discomfort, injure or inconvenience the health of any appreciable number of persons within the Town of Germantown.

e.  well pollution area where pollution from the premises entering the ground water is a cause of a private or public drinking water well on another property to become of lesser quality.

f.  surface water pollution area where pollution from the premises entering the surface water is a cause of private or public drinking water well on another property or any river, stream, lake, ditch, canal, or other body of water to become of a lesser quality.

g. an air pollution area where emissions of smoke, soot, fumes, gases, ash, dust or other pollutants into the atmosphere repulsive to the senses of ordinary persons are allowed to continue to the annoyance or discomfort of persons or are allowed to cause injury to persons or property in the Town of Germantown.

h.   human burial area where a human body or bodies are buried in the Town of Germantown outside of an established cemetery.

i.  an unwholesome food area where harmful, contaminated or polluted food or drink is sold or served on the premises to persons in the Town of Germantown.

j.   a dangerous building area where the building, structure, place or the electrical, heat or water supply is in a condition and location to cause a menace or danger to the public health of persons in the Town of Germantown.

k.  an improper sewage area where the effluent from the sewer, septic tank, holding tank or cesspool on the premises is in a condition and location to cause a menace or danger to public health of persons in the Town of Germantown.

l. a noxious material discharge area where the discharge, disposal, storage or treatment of noxious, filthy, decaying or nauseous materials repulsive to the senses of ordinary persons are allowed to continue to the substantial annoyance or substantial discomfort of persons or are allowed to cause injury to persons or property in the Town of Germantown.

m.  No unpermitted dumping in brush dump.  See Fee Schedule for permit for fees and fines.

 4.2  Public Safety Nuisance
No person shall cause, allow or permit any person to create any public nuisance area on the premises owned, leased or controlled by that person in the Town of Germantown. The following are specifically declared by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown to be public nuisances. The declaration should not be construed to exclude other public nuisances affecting public safety in the Town of Germantown.

  1. an abandoned or wrecked motor vehicle area where motor vehicles, tractors, house trailers, railroad cars and/or other motorized vehicles and abandoned or unused refrigerators or other containers with airtight doors from which the doors or covers have not been removed which are allowed to accumulate without a proper junkyard permit issued by the Town of Germantown except as allowed under Ordinance 22, Sec. 2.05 of the Town of Germantown Zoning Ordinance.
  2. a dilapidated building area where old or dilapidated buildings, structures and equipment are allowed to stand while they are dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary, uninhabitable, unfit for the use to which originally intended or adopted or otherwise unfit for human use and occupancy.
  3. a dangerous tree area where trees and limbs are in a condition and location to cause a menace or danger to public safety to persons in the Town of Germantown.
  4. a loud noise area where loud sounds of motor vehicles, animals or music, including ordinary persons are allowed to continue to the annoyance or discomfort of persons or injury to person or property in the Town of Germantown.
  5. an obstruction area where structures, hedges, trees, weeds, signs, billboards,buildings, or equipment are installed or maintained near a public highway, road, street, alley, or railroad crossing and due to the condition and location block a clean view of traffic including but not limited to state standards at intersections that cause a menace or danger to public safety or persons in the Town of Germantown
  6. violations of state laws relating to the storage of flammable liquids.

4.3      Property Value Nuisance
No person in the Town of Germantown shall cause, allow or permit any person to maintain a nuisance on premises owned, leased or controlled by that person where the nuisance causes substantial diminution of the value of properties of others in the neighborhood wherein which the premises is located..

4.4      Public Hazard Nuisance
To prevent a public nuisance, no person in the Town of Germantown shall cause, allow or permit any person to allow the premises owned, leased or controlled by that person to become dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary, foul, a fire menace or public hazard by:

  1.  allowing illegal, offensive or unsafe vegetation to grow on the premises.
  2. allowing trash, debris, old lumber, furniture, freezers, stoves, refrigerators, tires, or waste to accumulate in unsheltered areas on the premises
  3. allowing combustibles rubbish, paper, oily rags, petroleum products or other highly flammable materials to be improperly secured and or improperly stored in or around any building on the premises
  4. allowing domestic animals (dangerous or otherwise) to run at large or on the premises wherein they can access property of another to the annoyance or discomfort of persons or are allowed to cause injury to persons or property in the Town of Germantown
  5. any dwelling within the Town of Germantown which is in a general condition of disrepair or deterioration showing the structure has not been maintained for a substantial period of time shall be deemed a Property Value Nuisance.

 4.5 Highway Noise Nuisance
No person shall cause, allow or permit any person to operate any motor vehicle in the Town of Germantown where the sound level from the operation of the motor vehicle is a noise disturbance or a noise nuisance created at or by the motor vehicle included but not limited to creating sounds in excess of 80 decibels at 100 feet.

4.6   Waste Disposal Nuisance
The Town of Germantown prohibits, any person from intentionally discharging or depositing any solid waste, hazardous waste, recyclable materials or any other waste materials on or along any sidewalk, roadway, street, alley or highway in the Town of Germantown, in the water in the Town of Germantown, on the ice of any water in the          Town of Germantown or on any public or private property in the Town of Germantown

4.7   Blighted Premises
No person shall cause, allow or permit any person to create or maintain on the premises owned, leased or controlled by the person in the Town of Germantown any structure, mobile home, improvement or premises which is a menace to public health, safety, morals or welfare in its present condition or which endangers life and/or property by threat of fire or other hazards is hereby declared a public nuisance including:

  1. Illegal buildings – All buildings erected, repaired or altered in violation of German- town ordinances or state law.
  2. Dilapidated structures – All buildings or structures old, dilapidated or out of repair as to be dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary, or otherwise unfit for human use or occupancy or that the building offends the aesthetic character of the immediate neighborhood or produces blight or deterioration.
  3. Every foundation, wall, roof, window and every other entrance to a structure which is not maintained to prevent the entrance and harborage of rats, mice or other vermin.
  4. Abandoned, untitled or unlicensed mobile homes, recreational vehicles, travel trailers unfit for human use or occupancy.

Section 5  Penalty/Abatement

5.1        Right to Inspect
 The Town or its designee shall have the authority to enter upon any public or private premises and dwelling unit located within the Town, at reasonable hours, upon notice, for the purpose of inspecting to determine whether a violation of this ordinance exists.  Where entry is denied, the Town will obtain a special inspection warrant as provided by law.

5.2       Notice to Owner
If a public nuisance exists, notice shall be given to the person causing, permitting or maintaining such nuisance or upon the owner or occupant of the premises by regular mail.  The notice shall direct them to abate or remove such nuisance within a time specified and unless such nuisance is abated, the Town will cause the same to be abated and charge the cost thereof to the owner, occupant and person causing or allowing the nuisance, as the case may be.  However, in the case of immediate danger to the public health, safety or peace, the Town’s designee having a duty to enforce shall act immediately hereunder.

5.3       Abatement by Town
If the nuisance is not abated within the time provide or if the owner, occupant or person causing the nuisance cannot be found, the Town’s designee have the duty of enforcement shall cause the abatement or removal of such nuisance

5.4       Abatement by Court Action
If the public nuisance exists on private premises but the nature of such nuisance is not such as to threaten great and immediate danger to public health, safety or peace, then a court action to abate such nuisance may be commenced as provided in the Wisconsin Statutes.

5.5       Other Methods Not Excluded
Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as prohibiting or limiting the abatement of public nuisances or other objectionable conditions by the Town of Germantown in accordance with the laws of the state.

5.6       Cost of Abatement
In addition to any other penalty imposed herein for the creation, continuation or maintenance of a public nuisance, the cost of abating a public nuisance shall be collected as a debt from the owner, occupant or person causing, permitting or maintaining the nuisance, and if notice to abate the nuisance has been given to the owner, such costs may be imposed as a special charge against real property for services rendered to the property served and become a lien against the property which it is imposed .  The delinquent special charge shall be included in the current or next tax roll for collection and settlement under Chapter 74.

5.7       Penalty
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.

Section 6   Severability
If any provision of this ordinance is invalid or unconstitutional, or if the application of this ordinance to any person or circumstance is invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the provisions or applications of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application.

Section 7   Effective Date
This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and one day after publication as provided by law.



ADOPTED by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, this 11th day of July 2000.

APPROVED: Town Chairman Wayne Potter, Supervisor Robert Brainerd, Supervisor – Rosetta Boyle, Supervisor Wilmer (Bud) Kass, Supervisor – Richard Mazzoni
ATTEST: Marion L. Uphoff


1Amended this 14th day of April, 2009

APPROVED: Chairman – William Jax, Supervisor – Rosetta Boyle, Supervisor – Steve Gillespie, Supervisor – Michael Poe, Supervisor – David Specht
ATTEST: Clerk/Treasurer – Betty Manson


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer


Amended to add “m” to Section 4.1 to say, “no unpermitted dumping in brush dump.  See Fee Schedule for permit fees and fines.”, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 14th day of February, 2023. 


Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman                      


Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer


35. Town Road Damage




The intent of this Ordinance is to regulate any vehicle, trailer, equipment or machinery which may be propelled, moved on, along and/or across town roads in a manner which causes damage to the roadway.

The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:

Except as otherwise specified in this ordinance, the statutory provision in Chapter 81 of the Wisconsin Statutes, plus the administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Code, describing and defining regulations with respect to town highway use, exclusive of any regulations for which the statutory penalty is a fine or imprisonment are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this ordinance as set forth herein.

No personal shall operate a vehicle, trailer, item of machinery, or equipment, exceeding 1,500 lbs. in weight, which is not supported or moved on rubber covered wheels, across any hard surface portion of a town road including unloading onto, moving onto, over or across any such road, unless the portion of the road to be traversed has been covered by protective material which will prevent damage to the road, nor shall any person operate such equipment in a manner to cause the tires to spin and displace pavement, sand or gravel, from the roadway, gouge into the road surface, crack, break off or rut the road surface.

The owner of any such equipment as described in Section II above or any person who propels or causes such equipment to be moved along, upon or across a town highway, shall be in violation of this ordinance, and shall be subjected to a fine as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.

In addition, the owner of any equipment described in this ordinance, or any person who propels or causes such equipment to be moved along, upon or across a town highway, shall be liable for all damages that may be caused thereby to such highway, should, culvert, or bridge thereon.

This ordinance shall be enforced in accordance with applicable provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes and this ordinance.

This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the date of its passage and publication.

Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Germantown this 26th day of July, 2000.


