Welcome To Our Community!

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Pay Property Taxes HERE   to pay Real Estate Taxes after the January 31 cutoff.  (Additional information under the Pay Taxes section of Permits & Fees.)


      Upcoming days when the Town Hall Office will be closed:

      Monday May 26, 2025,

Friday July 4, 2025

Monday September 1, 2025


New Winter Office Hours 7:30am-12:30pm Mon, Tue, and Thur.

Snow Plowing Notice: Make sure your mailbox is sturdy and well-attached to its post before winter plowing starts.  Please know that a mailbox knocked off its post from the force of snow/snow chunks from plowing does not qualify you to receive a new mailbox.

To report trees down over a road when the office is closed, please contact the Juneau county non-emergency # 608-847-5649. 

 Thank you! 


Permits & Fees



Public Safety

Town Board Meetings

Planning Commission Meetings

Registration and Voting



Useful Links

Comprehensive Plan and Vision

View the Comprehensive Plan  (includes maps).
Also view the Comprehensive Plan Amendment  (2e in red at the bottom of its page 28).


The Comprehensive Plan gives vision to a future twenty year plan to guide the Township in retaining its uniqueness to the surrounding area. It will enhance its identity through the preservation and promotion of its natural resources while expanding recreational activities and opportunities for its residents and visitors. Planned residential and economic development is an integral part of the Township’s growth . Current and future generations will benefit by blending new development with its natural setting and maintaining the rural character of the community.

  1. Preserve and protect the scenic and natural beauty of our area, including wetlands, floodplains, wildlife habitats, ponds, woodlands, and groundwater resources and parks.
    The Township of Germantown’s scenic beauty, rural character, and surrounding environment will be enhanced by balancing growth patterns and preserving its visual character, water quality, and clean air.
  2. Manage residential growth while preserving our rural environment.Recognizing that Germantown includes a large lake population, the township will support land use controls and permitting procedures that do not prevent the provision of housing opportunities consistent with the rural character of the community. It will evaluate conservation design guidelines and restrict the location of new development in areas shown not to be suitable.
  3. Assist in the continued development of the existing sanitary sewer system and maximize the public benefits of telephone, cable and internet franchise agreements and provide additional park space in proximity to residential areas.
    Germantown is unique to the surrounding area because of its sanitary sewer district. The township will identify appropriate ways to unite the two separately administered but physically connected districts. It will continue to provide support of Sanitary District #1’s operations by review and approval of the District’s ordinance, rules, and regulations. The Town will consider authorization to allow timely acquisition of additional lands for park use.
  4. Promote the stabilization of the current economic base and insure that industrial development does not negatively impact environmental resources or adjoining property values.
    The Town will strive to encourage new retail, commercial, and industrial development in designated planned areas adjacent to county and state roads consistent with the future land use map
  5. Strive to balance individual property rights with community interests and goals by encouraging land use densities and regulations that promote efficient development patterns and low utility costs that result in a quiet peaceful community with open space and scenic landscapes.
    Managed development through the PUD process requires open green space along existing roads and abutting subdivisions. Conservation easements will be encouraged to protect environmentally sensitive and unique resources through coordination of the Town’s ordinances and the Sanitary District’s expansion plans.