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

36. Prohibiting Nude Dancing




WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Germantown has explicit authority under sec 125.10(1), Stats., to adopt regulations governing the sale of alcohol beverages which are in addition to those set forth in ch. 125, Stats., and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has authority under its general police powers set forth in sec. 60.10(2)(c) and 6022(3), Stats., to act for the good order of the municipality and for the health, safety, and welfare of the public; and may carry out its powers by regulation and suppression; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board recognizes it lacks authority to regulate obscenity in light of sec. 66.051(3), Stats., and does not intend by adopting this ordinance to regulate obscenity, since nudity in and of itself is not obscene, it declares its intent to enact an ordinance addressing the secondary effects of live, totally nude, non-obscene, erotic dancing in bars and taverns; and

WHEREAS, bars and taverns featuring live, totally nude, non-obscene, erotic dancing have in other communities tended to further the increase of criminal and other offensive activity, to disrupt the peace and order of the communities, to depreciate the value of real property, to harm the economic welfare of the communities and to negatively affect the quality of life of the communities, and such secondary effects are detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare of citizens; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board recognizes the US Supreme Court has held that nude dancing is expressive conduct within the outer perimeters of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and therefore entitled to some limited protection under the First Amendment, and the governing body further recognizes that freedom of speech is among our most precious and highly protected rights, and wishes to act consistently with full protection of those rights; and

WHEREAS, however, the governing body is aware, based on the experiences of other communities, that bar and taverns in which live, totally nude, non-obscene, erotic dancing occurs may and do generate secondary effects which the governing body believes are detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Germantown; and

WHEREAS, among these secondary effects are: (a) the potential increase in prostitution and other sex-related offenses, as well as other crimes and offenses, (b) the potential depreciation of property values in neighborhoods where bars and taverns featuring nude dancing exist, (c) health risks associated with the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and (d) the potential for infiltration by organized crime for the purpose of unlawful conduct; and

WHEREAS, the governing body desires to minimize, prevent and control these adverse effects and thereby protect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Town of Germantown; protect the citizens from increased crime; preserve the quality of life; preserve the property values and character of surrounding neighborhoods; and deter the spread of urban blight; and

Whereas, the governing body has determined that enactment of an ordinance prohibiting live, totally nude, non-obscene erotic dancing in bars and taverns licensed to serve alcohol beverages promotes the goal of minimizing, preventing and controlling the negative secondary effects associated with such activity.

NOW, THEREFORE, The Town Board of the Town of Germantown does ordain as follows:

It is unlawful for any person to perform or engage in, or for any licensee or manager or agent of the licensee to permit any person, employee, entertainer or patron to perform or engage in any live act, live demonstration, live dance or live exhibition on the premises of a licensed establishment which:

  • Show his or her genitals, pubic area, vulva, anus, anal cleft, or cleavage with less than a fully opaque covering; or
  • Shows a portion of the female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or
  • Shows the covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.

The provisions of this ordinance do not apply to the following licensed establishments: theaters, performing arts centers, civic centers, and dinner theaters where live dance, ballet, music or dramatic performances of a serious artistic merit are offered on a regular basis and in which the predominant business or attraction is not the offering to customers entertainment which is intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to such customers.  Similarly, the provision of this ordinance do not apply to an establishment that is not distinguished by an emphasis on, or the advertising or promotion of, employees engaging in nude erotic dancing.

For purposes of this ordinance, the term “licensed establishment” means any establishment by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown to sell alcohol beverages pursuant to ch. 125, Stats. The Term “licensee” means the holder of a retail “Class A”, “Class B”, Class “B”, Class “A”, or “Class C” license granted by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown pursuant to Ch. 125, Stats.

Any person, partnership, or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.  A separate offense and violation shall be deemed committed on each day on which a violation occurs or continues.  In addition, violation of this ordinance constitutes sufficient grounds for suspending, revoking or non-renewing an alcohol beverage license under sec. 125.12, Stats.

If any section of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections shall not be affected.

This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publications as required by law.

Signed and Dated August 8, 2000


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

37. Prohibiting Holding Tanks




The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, in order to provide for the public health and sanitation in the town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:

It shall be unlawful for any holding tank for the disposal of sewerage to be installed in the Town of Germantown, and no permits shall be issued for the installation of a holding tank in connection with a sanitary sewerage disposal system in the Town of Germantown.

Any appeal for a variance must be directed to the Town Board in writing and will only be granted after public hearing to avoid extreme injustice.

Any person, firm or corporation violating the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.

Introduced and adopted this 13th day of November, 2001.


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

38. Fireworks


                                                               FIREWORKS ORDINANCE

                                                                          As amended

The intent of this Ordinance is to regulate possession and use of fireworks.

The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:

38.1 Sale, Use, and Possession of Fireworks

A person may sell, possess or use fireworks, such as, sparkler not exceeding 36 inches in length, stationary cones and fountains, toy snakes, smoke bombs, caps, noise makes, confetti poppers with less than ¼ grain of explosive mixture, and novelty devices that spin or move on the ground in the Town of Germantown without a permit.  Wisconsin State Statute 167.10(1).

No person may sell, possess, or use other fireworks, including but not limited to firecrackers, roman candles, bottle rockets and mortars, in the Town of Germantown without a user’s permit from the Town of Germantown Town Board of Supervisors.  Wisconsin State Statute 167.10(3).

38.2 Permit Requirements and Fees

The fee for a fireworks permit is as set in the Town of Germantown’s fee schedule. The Town of Germantown Town Board issuing a permit under this requires an indemnity bond with good and sufficient sureties or policy of liability insurance for the payment of all claims that may arise by reason of injuries to person or property from the handling, use, or discharge of fireworks under the permit, that minimum being $5,000,000.00 in the name of the Town of Germantown. Wisconsin State Statute 167.10(3)(e). The permit must identify the type and quantity of fireworks, the location where the fireworks will be used or possessed, the date the fireworks will be used.

38.3 Penalties

Violation of any provision of this ordinance or any lawful order of the Town of Germantown Town Board, shall be subject to a fine as set in the Town of Germantown’s fee schedule. Each firework illegally possessed, used or sold may be a separate violation. Wisconsin State Statute 167.10(9)(b). A parent or guardian who allows a minor to possess or use fireworks (not including those for which no permits are required) is subject to a fee as stated in the fee schedule. Wisconsin State Statute 167.10(9)(c).

38.4 Effective Date

This ordinance shall be in force and in effect upon its passage and one day after legal publication as provided for by law. This ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on this 10th day of December 2002.

Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August 2015.

Amended to include updated state regulations, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 20th of April 2021.


APPROVED:                                                                        ATTEST:

__________________________________            ______________________________

Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman                              Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

39. Establish Impact Fees




The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:

This Ordinance is enacted to establish the mechanism for imposing impact fees upon new major subdivisions including all planned unit developments (PUD) to finance the capital costs of acquiring, establishing, upgrading, expanding, and constructing public facilities that are necessary to accommodate such development.  This Ordinance is intended to insure that a new major subdivision (and PUD) bears an appropriate share of the cost of capital expenditures necessary to provide such public facilities within the Town of Germantown, as they are required to serve the needs arising out of a major subdivision.  By adopting this Ordinance, the Town of Germantown is not intending to limit its authority to finance public facilities by any other means authorized by law.

The Town of Germantown has approved a 2003 Needs Assessment of the public facilities for which impact fees may be imposed, including the standards to be applied setting impact fees.

The definitions set forth in s.s. 66.0617, Wis. Stats., and any amendments thereto, are hereby incorporated and made part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein.  In addition, this Ordinance shall use the definitions contained in all other Town Ordinances.  In addition,

  1. “Residential equivalent unit (REU)” means a unit of measure for impact fees equivalent to one residential dwelling unit. For residential uses, the REU is the number of dwelling units allowed by the major subdivisions or PUD, including all commercial indoor lodging units.

The Town Board shall adopt by resolution and may, from time to time, amend a schedule of fees to implement this Ordinance, a copy of which shall be maintained at all times for public inspection in the office of the Town Clerk.

The following situations shall be exempt from payment of the impact fees:

  1. The replacement of a building or structure with a new building or structure of the same size and use where no additional dwelling units are added;
  2. Additions onto existing buildings or structures, accessory buildings to an existing dwelling;
  3. Demolition of residential units or non-residential building square footage without replacement does not prompt refund of previously paid impact fees;


  1. Revenues from impact fees shall be placed in a segregated, interest bearing account and shall be accounted for separately from the other funds of the political subdivision. Impact fee revenues and interest earned on impact fee revenues may be expended only for capital costs for which the impact fees were imposed.  These costs may include the cost of debt service when the debt has been incurred for the purpose of proceeding with designated public facilities projects prior to the collection of all anticipated impact fees for that project, to reimburse the Town for advances of other funds or reserves, and such other uses consistent with this Ordinance and state law which are approved by the Town Board.
  2. The Town determines that the following lengths of time are reasonable for the planning, financing, acquisition and construction of the public facilities listed below:
  1. Road improvement facilities:  20 years
  2. Town facilities: 20 years
  3. Recreational improvement facilities: 20 years
  4. Fire protection/law enforcement/ambulance facilities: 20 years

Impact fees held by the Town under this Ordinance and not used within the time period specified herein shall be refunded to the persons who, at the expiration of such time, are the owners of record of the property upon which the impact fees were imposed.

All required impact fees shall be paid in full by the developer when the lot is sold and before issuance of a building permit by the Town for each REU including, but not limited to, a condominium.  Impact fee rates that are in effect at the time of approval of the zoning specific implementation plan (SIP), shall apply.  Impact fee payments shall be the responsibility of the developer of the PUD, but shall continue as the joint and several responsibility of the developer of the PUD and the owner of record at the time of building permit application.


  1. No appeal may be commenced pursuant to this Section if any applicable impact fee is delinquent. No impact fee payment obligation shall be suspended during the pendency of any appeal filed pursuant to this Section.
  2. Payment of an impact fee imposed under this Ordinance as a condition of a building permit may be contested to the Town Board as to the amount, collection or use of the impact fee, provided that the applicant files a written Notice of Appeal with the Town Clerk’s office within 30 days of the date payment of the fee was due.
  3. The Notice of Appeal shall state the applicant’s name, address, telephone number, address (if available) and legal description of the land/condominium unit upon which the impact fee is imposed, and a statement of the nature of and reasons for the appeal. The Town Clerk shall schedule the appeal for consideration by the Town Board at a regular meeting as soon as reasonably can be done and shall notify the applicant of the time, date and place of such meeting, in writing, by regular mail, deposited in the mail no later than at least 3 days before the date of such meeting.  Upon review of such appeal, the Town Board may adjust the amount, collection or use of the impact fee upon just and reasonable cause shown.

If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent provisions and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.

This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the date of its passage and publication.

Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Germantown this 11th day of November, 2003.

39B. Amendment of Impact Fees




(Amendment of Impact Fees)
The Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin does hereby ordain as follows:
(1) Imposition and Authority
This ordinance imposes impact fees on Developers to pay for the capital costs that are necessary to accommodate land development. Wisconsin Statute s. 66.0617 authorizes the Town of Germantown to impose these fees. Impact fees are based on the 2020 Public Facilities Needs Assessment and Impact Fee Study.
(2) Definitions
All terms have the meanings given in Wisconsin Statutes s. 66.0617 (1). The following terms shall have the indicated meanings, which are consistent with Wisconsin Statutes s. 66.0617(1).
(a) Capital costs” means the capital costs to construct, expand or improve public facilities, including the cost of land, and including legal, engineering and design costs to construct, expand or improve public facilities, except that not more than 10 percent of capital costs may consist of legal, engineering and design costs unless the municipality can demonstrate that its legal, engineering and design costs which relate directly to the public improvement for which the impact fees were imposed exceed 10 percent of capital costs. “Capital costs” does not include other noncapital costs to construct, expand or improve public facilities, vehicles; or the costs of equipment to construct, expand or improve public facilities.
(b) “Developer” means a person that constructs or creates a land development.
(c) “Impact fees” means cash contributions, contributions of land or interests in land or any other items of value that are imposed on a developer by a municipality under this section.
(d) “Land development” means the construction or modification of improvements to real property that creates additional residential dwelling units within a municipality or that results in nonresidential uses that create a need for new, expanded or improved public facilities within a municipality.
(e) “Town Board” The governing body of the Town of Germantown.
(3) Highway/Transportation Impact Fees

(a) The Town of Germantown imposes the following impact fees on developers for the costs of highway/transportation facilities to accommodate land development. Impact fees for transportation facilities imposed pursuant to this ordinance shall be due and payable at the time of issuance of a building permit for new construction of a residential dwelling.
(b) Impact fee for dwelling units is found in the fee schedule.

(4) Park Facility Impact Fees

(a) The Town of Germantown imposes the following impact fees on developers for the costs of park facilities to accommodate land development. Impact fees for park facilities imposed pursuant to this ordinance shall be due and payable at the time of issuance of a building permit for new construction of a residential dwelling.
(b) Impact fee for dwelling units is found in the fee schedule.

(5) Payment of Impact Fees
(a) All required impact fees shall be paid in full by separate check at the time of issuance of a building permit for a new dwelling unit. Impact fee payments shall be assumed to be the responsibility of the owner of record at the time of building permit issuance.
(b) As provided in Wisconsin Statutes s. 66.0617 (6)(g), a developer who owes the Town of Germantown impact fees in excess of $75,000 may pay the impact fees in quarterly installments over four years. It the Town of Germantown needs the funds for a capital project before the end of the four years, it may provide a written notice a developer who is paying in installments. The developer has six months from the date of the written notice to pay the full amount of the impact fee. A developer who pays the installments must maintain a bond or irrevocable letter of credit executed in the name of the Town of Germantown for the amount of the unpaid fees.
(6) Accounting
The Town of Germantown must place impact fee revenue for each type of facility in a segregated, interest-bearing account. The Town of Germantown must account for impact fee revenue for each type of facility separate from its other funds. For each property, the Town of Germantown must track the date received and amount of each impact fee paid and any interest that accumulates on the fee before it is spent.
The Town of Germantown must spend impact fee revenue for the general type of public facility for which it imposed the fee.
(7) Refunds
As provided in Wisconsin Statutes s. 66.0617 (9), the Town of Germantown must refund any impact fee that it does not spend within eight years of receiving the fee. The Town of Germantown must issue the refund, with accumulated interest, to the current owner of the property for which the fee was paid.
(8) Appeal
As provided in Wisconsin Statutes s. 66.0617 (10), a developer upon whom the Town of Germantown imposes an impact fee may appeal the amount, collection, or use of the impact fee to the Town Board. The Town Board must create or identify written procedures for reviewing and deciding an impact fee appeal.

(9) Severability
If any provision of this ordinance is illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect.

(10) Effective Date
The Town of Germantown Clerk shall post or publish this ordinance as provided by law. This ordinance must take effect upon posting or publication.

Adopted this 9th day of March, 2021

Gregg Haunroth, Chairman

Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

40. Changes Town Clerk and Treasurer to Clerk-Treasurer





The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:

That upon completion of the present term of office, the elective offices of Town Clerk and Town Treasurer shall be abolished and in their stead, these offices shall be combined into one position, that of an appointed Clerk/Treasurer.  The appointment shall be made by the Town Board and be effectively the day following the term expiration of the present incumbents.

A referendum shall be available to the electorate during the general election of November 5, 1996, for approval or disapproval.

The wording of the referendum ballot shall read:  “Shall the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, abolish the elective offices of Town Clerk and Town Treasurer and combine those offices into the appointive position of Clerk/Treasurer?”

If electors fail to approve the referendum provided for by this ordinance, the ordinance shall become dull and void the day on which that failure is determined.

This ordinance shall be in full force and effect following its passage and one day after publishing, followed by approval by the electorate at the general election, November 5, 1996.

Published this 29th day of October, 1996.

43. ATV Ordinance




  1. Purpose: This Chapter establishes all-terrain vehicle trails and routes within the boundaries of the Town of Germantown, regulates the operation of all-terrain vehicle use and the flow of all-terrain vehicle traffic, and mandates the designation of these routes an trails with the use of proper signage.
  2. Authority: This Chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by Wis. Stat. 23.33, Wis. Stats., and 64.12 of the Department of Natural Resources Administrative Code.
  3. Statutory Compliance: In addition to the provisions set forth in the above listed statutes and administrative codes, the operator of an all-terrain vehicle in the Town shall comply with and shall be subject to the statutory sections set forth in Section 346.02(11) of Wisconsin Statutes.
  4. Definitions: The definition found in Wis. Stat. 23.33(1) are hereinafter incorporated by reference.
  5. Regulation:
    1. General operations:
      1. On all-terrain vehicle routes, operators must only travel on the extreme right side of a roadway.
      2. Operators must always yield the right of way according to State’s Rules of Road.
      3. Operators must always travel in a single file fashion.
      4. Operators must possess a valid driver’s license.
    2. Seasonal restrictions:
      1. Operators shall be prohibited from traveling on all-terrain vehicle routes during the nine day gun season.
    3. Hours of operation:
      1. No one under the age of 18 shall operate and all-terrain vehicle after 9:00p.m. unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
    4. Speed: Operators shall observe and follow all posted roadway speed limit signs except:
      1. Operators shall slow the vehicle to 10 m.p.h. or less when operating within 150 ft. of a dwelling or 100 feet of a pedestrian or bicyclist.
      2. Operators shall not exceed a speed of 35 m.p.h.
    5. Private property:  No one shall operate an all-terrain vehicle on any private property not owned or controlled by the operator without the express permission of the property owner.
    6. Lamps:  Operators shall at all times display a lighted head lamp and tail lamp while operating an all-terrain vehicle.
    7. Unattended all-terrain vehicles prohibited:  No person shall leave or allow an all-terrain vehicle owned or operated by him to remain unattended on any public property while the motor is running or with the starting key left in  the ignition.
  6. Permitted routes and trails: No person shall operate an all-terrain vehicle upon any public   highway, park, or any other public property in the town except as hereinafter designated:
    1. Routes:
      All Town roads within the Town of Germantown are designated for use as All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) routes.
    2. Trails: none
  7. Conditions of designation of routes and trails.
    1. All-terrain vehicles routes and trails cannot be utilized until after the town board performs the following acts:
      1. Submits a copy of this ordinance and the designated routes and trails to the Department of Natural Resources and to the Juneau County Sheriff’s department.
    2. The permitted routes and trails shall be placed upon a town map designated as the official Town of Germantown All-Terrain Vehicle Route and Trial Map, which shall be made available for public inspection at the Town Hall.
    3. Designated routes are to be renewed on an monthly basis.
    4. The Town Board may revoke any or all portions of a town road as an ATV route upon receiving a complaints(s) regarding misuse or violation of Section 23.33, Wis. Stats. or NR 64 and the uniform Trail and Route signing Handbook. Any Town road, or portion thereof, that is discontinued as part of the ATV routes will be posted, by the Castle Rock Family ATV Club, Inc. with signs reading NO ATV PERMITTED.
  8. Penalties: The penalties enumerated in 23.33(13) are hereinafter incorporated by reference.
    • (a) Generally: Except as  provided in pars. (am) to (e), any person who violates this section shall forfeit a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
      • (am) Penalty related to interference with signs and standards.
        Except as provided in par. (cg), a person who violates sub. (8) (f) and who, within the last 2 years prior to the arrest for the current violation, was 2 or more times previously convicted for violating a provision of this chapter shall forfeit a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
      • (ar)Penalty related to nonresident trail passes. Any person who violates sub (2) shall forfeit a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
    • (b) Penalties related to intoxicated operation of an all-terrain vehicle.
      1. Except as provided under subs. 2. and 3., a person who violates sub (4c) (a) 1., 2., or 2m. or (4p) (e) shall forfeit a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
      2. Except as provided under sub. 3, a person who violates sub. (4c)  (a) 1., 2., or 2.m or (4p) (e) and who, within 5 years prior to the arrest for the current violation, was convicted previously under the intoxicated operation of an all-terrain vehicle law shall be fined a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule, and shall be imprisoned not less than 5 days nor more than 6 months.
      3. A person who violates sub (4c) (a) 1., 2., 2m., or (4p) (e) and who, within 5 years prior to the arrest for the current violation, was convicted 2 or more times previously under the intoxicated operation of an all-terrain vehicle or refusal law shall be a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule and shall be imprisoned not less than 30 days nor more than one year in the county jail.
      4. A person who violates sub. (4c) (a) 3. or (4p) (e) and who has not attained the age of 19 shall forfeit a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
    • (br) Penalties related to intoxicated operation of all-terrain vehicle; enhancers:
      1. If a person convicted under sub. (4c) (a) 1. 2. had an alcohol concentration of 0.17 to o.199 at the time of the offense, the minimum and maximum fines specified under par. (b) 3. for the conviction are doubled.
      2. If a person is convicted under sub (4c) (a) 1. or 2. had an alcohol concentration of 0.20 to .249 at the time of the offense, minimum and maximum fines specified under par (b) 3. for conviction are tripled.
      3. If a person convicted under sub. (4c) (a) 1. or 2. had an alcohol concentration of 0.25 or above at the time of the offense, the minimum and maximum fines under par. (b)3. for the conviction are quadrupled.
      4. The increase fines in this paragraph do not apply if  the person is convicted under sub (4c) (a) 1. or 2. is subject to par. (bg).
    • (c) Penalties related to causing injury; intoxicants.  A person who violates sub. (4c) (b)
      shall be fined a fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule and may be imprisoned not less than 30 days nor more than a year in the county jail.
    • (cg) Penalties related to causing death or injury; interference with signs and standards.
      A person who violates sub. (8) (f) guilty of a Class H Felony if the violation causes the death or injury, as defined in S. 30.67 (3)(b), of another person.
    • (cm)Sentence of detention. The legislature intends that courts use the sentencing
      option under s. 973.03 (4) whenever appropriate for persons subject to par. (b) 2. 3. or (c).  The use of this option can result in significant cost savings for the state and local governments.
    • (d) Calculation of previous convictions.   In determining the number of previous convictions under par. (b) 2. and 3, convictions arising out of the same incident or occurrence shall be counted as one previous conviction.
    • (dm) Reporting convictions to the department.  Whenever a person is convicted of a violation of the intoxicated operation of an all-terrain vehicle law, the clerk of the court in which the conviction occurred, or the justice, judge or magistrate for a court not having a clerk, shall forward the department records of such conviction. The record of conviction forwarded to the department shall state whether the offender was involved in an accident at the time of the offense.
    • (e) Alcohol, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs; assessment. In addition to any other penalty or order, a person who violates sub (4c) (a) or (b) or (4p) (e) or who violates sec 940.09 or 940.25 if the violation Involves the operation of an all-terrain vehicle, shall be ordered by the court to submit to and comply with an assessment by an approved public treatment facility for and examination of the person’s use pf alcohol, controlled substance or controlled analogs.  The assessment order shall comply with s. 343.30 (1q) (c ) 1. a. to c.  Intentional failure to comply with the assessment ordered under this paragraph constitutes contempt of court, punishable under chapter. 785.
    • (f) Restoration or replacement of signs and standards.  In addition to any other penalty, the court may order the defendant to restore or replace any uniform all-terrain route or trail sign or standard that the defendant removed, damaged, defaced, moved or obstructed.

Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, this 9th day of  September,  2008.

The Town Board of the Town of Germantown has approved changes to Section 6 and 7 of the ATV Ordinance #43 this 10th day of January, 2012


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

45. Coverage in Chairperson's Absence




The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:

Section 60.24, Stats., sets forth the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Town Board Chairperson.  Amongst the duties include presiding over meetings of the Town Board and signing documents.  The Board can foresee circumstances in which it is necessary to have Town Board meetings and have documents signed, at a time when the Town Board Chairperson may be temporarily absent.  This Ordinance is intended to identify the person authorized to carry out these duties in the absence of the Town Board Chairperson.

The Town Board Chairperson is hereby authorized to identify another officer, under s.s. 60.24, Stats., to sign specific types of documents and to preside over Board meetings, in lieu of the Chairperson.  The Chairperson shall make such identification and designation by writing on file with the Town Clerk.

The officer so designated by the Town Board Chairperson to act in his stead may only act when the Chairperson is unavailable due to illness, disability or absence as that condition is confirmed by the Town Chairperson and certified to by the Town Clerk.  Further, the action of the designee presiding over meetings of the Town Board shall be limited to previously scheduled meetings or emergency meetings in which the only actions to be taken, I the absence of the Chairperson, are those of which he has previously approved or those which would result in hardship to the Town or the parties involved if not acted on timely.  Further, the designee’s authority to sign documents in lieu of the Chairperson shall likewise be limited only to those documents that are that are necessary to be executed in the Chairperson’s absence to avoid hardship and not merely minor inconvenience to the Town or the persons affected which includes all Ordinances, Resolutions, Bylaws, Orders, Regulations, Commissions, licenses, permits, contracts or bonds previously or contemporaneously approved by the Town Board.

Designation of a temporary substitute by the Town Board Chairperson is intended to remain in effect until revoked by the Chairperson and which designation shall continue for the term of the Town Board Chairperson and the officer designated, whichever ends first.

If any section, phrase, sentence or duty of the Town Chairperson, identified in this Ordinance, is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional, such portion shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or duties thereof.

This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the date of its passage and publication.

Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Germantown this 22nd day of October, 2009.

46. Parking on Town Roads




The intent of this ordinance is to regulate any vehicle, trailer, equipment, or machinery which may be propelled, moved on or along, parked, stopped, or standing still on Town roads or Town parking lots.

The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Wisconsin, does or ordain as follows:

Pursuant to Sec. 349.13 Wis. Stats., the authority to regulate the stopping standing, parking of vehicles within the Town of Germantown is delegated to the designated law enforcement officers of the Town, subject to the control of the Town Board and subject to the express regulations contained herein.  The law enforcement officer, with the cooperation of the Town Public Works Department, is hereby authorized to designate and sign streets, or portions thereof, where, in the opinion of the Town, the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles should be regulated to promote and protect the safety, convenience, and efficient use of Town roads.  Any prohibition, limitation, or restriction on stopping, standing, or parking imposed by the Town is effective if an official traffic sign or marker or parking meter has been placed or erected at or reasonably near the regulated area, indicating the particular prohibition, limitation, or restriction.

No person shall stop, leave standing, or park a vehicle on any Town road or parking lot or portion thereof contrary to any prohibition, limitation, or restriction imposed by a traffic sign, marker, or parking meter, which has been placed or erected by the Town at or reasonably near the regulated area.

All vehicles shall be parked in accordance with Sec. 346.54 Wis. Stats., provided, however, vehicles shall be parked on Town roads or parking areas only if it complies with the method of parking identified in the signs or as designated by painted lines.

The law enforcement officer, in cooperation with the DPW, is hereby authorized to paint lines or markings on the road or parking lot surfaces for the purpose of designating parking spaces.  It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle unless within the area designated by such lines or markings.  It shall also be unlawful to park in a designated parking space any vehicle which cannot fit into one designated space, except when such vehicle is temporarily parking solely for the purpose of loading or unloading a boat or other freight to or from adjoining premises or boat ramp.

No person shall be in violation of this ordinance if, prior to the receipt of a citation, he telephones the Town Clerk and leaves a message stating that he cannot comply with this section because his vehicles is disabled and the location of the vehicle; provided the disabled vehicle is moved within 18 hours after receipt of such notification by the Clerk.

No person shall stop, park, or leave a vehicle standing for longer than the period of time specified by any traffic sign, marker, or parking meter indicating the particular time limitation thereon.

When any vehicle is found upon a street, road, or parking lot in violation of any provision of this ordinance regulating the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles, and when the identity of the operator of such vehicle cannot be readily determined, the owner, as shown by the ownership registration of the vehicle supplied by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation or a comparable authority of any other state, shall be deemed to have committed the violation for purposes of enforcement of this ordinance and shall be subject to the applicable forfeiture.

Any vehicle stopped, standing, or in violation of this ordinance may be towed and/or store pursuant to Sec. 349.13 Wis. Stats., by the Town or by a party at the direction of the Town.  Upon such towing, the Town shall mail or serve to the owner or operator of the vehicle, a citation for the ordinance violation committed by the vehicle.  Such mailing or service shall be accomplished within 24 hours of the towing.  With the citation, there shall be included a statement of the towing and storage charges, an explanation of how the vehicle can be obtained by payment of a deposit, and an explanation of the defendant’s rights to a prompt hearing to determine probable cause for the citation.

The towed or stored vehicle shall not be released to the operator or owner until a deposit has been paid to the Town, equal to the cost of towing and storage, or until the citation has been dismissed or until the Town elects to pursue another lawful remedy for the collection of the charges.  Such deposit shall be held by the Town pending disposition of the violation which caused the vehicle to be towed and/or stored.

In addition to the requirements of Sec. 342.40, the following requirements apply:

  1. Presumption of Abandonment Whenever one of the following conditions exists, a vehicle shall be deemed to have been abandoned within the meaning of the section:
    1. Whenever any vehicle, whether operative or inoperative, has been parked in the same place on any road or parking lot for more than 72 hours;
    2. Whenever any vehicle has been moved and stored pursuant to this ordinance and the vehicle is not claimed and removed by the owner prior to the entry of a judgment on the ordinance violation which caused the towing and storage;
    3. In addition to the procedures set forth in Sec. 342.40 Wis. Stats. The Town may dispose of the vehicle by auction sale, conducted at a place designated by the Town.
    4. No vehicle shall be seized or towed by the Town on the sole grounds that the vehicle is abandoned, prior to adjudication of abandonment. Nothing herein shall limit or prevent the towing of a vehicle illegally parked, without prior notice or adjudication.

Except as otherwise provided by this ordinance or State Statute, the forfeiture for any parking violation shall be as hereinafter provided in addition to any costs associated with the prosecution thereof which are recovered or authorized by State Statute or Administrative Regulation, in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.

Each violation and each 24 hour time period that a violation continues or occurs, shall constitute a separate offense.  Prosecution of two or more offense committed by the same violator may be joined into one action, and the prosecution of two or more violators for the same offense may be joined into one action.

This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the date of its passage and publication.

Adopted this 11th day of May, 2010 by the Germantown Town Board.


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

47. Outdoor and Refuse Burning

Outdoor and Refuse Burning Ordinance for the Town of Germantown.

Ordinance No. 47

Section 1:  Purpose

1.00  Purpose. This ordinance is intended to promote the public health, safety and welfare and to safeguard the health, comfort, living conditions, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin due to the air pollution and fire hazards of open burning, outdoor burning and refuse burning.

Section 2:  Applicability

2.00  Applicability.  This ordinance applies to all outdoor burning and refuse burning within the Town of Germantown.

            2.1.  This ordinance does not apply to grilling or cooking using charcoal, wood, propane or natural gas in cooking or grilling appliances.

            2.2.  This ordinance does not apply to burning in a stove, furnace, fireplace or other heating device within a building used for human or animal habitation unless the material being burned includes refuse as defined in Section 4 of this ordinance.

            2.3.  This ordinance does not apply to the use of propane, acetylene, natural gas, gasoline or kerosene in a device intended for heating, construction or maintenance activities.


3.00  Severability.  Should any portion of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected.

SECTION 4:  Definitions

4.00  Definitions.

            4.1.  “Campfire” means a small outdoor fire intended for recreation or cooking not including a fire intended for disposal of waste wood or refuse.

            4.2.  “Clean Wood” means natural wood which has not been painted, varnished or coated with a similar material, has not been pressure treated with preservatives and does not contain resins or glues as in plywood or other composite wood products.

            4.3.  “Confidential papers” means printed material containing personal identification or financial information that the owner wishes to destroy.

            4.4  “Fire Chief” means the Chief of the New Lisbon  or Necedah Volunteer Fire Departments or other person authorized by the Fire Chief

            4.5.  “Outdoor Burning” means open burning or burning in an outdoor wood-fired furnace.

            4.6.  “Open Burning” means kindling or maintaining a fire where the products of combustion are emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack or a chimney from an enclosed chimney.

            4.7.  “Outdoor Wood-fired Furnace” means a wood-fired furnace, stove or boiler that is not located within a building intended for habitation by humans or domestic animals.

            4.8.  “Refuse” means any waste material except clean wood.

Section 5: General Prohibition on open Burning, outdoor Burning and Refuse Burning

5.00  General prohibition on outdoor burning and refuse burning.   Open burning, outdoor burning and refuse burning are prohibited in the Town of Germantown unless the burning is specifically permitted by this ordinance.


6.00  Materials that may not be burned.  

            6.1  Unless a specific written approval has been obtained from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the following materials may not be burned in an open fire, incinerator, burn barrel, furnace, stove or any other indoor or outdoor incineration or heating device.

The Town of Germantown will not issue a permit for burning any of the following materials without air pollution control devices and a written copy of an approval by the Department of Natural Resources. 

            6.2.  Rubbish or garbage including but not limited to food wastes, food wraps, packaging, animal carcasses, paint or painted materials, furniture, composite shingles, construction or demolition debris or other household or business wastes.

            6.3.   Waste oil or other oily wastes except used oil burned in a heating device for energy  recovery subject to the restrictions in Chapter NR 590, Wisconsin Administrative Code.

            6.4.   Asphalt and products containing asphalt.

            6.5.   Treated or painted wood including but not limited to plywood, composite wood products or other wood products that are painted, varnished or treated with preservatives.

            6.6.   Any plastic material including but not limited to nylon, PVC, ABS, polystyrene or urethane foam, and synthetic fabrics, films and containers.

            6.7.   Rubber including tires and synthetic rubber-like products.

            6.8.   Newspaper, corrugated cardboard, container board, office paper and other materials  that must be recycled in accordance with the recycling ordinance except as provided in Section 11 of this ordinance.


7.00  Burning leaves, brush, clean wood and other vegetative debris.  Open burning of leaves, weeds, brush, stumps, clean wood other vegetative debris is prohibited within the Town of Germantown, unless Wisconsin DNR’s burning permit Form 9400-196 has been officially issued for said matter, or unless the ground is completely snow-covered.

        7.1.  Outdoor campfires for cooking, ceremonies or recreation are allowed provided that the fire is confined by a control device or structure such as a barrel, fire ring, or fire pit.  .


8.00  Burn barrels.

A burn barrel may be used in the Town of Germantown only in accordance with the following provisions:

            8.1.  The burn barrel shall not be used to burn any of the prohibited materials listed in Section 6 of this ordinance and may only be used in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance.

            8.2.  The burn barrel shall be located at least 250 feet from the nearest building that is not on the same property as the burn barrel.

            8.3.  The burn barrel shall have vent holes above the ash line for combustion air and shall be covered with a heavy wire screen.

            8.4.  The burn barrel shall not serve a business.

            8.5.  The owner of the burn barrel shall obtain an annual permit from the Fire Warden in accordance with Section 12 of this ordinance.


9.00  Outdoor wood-fired furnaces.

An outdoor wood-fired furnace may be used in the Town of Germantown only in accordance with the following provisions:

            9.1.  The outdoor wood-fired furnace is limited to the burning of “Clean Wood” as defined in Section 4, para.,  4.2 and shall not be used to burn any of the prohibited materials listed in Section 6 of this ordinance.

            9.2.  The outdoor wood-fired furnace shall be located at least 50 feet from the nearest building which is not on the same property as the outdoor wood furnace.

            9.3.  The outdoor wood-fired furnace shall have a chimney that extends at least 15 feet above the ground surface.


10.00  Fire department practice burns.  Notwithstanding sections 5 and 6 of this ordinance, the New Lisbon or Necedah Volunteer Fire Departments may burn a standing building if necessary for firefighting practice and if the practice burn complies with the requirements of the Department of Natural Resources.


11.00  Exemption for burning certain papers.  

            11.1.  Notwithstanding Subsection 6.17 of this ordinance, paper and cardboard products maybe used as a starter fuel for a fire that is allowed under this ordinance

            11.2.  Small quantities of confidential papers from a residence may be burned if necessary to prevent the theft of financial records, identification or other confidential information.

            11.3.  Confidential papers from a commercial enterprise shall be shredded or destroyed in a manner other than burning.

            11.4.  A fire set for burning of a small quantity of confidential papers shall be subject to and comply with Subsections 7.1-7.3, 7.6, and 7.11-7.15 of this ordinance.


12.00  Burning Permits.

            12.1.  An outdoor campfire does not require a permit provided that the fire complies with all other applicable provisions of this ordinance.


     13.1  Liability.  A person utilizing or maintaining an outdoor fire shall be responsible for all fire suppression costs and any other liability resulting from damage caused by the fire.


     14.1  Right of entry and inspection.  The Fire Warden or any authorized officer, agent, employee or representative of the New Lisbon or Necedah Volunteer Fire Departments or the Town of Germantown who presents credentials may inspect any property for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the provisions of this ordinance.  Note:  If the owner or occupant of the premises denies access to the property for this purpose, a special inspection warrant may be obtained in accordance with sections 66.122 and 66.123, Wis. Stats.


15.00  Enforcement and penalties. 

     15.1.   The Fire Warden and the Town Chairman are authorized to enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
     15.2.  The penalty for violation of any portion of this ordinance can be seen in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.
Penalties are doubled for second and subsequent offenses.


Amended to add the following text to the end of the sentence in Section 7.00, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 12th day of April, 2016:
, unless Wisconsin DNR’s burning permit Form 9400-196 has been officially issued for said matter, or unless the ground is completely snow-covered.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

Adopted April 12, 2011
August 11, 2015 – Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin.




Part IV                       Reference Materials   

Burn Barrels: Unhealthy, Unnecessary, Un-neighborly and Usually Illegal.

Smoke from burning garbage contains toxic compounds, often including dioxin, furans and other carcinogens. The ash, which some folks place on their garden, may contain heavy metals such as lead and cadmium.

If you have a burn barrel, take a look at what you’re burning. Most paper and cardboard can and should be recycled. Today, waste collection service is available nearly everywhere, and the collection businesses offer wheeled carts and recycling containers for convenient, economical, end-of-driveway service.

You probably don’t enjoy the stink of burning garbage, and neither does your neighbor. Think about how your decision to burn garbage affects others.

Usually Used Illegally
Open burning of household solid wastes, whether or not in a burn barrel, is prohibited by law, with limited exceptions. This prohibition includes all plastic materials, kitchen wastes, dirty or wet paper wastes, treated or painted wood, furniture, and demolition material – or any other material that creates a nuisance. The exceptions (for households only – not businesses) include (if not prohibited by local ordinance) lawn and garden debris, small quantities of clean, untreated, unpainted wood and clean paper waste that is not recyclable. Outdoor fires for cooking, or for “warming up” are okay and do not require any special approvals unless environmental conditions pose a great risk for forest fires.

Wisconsin Statewide Law on Open Burning:

Which Materials Are Legal To Burn?

Which of these household materials can be legally burned in a burn barrel or an open fire on the same property where generated?

State law does not prohibit burning small dry quantities of the household materials with a 4mark, if they are burned on the same property where generated.  Local ordinances may be more restrictive; check with your local municipality before burning.  (The number listed after the materials below refers to the legal explanations of why the item may or may not be burned.)

  • Plastic Milk Jug 1,5
  • Leaves (dry) 8
  • Treated Lumber 3
  • Newspaper 5
  • Insulated Electrical Wire 1
  • Rubber Hose 1
  • Tires 1
  • Tree Branches 8,9
  • Plastic Garbage Bags 1
  • Waste Oil 4
  • Asphalt Shingles 1
  • Painted Siding 3
  • Clean Dry Firewood 9
  • Nylon Upholstery Fabric 1,2
  • Corrugated Cardboard 5
  • Asphalt Sealant 1
  • Plastic Food Wrap 1
  • Plywood 6
  • Plastic Pipe 1
  • Food Waste / Garbage 4
  • Wooden Furniture 3
  • Plastic siding 1
  • Aluminum Beer Cans 5
  • Pine Needles 8
  • Nylon Carpet 1,2
  • Polystyrene Plates 1,2
  • Tar Paper 1
  • Polystyrene Foam Packaging 1,2
  • Urethane Foam Pad 1,2
  • Plastic Soda Bottles 1,2
  • Magazines / Catalogues 5
  • Waste Mail 7
  • OSB / Composite Board 6
  • Plastic Weed Barrier 1
  • Water Softener Salt Bag 1,2
  • Paper Plates / Cups 10
  • Napkins / Paper Towel 10
  • Paper Grocery Bags 7
  • Plastic Vapor Barrier 1
  • Plastic Toys 1
  • Old Building 11
  • Untreated Unpainted Lumber 9

Explanations & Alternatives:

  1. All plastic, rubber and asphalt materials are prohibited from open burning under state law.
  2. This synthetic material is “plastic” and may not be burned.
  3. Wood that is painted or chemically treated may not be burned under state law.
  4. These materials are specifically prohibited from open burning under state law.
  5. These materials must be recycled under state and local recycling laws. They cannot be burned. (It is legal to use a small amount of paper or cardboard material to kindle a fire.)
  6. These materials contain resins and glues making them unsuitable for burning. They are not “dry unpainted, untreated wood” as referenced and exempted in the law.
  7. Even though state law allows burning after removing any plastic, many local recycling programs cover these materials. Recycling is a better alternative. If recycling is not an option, proper disposal is better than burning.
  8. Even though state law allows burning, composting and/or beneficial use of this material is a better alternative.
  9. Clean dry unpainted untreated wood is legal to burn, but if it isn’t going to be beneficially used for heating, consider options other than burning.
  10. This waste paper material is not recyclable. Proper disposal is a better option than burning. Wet paper or paper mixed with plastic can’t be burned.
  11. Individuals or businesses may not burn a building. The only exception is that a building may be burned only by a fire department for training purposes after notification to DNR and removal of illegal materials.


  • All materials emit pollutants when burned. Generally, the materials that cause the most toxic emissions are those that are prohibited from burning under state law.  Try to avoid burning any waste material.
  • If prohibited and allowed materials are mixed, they cannot be burned. Any prohibited materials must be removed before the allowed materials are burned.
  • Check local ordinances! A local municipality may ban the burning of any material even if statewide regulations allow it.
  • Check for burning permits. Even if the material is legal to burn, the DNR or the local municipality often requires a burning permit.  During periods of high fire hazard, burning may be prohibited.
  • Consider other alternatives. Even if the material is legal to burn, more environmentally sound alternatives are available.
  • This information only applies to small quantities of household waste being burned on the same property where generated. The regulations do not allow businesses to burn the same materials that a household may.   If in question, consult the regulations.

Additional Information:

  • For additional information, contact your DNR service center or log onto the DNR Open Burning Web site:
  • Does your municipality have an open burning ordinance? Check with your local clerk or fire chief.
  • For additional information on burning permits log onto the DNR Forest Fire Prevention Web site:
  • The open burning regulations are in ch. NR 429 and s. NR 502.11, Wis. Adm. Code.
  • For games, educational resources and fun on open burning activities, students and teachers should log on to Air Defenders web site: http://www.airdefenorg/. This site is filled with information and activities all about open burning and respiratory health.
  • Looking for a presentation about open burning? Contact the Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Air Management at 608-266-7718.
  • You can download an electronic copy of this Model Ordinance from the WDNR Web site The Ordinance is available as a PDF or as a Microsoft Word document.
  • For more information on open burning, and what is happening nationally on the issue, log onto EPA’s Open Burning Web site:

48. Neighborhood Electric Vehicles -within Buckhorn State Park




The Town of Germantown does hereby ordain as follows: Pursuant to the authority granted to the Town of Germantown by Wisconsin Statutes 349.26(2), the following Sections are hereby created to read as follows:


  1. Neighborhood Electric Vehicle means a vehicle subject to Sec. 340.01(27h), Wis. Stats.


  1. A Neighborhood Electric Vehicle may be operated on any roadway that has a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less within the boundaries of Buckhorn State Park for purposes of official maintenance and operations to the State Park only.
  2. A Neighborhood Electric Vehicle shall not be operated on a connecting highway or an intersection where the roadway crosses a state trunk highway, or on any roadway within the Town of Germantown other than the area identified in subsection (a) above.
  3. Each person operating a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle within the boundaries of Buckhorn State Park shall possess a valid driver’s license.
  4. Each person operating a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle within the boundaries of Buckhorn State Park shall be granted all of the rights and be subject to all of the duties applicable to a driver of any motor vehicle in the State of Wisconsin, including maintaining insurance as required by State law, except as to the special regulations in this section and except as to those provisions by which their nature does not apply to the operation of a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle.
  5. Each person operating a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle within the boundaries of Buckhorn State Park shall observe all traffic laws and local ordinances regarding the rules of the road.
  6. The DNR shall create a brochure that outlines this ordinance.


  1. Any person who shall violate this ordinance or any Wisconsin traffic law in a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle may be issued a Uniform Traffic Citation and is subject to the penalties provided by the Uniform State Traffic Deposit Schedule.

This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication thereof. Adopted this 14th day of June, 2011.

49. Extending Town Officer Terms




Whereas, the term of elected town officers (other than elected assessors) have previously begun on the 2nd Tuesday in April;

Whereas, town officers (other than assessors) elected in April, 2012 and thereafter, will now have their terms of office commence on the 3rd Tuesday in April due to recent state election law changes;

Whereas, this law change results in a week long “gap” between the end of the current terms of office for those town officers elected in either 2010 or 2011 and the start of the new terms of office for those officers elected in April 2012 or April 2013;

Whereas, 2011 Wis. Act provide that a town board may enact an ordinance providing that the terms of any elective officers in the town who were elected or appointed to serve for terms expiring on the 2nd Tuesday in April, 2012 or 2013, may be extended to the 3rd Tuesday in April in the same year in which the terms would otherwise expired;

Therefore, be it hereby ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, that the terms of elected town officers which shall expire after 11:59 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of April in either April, 2012 or April, 2013 shall be extended until the 3rd Tuesday of April in the same year in which the terms would otherwise have expired.

This ordinance shall be effective upon publication or posting by the town clerk as required, pursuant to s.s. 60.80, Wis. Stat.

Adopted this 13th day of March, 2012.

50. Destruction of Public Records

Town of Germantown
Juneau County

Ordinance #50

Destruction of Public Records

The Town Board of the Town of Germantown does ordain as follows:

The following definitions are set forth in State Statute 16.61(2)(b) and shall be used in interpreting this ordinance:

“Public records” means all books, papers, maps, photographs, films, recordings, optical disks, electronically formatted documents or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made, or received by any state agency or its officers or employees in connection with the transaction of public business, and documents of any insurer that is liquidated or in the process of liquidation under ch. 645. “Public records” does not include:

  1. Records and correspondence of any member of the legislature.

1m. Any state document received by a state document depository library.

  1. Duplicate copies of materials the original copies of which are in the custody of the same state agency and which are maintained only for convenience or reference and for no other substantive purpose.
  2. Materials in the possession of a library or museum made or acquired solely for reference or exhibition purposes.
  3. Notices or invitations received by a state agency that were not solicited by the agency and that are not related to any official action taken, proposed or considered by the agency.
  4. Drafts, notes, preliminary computations and like materials prepared for the originator’s personal use or prepared by the originator in the name of a person for whom the originator is working.
  5. Routing slips and envelopes.

This ordinance is entitled the Town of Germantown Destruction of Obsolete Records Ordinance. The purpose of this ordinance is to provide the town officers of the Town of Germantown with the authority to destroy certain obsolete public records in possession of the Town of Germantown.

The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under s. 19.21 (4), Wis. stats., to manage and destroy obsolete public records in the possession of the Town of Germantown.

This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, authorizes the powers and establishes the duties of the town officers of the Town of Germantown to manage and destroy obsolete public records in the possession of the Town of Germantown.

The following Town of Germantown town officers, pursuant to s. 19.21 (5), Wis. stats., may destroy the financial records, except utility records, of which they are the legal custodians and that are considered obsolete as provided below:

The Germantown town officers shall continue the existing practices to keep and preserve the public records of the Town of Germantown required by state law, with guidance from the Wisconsin municipal records manual and any town board resolution properly adopted as to the manner, form and duration of such retention.

The Town of Germantown town officers, pursuant to s. 19.21 (5), Wis. stats., may destroy the following records of which they are the legal custodians and that are considered obsolete:

The Town Clerk is hereby authorized, pursuant to 19.21(5) Wis. Stats., to destroy any appropriate records with guidance from the Wisconsin Municipal Records Manual and any town board resolution properly adopted as to the minimum period of time for retention.

Prior to the destruction of any public record described in Sections IV, V, or VI, at least 60 days’ notice in writing shall be given to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

Any person, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that fails to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, pay a forfeiture as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule. Each day a violation exists or continues constitutes a separate offense under this ordinance. In addition, the town board may seek injunctive relief from a court of record to enjoin further violations.

If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable.

This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.

This ordinance shall not be construed to authorize the destruction of any public record after a period less than prescribed by statute or state administrative rules.

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

Adopted this 10th day of September, 2013.

Chairman Rosetta Supervisors: Dale Simonson, Jim Collis, Greg Haunroth, Ray Feldman
Marion Uphoff, Clerk/Treasurer


Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
 Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

52. Establishing a Joint Municipal Court

Town of Germantown



The Board of the Town of Germantown does hereby ordain that Ordinance 52 of the Town of Germantown’s Ordinances is created to read as follows:



52.101 PURPOSE

Pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 755 of the Wisconsin Statutes, there is hereby created and established a joint Municipal Court to be designated “Mauston Area Municipal Court” (herein after MAMC) for the City of Mauston, the City of New Lisbon, the Village of Necedah, and the Township of Germantown herein after “Participating Municipalities”); said court to become operative and function on January 1, 2014.  As of October 11, 2016, participating municipalities will also include the Town of Necedah.  As of February 13, 2018, participating municipalities will also include the Village of Lyndon Station.



<1> Qualifications: The MAMC shall be under the jurisdiction of and presided over by a Municipal Judge, who shall reside in one of the Participating Municipalities.

<2> Oath and Bond: The Judge shall, after election or appointment to fill a vacancy, take and file the official oath as prescribed in §757.02(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes and at the same time execute and file an official bond. The Judge shall not act until the oath and bond have been filed, as required by §19.01(4)(c) of the Wisconsin Statues and the requirements have been complied with of §755.03(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes.

<3> Compensation: The salary for the MAMC Judge shall be fixed, in lieu of fees and costs, by the Common Council of the City of Mauston. No compensation shall be paid for any time during the term for which such Judge has not executed the official oath or official bond, as required by Wis. Stat. §19.01(4)(c) and the requirements have been complied with of Wis. Stat. §755.03(2).



<1> Term: The MAMC Judge shall be elected at large in the spring election in odd-numbered years for a term of four (4) years commencing on May 1, 2013. All candidates for the position of MAMC Judge shall be nominated by nomination papers as provided in Wis. Stat. §8.10, and the selection at a primary election if such is held as provided in Wis. Stat. §8.11. Per §8.10(6)(bm), the Juneau County Clerk shall serve as filing officer for the candidates. Municipalities who choose to join the existing MAMC, agree that the judge for the existing MAMC will continue to serve as judge until the end of his/her term.

<2> Vacancy: A permanent vacancy in the office of MAMC Judge may be filled by temporary appointment of the Common Council of the City of Mauston, in consultation with the Participating Municipalities as provided for in Wis. Stat. §8.50(4)(fm). The office shall be permanently filled by special election in the manner provided for in said statute.

<3> Substitute and Interim MAMC Judge: In the event that a MAMC Judge is to be temporarily absent or is sick or disabled, the provision of Wis. Stat. §800.06 shall apply.

<4> Electors: Electors in the City of Mauston and the Participating Municipalities shall vote for the MAMC Judge.



<1> Exclusivity: The MAMC shall have jurisdiction over incidents occurring on or after January 1, 2014, as provided in Article VII, §14 of the Wisconsin Constitution, and Wis. Stat. §755.045 and §755.05, and as other provided by the laws of Wisconsin. It shall have exclusive jurisdiction over actions in the City of Mauston and the Participating Municipalities seeking to impose forfeitures for violations of municipal ordinances, resolutions and by-laws.

<2> Civil Warrants: The MAMC Judge may issue civil warrants to enforce matters under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court under Wis. Stat. §755.045(2), §66.0119.

<3> Juvenile Offenders: The MAMC Court has jurisdiction over juvenile offenders when a Participating Municipality enacts an ordinance under the authority of Wis. Stat. §938.17(2)(cm). Pursuant to Wis. Stat. §938.17(2)(cm), the MAMC Judge may impose the following dispositions upon a juvenile for a violation of a Participating Municipality’s Ordinances:

(A)  Any disposition allowed under Wis. Stat. Chapter 48.

(B)  Stat. §938.343(2)

(C)  Stat. §938.343(3)

(D)  Stat. §938.343(4)

(E)  Stat. §938.343(10)

(F)  Stat. §938.344

(G)  Stat. §938.261


Any or all of the above listed dispositions may be used in any combination when imposed by the MAMC Judge.



<1> Hours: The MAMC shall be open as determined by order of the MAMC Judge.

<2> Employees: The Court shall be staffed by such clerical personnel as are authorized by the Common Council of the City of Mauston. Staff work priorities and standards will be developed cooperatively between the MAMC Judge and the Mauston City Clerk to ensure all legal and statutory deadlines and obligations will be achieved. The MAMC Judge shall have final authority and determination of work priorities and standards to be implemented by the Mauston City Clerk. The Mauston City Clerk shall be the appointing authority, in consultation with the Participating Municipalities, and shall have jurisdiction over such position(s). Such employee(s) are subject to direction of the Mauston City Clerk. Court personnel shall be covered by a blanket bond paid for by the City of Mauston.

<3> Location: The MAMC Judge shall keep his/her office and hold court in an adequate facility provided by the Common Council of the City of Mauston. However, the MAMC Judge may issue process and perform ministerial functions at any place in Juneau County.



The MAMC Judge may impose punishment and sentences as provided by Wis. Stat. Chaps. 800 and 938, and as provided in the ordinances of the City of Mauston and the Participating Municipalities. All forfeitures, fees, assessments, surcharges and costs shall be paid to the treasurer of the City of Mauston within seven (7) days after receipt of the money by the MAMC. At the time of the payment, the MAMC shall report to the treasurer the title of the action, the nature of the offenses and total amount of judgments imposed in actions and proceedings in which such monies were collected. On or before the last day of the month following the month of collection, the participating municipalities shall be paid the amount collected on citations issued for violations in the respective municipalities, less the court costs and $5.00 processing fee.



The MAMC Judge, after affording an opportunity to the person accused to be heard in defense, may impose a sanction authorized under Wis. Stat. §800.12, and may impose a forfeiture, therefore, as can be found in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.



The MAMC court hereby established shall not be abolished while the §755.01(4) agreement is in effect.



52.201 REPEAL

All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.




This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the municipalities that are parties to the agreement and publication as required by law.


APPROVED:                                                             ATTEST:

Rosetta Boyle, Town Chairman                                 Marion Uphoff, Clerk/Treasurer



Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED:                                                      ATTEST:

Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman                 Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer



Amended to add “As of October 11, 2016, participating municipalities will also include the Town of Necedah.” To section 52.101 PURPOSE, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of October, 2016.

APPROVED:                                                      ATTEST:

Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman               Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer



Amended March 13, 2018:

to add “As of March 13, 2018, participating municipalities will also include the Village of         Lyndon Station.” To section 52.101 PURPOSE,


and replace      “The Participating Municipalities shall be paid the amount collected on citations                                    issued for violations in the respective municipalities, less the court costs and                                    processing fee as set in the Town of Germantown fee schedule.” In section 52.106      COLLECTION OF FORFEITURES AND COSTS, with: “On or before the last day of the month following the month of collection, the participating municipalities shall be paid the amount collected on citations issued for violations in the respective municipalities, less the court costs and $5.00                processing fee.”

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

52A. Setting Municipal Court Jurisdiction




The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, in order to provide for the public health and safety, do ordain as follows:

That part of Germantown Ordinance Number 52, Section 52.104 Jurisdiction is added to and supplemented with the following:

(4) Offenses against state laws subject to forfeiture.  Attached hereto as Schedule A is a listing of the state statutes which define offenses against the peace and good order of the state which are hereby adopted by reference to define offenses against the pace and good order for the Town of Germantown.  Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of these following statutes are incorporated herein by reference and are automatically made a part of this code upon their effective date in the state statutes.

That part of Germantown Ordinance Number 52, Section 52.106 Collection of Forfeitures and Costs is hereby supplemented to create a second subsection as follows:

(2) Any person who shall violate any of the offenses defined herein or on Schedule A attached hereto against the peace and good order of the Town of Germantown shall, upon conviction by the Mauston Area Municipal Court (MAMC), be subject to a penalty as set by the court including a forfeiture as found in the Town of Germantown fee schedule. Failure to pay the forfeiture and costs assessed by the court will subject the person to the penalties of contempt of court as set forth in Ordinance Number 52.

In all other aspects, the provisions of Ordinance Number 52 are hereby ratified and affirmed and remain in full force and effect.

This Ordinance Amendment shall be in full force and effect from the date of its passage and publication.


The following statutes defining offenses against the peace and good order of the State are adopted by reference to define offenses against the pace and good order for the Town provided the penalty for commission of such offenses hereunder shall be limited to a forfeiture imposed under the general penalty provisions of this Code of Ordinances.  Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the Statutes incorporated herein by reference are intended to be made part of this Code.

29.288 Throwing Refuse in Waters

50.58 Careless smoking

167.10 Fireworks Regulated

175.25 Illegal Storage of Junked Vehicles

939.05 Aiding and Abetting

939.22 Words and Phrases Defined

941.10 Negligent Handling of Burning Materials

941.12 Interfering With or Failing to Assist in Firefighting

941.13 False Alarms and Interference with Firefighting

941.20(1) Reckless Use of Weapon

941.22 Possession of a Pistol by a Minor

941.23 Carrying Concealed Weapon

941.235 Carrying a Firearm in a Public Building

941.24 Possession of Switchblade Knife

941.33 Hazing

941.35 Emergency Telephone Calls

941.36 Fraudulent Tapping of Electric Wires or Gas or Water Meters or Pipes

943.01(1) Criminal Damage to Property

943.6 Molotov Cocktails

943.11 Entry into Locked Vehicle

943.125 Entry into locked Coin Box

943.13 Trespass to Land

943.14 Trespass to Dwellings

943.15 Entry into Locked Site

943.20 Theft of Property

943.21 Fraud on Innkeeper

943.22 Cheating Tokens

943.23(2) Operating Vehicle Without Owner’s Consent

943.24(1)  Worthless Checks

943.34(1) Receiving Stolen Property

943.35 Receiving Property from a Child

943.37 Alteration of Property Identification Marks

943.38(3) Forgery

943.41 Credit Card Crimes

943.50 Retail Theft

944.20 Lewd and Lascivious Behavior

944.21 Lewd, Obscene, or Indecent Matter, Pictures, and Performances

944.23 Making Lewd, Obscene or Indecent Drawings

944.30 Prostitution

944.31 Patronizing Prostitutes

944.33 Pandering

944.34  Keeping a Place of Prostitution

945.01 Definitions Relating to Gambling

945.02 Gambling

945.04 Permitting Premises to be used for Commercial Gambling

946.40 Refusing to Aid Officer

946.41 Resisting or Obstructing Officer

946.42(2) Escape

946.69 Falsely Assuming to Act as Public Officer of Employee

946.70 Impersonating Peace Officer

946.72(2) Tampering with Public Records and Notices

947.01 Disorderly Conduct

947.012 Unlawful Use of Telephone

947.013 Harassment

947.015 Bomb Scares

947.02 Vagrancy

947.047 Littering Shores

947.06 Unlawful Assemblies

947.08 Crime Comics

948.01 Definitions

948.015 Construction and Application

948.02 Mistreating Animals

948.03 Dognapping or Catnapping

948.04 Leading Animal from Motor Vehicle

948.05 Transportation of Animals

948.06 Use of Poisonous and Controlled Substances

948.07 Use of Certain Devices Prohibited

948.08 Instigating Fights between Animals

948.09 Shooting at Caged or Staked Animals

948.10 Sale of Baby Rabbits, Chicks, and Other Fowl

948.11 Artificially Colored Animal; Sale

948.13 Providing Proper Food and Drink to Confined Animals

948.14 Providing Proper Shelter

948.15 Animals; Neglected or Abandoned; Police Powers

125.07(4)(b) Underage Drinking Violations – Possesses or Consumes Under 17 Years

125.07(4)(b) Underage Drinking Violations – Possesses or Consumes 17 to 20 Years

125.07(4)(a)  Underage Drinking Violations – Procures or Attempts to Procure Under 17 Years

125.07(4)(a) Underage Drinking Violations – Procures or Attempts to Procure 17-20 Years

961.41 Controlled Substance – Possession of THC

961.573 Controlled Substance – Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

254.92  Possession or Purchase of Tobacco by Minor

Effective Date
This ordinance shall be in force and in effect upon its passage and one day after legal publication as provided for by law.

Adopted this 14th day of January 2014 by the Germantown Town Board.

APPROVED:                                                          ATTEST: 

Rosetta Boyle, Town Chairman                         Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

Amended to remove all fees from the ordinance and replace them with a reference to find those fees in the fee schedule, at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 11th day of August, 2015.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

53. Poll Worker Split Shifts

Town of Germantown
Juneau County

Ordinance 53

The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under s. 7.30 (1), Wis. stats., to adopt this ordinance.

This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides for the selection of 2 [or more] sets of officials to work at different times on each election day as follows:

  1. There shall be 2 shifts for election workers on all election days. The first shift shall commence at 6:30 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m. The second shift shall commence at 2:00 p.m. and end with completion of all required election day duties that follow the closure of the polls.

This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

Adopted this 8 day of March, 2016.

APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

54. Tax Bond Exemption

Town of Germantown
Juneau County

Ordinance 54

The supervisors of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, hereby ordain as follows:

That the treasurer of the town is exempted from giving the bond specified in s.70.67 (2), Wis. Stats.

That the town hereby obligates itself to pay, in case the town treasurer fails so to do, all state and county taxes that the treasurer is required to pay to the county treasurer.


Adopted November 29, 2017.


Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Bruce Barton, Supervisor
Ken Jax, Supervisor
Keith Korbein, Supervisor
Ray Feldman, Supervisor

ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

55. Comprehensive Plan

Town of Germantown
Juneau County

Ordinance 55

The title of this ordinance is the Town of Germantown Comprehensive Plan Ordinance. The purpose of this ordinance is for the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, to lawfully adopt a comprehensive plan as required under s. 66.1001 (4) (c), Wis. stats.


The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, has authority under its village powers under s. 60.22, Wis. stats., to appoint a town plan commission under ss. 60.62 (4) and 62.23 (1), Wis. stats., and under s. 66.1001 (4), Wis. stats., to adopt this ordinance. The comprehensive plan of the Town of Germantown must be in compliance with s. 66.1001 (4) (c), Wis. stats., in order for the town board to adopt this ordinance.


This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides for the adoption by the town of a comprehensive plan under s. 66.1001 (4), Wis. stats.


The town board has adopted written procedures designed to foster public participation in every stage of the preparation of a comprehensive plan as required by s. 66.1001 (4) (a), Wis. stats.


The Plan Commission of the Town of Germantown, by a majority vote of the entire commission, recorded in its official minutes, has adopted a resolution recommending to the town board the adoption of the Town of Germantown Comprehensive Plan, which contains all of the elements specified in s. 66.1001 (2), Wis. stats.


The Town of Germantown has held at least one public hearing on this ordinance, with notice in compliance with the requirements of s. 66.1001 (4) (d), Wis. stats.

The town board, by the enactment of this ordinance, formally adopts the document entitled Town of Germantown Comprehensive Plan Ordinance under s. 66.1001 (4) (c), Wis. stats.


If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable.


This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats. and a copy of the ordinance and the comprehensive plan, shall be filed with at least all of the entities specified under s. 66.1001 (4) (b), Wis. stats..

Adopted this 9th day of May, 2017.


Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
Bruce Barton, Supervisor
Ken Jax, Supervisor
Keith Korbein, Supervisor
Ray Feldman, Supervisor

ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

55 -A1. Adopt an Amendment and Update to the Comprehensive Plan






The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:


Section 1. Pursuant to Sections 60.10(2)(c), 62.23, 61.35, and 60.22(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Town of Germantown is authorized to prepare, adopt, and amend a comprehensive plan as defined in Sections 66.1001(1)(a) and 66.1001(2) of the Statutes.


Section 2. The Town Board, by the enactment of an ordinance, formally adopted the document titled “Town of Germantown Comprehensive Plan: 2017” on May 9, 2017, as Ordinance 55.


Section 3. The Town Plan Commission, by a majority vote of the entire Plan Commission at a meeting held on April 15, 2020 adopted a resolution approving the amendment and recommending adoption of Amendment No. 55 A1 by the Town Board as the 10-year update to the Town comprehensive plan required by Section 66.1001(2)(i) of the Wisconsin Statutes.


Section 4.  The Town published a Class 1 public notice and held a public hearing on May 26, 2020, to obtain public comments regarding the comprehensive plan amendment and update.


Section 5. The Town Board hereby adopts this Ordinance Adopting Amendment No. 55 A1 as the 10-year update to the Town of Germantown comprehensive plan.


Section 6. The Town Clerk is directed to send a copy of the plan update to the parties listed in Section 66.1001(4)(b) of the Statutes.


Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage by a majority vote of the full membership of the Town Board and publication or posting as required by law.


Adopted by the Town of Germantown Board of Supervisors this 9th day of June, 2020.

Gregg Haunroth, Chairman
Skip Barton, Supervisor
Ken Jax, Supervisor
Keith Korbein, Supervisor
Ray Feld, Supervisor

Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

56. Income Confidentiality

Town of Germantown
Juneau County

Ordinance 56


This ordinance is entitled the Town of Germantown Ordinance Relating to Confidentiality of Income and Expense Records. The purpose of this ordinance is to provide confidentiality of the records of taxpayers who provide income and expense record information to the town assessor under s. 70.47 (7) (af), Wis. stats., and to exempt that information from being subject to the right of inspection or copying as a public record under s. 19.35 (1), Wis. stats.



The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under s. 70.47 (7) (af), Wis. stats., to provide confidentiality to taxpayers of certain income and expense records provided to the town assessor by those taxpayers for purposes of valuation of real property in the Town of Germantown, owned by those taxpayers.



This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, adopts by reference s. 70.47 (7) (af), Wis. stats., providing for the confidentiality of information regarding income and expenses.



Section 70.47 (7) (af), Wis. stats., is adopted by reference. Income and expense information provided by a property owner to the town assessor for the purpose of establishing valuation for assessment purposes by the income method of valuation shall be confidential and not a public record open to inspection or copying under s. 19.35 (1), Wis. stats. Unless a court determines that the information is inaccurate, the information provided to the assessor is not subject to the right of inspection or copying as a public record under s. 19.35 (1), Wis. stats.



A town officer in the Town of Germantown may make public disclosure or allow access to income and expense information provided by a property owner to the town assessor for the purpose of establishing valuation for assessment purposes by the income method of valuation in his or her possession as provided below:

  1.   The town assessor shall have access to the provided income and expense information in the performance of his or her duties.
  2.   The board of review may review the provided income and expense information when needed, in its opinion, to decide upon a contested assessment.
  3.   Any person or body who has the right or whose duty in his or her office is to review the provided income and expense information shall have access to the information.
  4.   A town officer who is complying with a court order may release the provided income and expense information in accordance with the court’s order.
  5.   If the provided income and expense information has been determined by a court to be inaccurate, the information is open and public.
  6.   If the property owner has provided written approval for public disclosure or limited disclosure to that person, and the Town Board of the Town of Germantown has approved the disclosure, the provided income and expense information is open and public to the extent approved.



If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable.



This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon publication.

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

Adopted this 8th day of May, 2018.


APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

57. Weight Limits

Town of Germantown
Juneau County

Ordinance 57


Establishes special or seasonal weight limits on roads


The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under s. 349.16, Wis. stats., to adopt this ordinance.


This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, establishes special or seasonal weight limits as follows:


    A. Seasonal weight limits shall be effective for periods that coincide with Juneau County’s weight limits on the following Town of Germantown town highways:

Whistling Wings Drive
Tomahawk Trail
32nd Avenue
North Lake Drive
South Lake Drive
Beach Drive
37th Street
38th Street


        B. The town chairperson, or his or her designee, shall erect signs as required under s. 

349.16 (2), Wis. stats., on or before the effective date of this ordinance.

C. No person may operate any vehicle on the above-noted highways in violation of the above-noted weight limits without a written permit issued by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown. Upon conviction for a violation of this ordinance, the violator shall pay a forfeiture the amount of which is listed in the Town of Germantown Fee Schedule, plus the applicable surcharges, assessments, and costs for each violation. Each trip in violation of this ordinance constitutes a separate offense. In addition, the town board may seek injunctive relief from a court of record to enjoin further violations.

    This ordinance is effective upon the posting of the approved ordinance.


    The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.


    Adopted this 19th day of June, 2018.


    APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
    ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

    59 A-1. Adoption of Wisconsin Building Codes

    Town of Germantown
    Juneau County

    Ordinance 59 A-1

     Adoption of Wisconsin Building Codes




    These regulations are adopted under the authority granted by chapters 59. 60, 61, 62, 66 and 101, Wis. Stats.  Where this ordinance conflicts with applicable uniform state codes, the latter shall govern.




    The purpose of this building code is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of our municipality.  Existing Ordinance 44 – Adoption of the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code – is hereby revoked and recreated by incorporating it into this Ordinance 59 by which the Town will take jurisdiction over the enforcement of all Wisconsin Building Codes as stated herein including the Uniform State Dwelling Code.




    This building code applies to all dwellings, Commercial buildings, apartment buildings, swimming pools, garages, and other outbuildings.  Excepted are outbuildings used exclusively for children’s play structure, dog kennels, and storage sheds of less than 200 square feet in area.




    Prior to commencing any of the following work, the owner or agent shall obtain a valid permit from the municipal building inspector as follows:

    • New Buildings
    • Additions that increase the physical dimensions of a building, including decks.
    • Alterations to the building structure or alterations to the building’s heating, electrical, or plumbing systems.
    • Replacement of major building equipment, including furnaces and central air conditioners. Water heater replacements shall require a permit if the plumbing, venting, electrical, or gas supply systems are altered.
    • Restoration or repair of an installation to its previous code compliant condition as determined by the building inspector is exempted from permit requirements. However, unless structural calculations are provided, no more than two layers of roofing shall be installed on a roof.




    The following Wisconsin Codes and subsequent revisions are adopted for municipal enforcement.


    Ch. SPS 302.31                                   Plan Review Fee Schedule

    Ch. SPS 305                                         Credentials

    Ch. SPS 316                                         Electrical Code

    Ch. SPS 320-325                                 Uniform Dwelling Code

    Ch. SPS 328                                         Smoke Detectors

    Ch. SPS 361-66                                   Commercial Building and Heating, Ventilating and
                                                                      Air Conditioning Code

    Ch. SPS 370                                         Historic Building Code

    Ch. SPS 375-379                                 Existing Buildings Code

    Ch. SPS 381-387                                 Uniform Plumbing Code

    Ch. SPS 327                                         Campgrounds




    Notwithstanding SPS 320-05, the scope of the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code is revised to include for the purposes of this ordinance:

    Additions, alterations, and major equipment replacements for one- and two-family dwellings       built prior to June 1, 1980.  Because such projects are not under state jurisdiction, the municipal board of appeals, respectively, shall decide petitions for variance and final appeals under SPS 320.19 and 320.21.  Petitions for variance shall be decided per SPS 320.19 (Intro.) so that equivalency is maintained to the intent of the rule being petitioned.  As the board of appeals approves petitions for variance, the chief inspector is granted the power to apply the results to similar circumstances by precedent.

    Detached garages serving one- and two-family dwellings and any heating, electrical, or plumbing systems therein, shall comply with the Uniform Dwelling Code.  Petitions for variance and appeals shall be handled as in the previous paragraph.

    Residential sheds of over 200 square feet in area.





    There is hereby created the office of Building Inspector.  The municipality shall appoint                the building inspector.  The building inspector shall be certified for inspections purposes by the state in the required categories specified under SPS 305, Wisconsin Administrative Code.



    The building inspector may appoint, as necessary, subordinate inspectors.  Any subordinate retained to inspect buildings shall be certified as necessary under SPS 305,   Wisconsin Administrative Code, by the state.



    The building inspector shall administer and enforce all provisions of this ordinance.



    Within the limits of the law, the building inspector may at all reasonable hours enter upon any public or private premises for inspections purposes and may require the production of the permit for any building, plumbing, electrical or heating work.



    The building inspector shall perform all administrative tasks required by the applicable codes.  In addition, the inspector shall keep a record of all applications for building permits in a book for such purpose and regularly number each permit in the order of its issuance.




    Two sets of building plans shall be submitted to the building inspector for any work which expands the size of a building, any new building, or as required by the building inspector.  If a new building or building addition is proposed, then a plot plan showing such proposed work, and existing buildings and property lines shall be submitted.




    The building inspector shall issue the requested permit after all state, county, and local submission requirements are satisfied.  If a permit card is issued, it shall be posted at the job site in a visible location.  Permits are valid for two years, or one year if the work has not commenced.




    If the building inspector finds no non-compliances, then the building inspector shall allow             occupancy.  If minor non-compliances, other than health or safety items are in existence, the   inspector may allow temporary occupancy for a specified term.  Occupancy may not be taken    until the inspector allow occupancy.




    All buildings shall have a weather-resistant, uniform and neighborhood-compatible exterior         finish.  Tarpaper or similar material is not acceptable.




    At the time of building permit application, the applicant shall pay fees as established periodically by the municipal governing body.  If work commences prior to permit issuance, the building inspector may charge double fees.




    The enforcement of this Ordinance and all other laws relating to building shall authorize the withholding of Building Permits, imposition of forfeitures and injunctive action.  The forfeiture amounts can be changed from time-to-time by Board action.  The current Forfeiture Schedule can be seen in the Town of Germantown Fee and Forfeiture Schedule for each day of non-compliance.




    The inspector may issue a stop work order against a project to prevent further non-complying work.




    This ordinance shall not be construed as an assumption of liability by the municipality or inspector for damages because of injuries sustained or property destroyed by any defect in any installation or on any premises.


    This ordinance as amended to include Commercial was adopted this 12th day of October, 2021.

    APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
    ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer 



    The original ordinance was adopted this 10th day of September, 2019

    APPROVED: Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman
    ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

    60. Golf Carts


                                                                            GOLF CART ORDINANCE

                                                                          TOWN OF GERMANTOWN

                                                                     JUNEAU COUNTY, WISCONSIN


    The intent of this Ordinance is to regulate golf carts.

    The Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:

    60.1 Golf Carts

    This ordinance establishes golf carts as being illegal on public roads or streets within the boundaries of the Town of Germantown. WI State Statute 349.18. Golf carts do not qualify as a lows-speed vehicle.  Wisconsin State Statute 571.500.


    60.2 Penalties

    Violation of any provision of this ordinance or any lawful order of the Town of Germantown Town Board, shall be subject to a fine as set in the Town of Germantown’s fee schedule.

    60.3 Effective Date

    This ordinance shall be in force and in effect upon its passage and one day after legal publication as provided for by law. This ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin on the 20th of April, 2021.


    APPROVED:     Gregg Haunroth, Town Chairman 

    ATTEST:    Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer

    61. Adopting Residential/Commercial Building Codes

    Ordinance 61    Adopt Residential/Commercial Building Codes          Sept. 14, 2021

    62. Establishing a Code of Ethics

    Ordinance 62    Establishing a Code of Ethics          August 16, 2022 

    63. Mfgd & Mobile Home Community License

    Ordinance 63   Mfgd & Mobile Home Communtiy License          December 12, 2023 

    List of Ordinances that are no longer active


    Ordinance 1     No Wake-Speeding  RESCINDED ON August 11, 2015
    Ordinance 2A   Amending Liquor License Fees  RESCINDED on August 11, 2015
    Ordinance 3     Littering  RESCINDED on August 11, 2015
    Ordinance 5     Assigning Road Names –  Replaced by Ord 15 on Sept 15, 2004
    Ordinance 6     Establishing a new bulkhead  RESCINDED on August 11, 2015
    Ordinance 8    Regulating camping & camp type units  RESCINDED & inserted into Ordinance 22 on August 16, 2022
    Ordinance 10   Speed Zones – Replaced by Ordinance 30 on July 13, 1999
    Ordinance 11    Speed Zones – Replaced by Ordinance 30 on July 13, 1999
    Ordinance 12    Speed Zones – Replaced by Ordinance 30 on July 13, 1999
    Ordinance 14    Swim Area and No Wake in Buckhorn State Park – RESCINDED on April 13, 2016
    Ordinance 16    Assigning Names to some Town Roads – RESCINDED on April 13, 2016
    Ordinance 17   No Parking Area – Expired
    Ordinance 19   Speed Zones – Replaced by Ordinance 30 on July 13, 1999
    Ordinance 20   Speed Zones – Replaced by Ordinance 30 on July 13, 1999
    Ordinance 21 & 21A    Jurisdictions and Duties of the Constables RESCINDED on August 11, 2015
    Ordinance 24   Recycling – RESCINDED on November 10, 2015
    Ordinance 26   Formation of a Park Committee – REPEALED  October 12, 2021
    Ordinance 28   Little Yellow River Water Traffic – RESCINDED on April 13, 2016
    Ordinance 32   Regulate Boating on Castle Rock Lake – RESCINDED on April 13, 2016
    Ordinance 33   Slow-No Wake Hours – RESCINDED on April 13, 2016
    Ordinance 39A  Amending Impact Fees – RESCINDED on January 12, 2021
    Ordinance 41   Regulating Slow Wake Area – RESCINDED on April 13, 2016
    Ordinance 42  Comprehensive Plan –Replaced by Ordinance 55 on May 9, 2017, June 9,2020
    Ordinance 44   Adoption of WI U.D.C. – REVOKED & INCORPORATED INTO ORDINACE 59 on Sept. 10, 2019
    Ordinance 51 -No ordinance ever existed -the number was only used in prelim work on Ord 52.
    Ordinance 58 -No ordinance ever existed for this number.
    Ordinance 59 -Adoption of WI Building Codes –Incorporated into Ord.59-A1 on Oct.12, 2021

    Pay Taxes

    Property Tax Payments

    Payments on Real Estate Taxes are now being accepted!

    – To pay online, go to:  PAY TAXES ONLINE .

    – OR, mail payment with slip to Town of Germantown, N7560 17th Ave., New Lisbon, WI  53950.  Checks or money orders only.

    – OR, payment and slip can be dropped off in the BLUE dropbox set up on the end of the mailboxes  at the Town Hall at N7560 17th Ave., New Lisbon.  Please, NO cash  –Checks or Money Orders ONLY !   

    If you want a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment so that one can be mailed to you after your tax payment is processed. 



    Dog Licenses -ARE REQUIRED!  -get them only through Juneau County!

       Juneau County issues dog licenses now. All dogs in Juneau County are required to have a yearly dog license.  Information on how to get to dog licenses is on the website at    Please note fees for Spayed/Neutered is $12.00 and Un-Altered is $15.00.  If you have any questions please call or email the County Clerk’s office—608-847-9300 or email [email protected]  .  IF Germantown is not your primary residence, then you need to have your dog licensed where you maintain your primary residence.


    More Useful Info

    FAQS from the State of WI re: the lottery credit
    Lottery and Gaming credit forms
    Juneau County Web Portal to search for your tax information

            Where Do My Taxes Go?

         2024 taxes payable in 2025

    $11,586,529.63 Total Property Taxes 2024 – Payable in 2025
    -$5,140,579.32 Necedah, New Lisbon, & Mauston School Districts  (44.37%)
    -$789,389.06 Technical College  (6.81%)
    -$4,872,661.86 Juneau County  (42.05%)
    $783,899.39 Town of Germantown’s share    (6.77%)

    Net mill rates in the Town of Germantown: 

    School District of Necedah     0.016265667

    School District of New Lisbon     0.016074419

    School District of Mauston      0.017015572