Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1 Board of Directors Special Meeting


Held remotely via Microsoft Teams  

March 10 ,2022

9:00 AM

Present: (all via Teams) Board Members Jim Murphy, Jim Keene, Brad Pavloski, Ken Jax, Rod Abbrederis. Administrator Kathy Oliver,  Kyra Cassidy from MSA

Call to Order/Approve Agenda-

The meeting was called to order via Microsoft Teams at 9:08 AM and the agenda was approved by the board. With all board members present, we did have a quorum.


A motion was made by Jim Keene, seconded by Brad Pavloski, to approve the minutes from the January 13, 2021 regular meeting with no changes or corrections. Motion carried with all in favor.

Discussion and Possible Action on Administrator’s Report –

-Financial Status Summary  Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. In addition Kathy presented an updated report on Expenditures and Loan Disbursements for the WWTF Upgrade Project. We’ve had 2 connections YTD 2022, with a number more requests awaiting connection.  Our current members, Connected and Non, total 1,290. Kathy asked for a Motion to approve sending the 2020 Annual Audit Report to the Town of Germantown. Motion was made by Jim Keene, 2nd by Brad Pavloski to do so, and to approve the Administrator’s Report. Motion carried with all in favor. 

Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Operations Update- Update-including Dirty Turtle Connection Request-

Kyra Cassidy reported on the daily operations. Average influent and effluent flows are in-line with expectations for the time of year. Effluent ammonia concentrations have continued to be below DNR limits. She reported typical non-routine maintenance work, in addition to Jason Terry performing blower demolition for the construction Project.

The Dirty Turtle has requested permission to hook up gray water for their new Tiki Bar to the district system, and to dump the contents of a 1,000 gallon tank used to perform boat pump-outs during the summer season. They may add additional bathrooms to the Tiki Bar in the future and need to hook them in at that time. There was discussion of what we currently charge our commercial customers and if/how we should change our fees in accordance to the amount of use each customer incurs.   Kyra suggested that this would be a good time to do an evaluation of rates, use, etc to ensure that we proceed knowing all customers are being charged appropriately.  She estimated cost of the study, which would be conducted by MSA, to be around $10,000.00. It could be done starting mid-April and be complete this summer. Jim Murphy explained that since this was not an actionable Agenda item, we would need to hold a special meeting to address the issue. After some discussion a Motion was made by Jim Keene, and seconded by Brad Pavloski to hold a Special Meeting on March 17 at 9AM. Kyra will prepare and present a proposal for the study for the Board’s consideration.

Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Construction Update-

Kyra Cassidy provided an update on the upgrade project. Wapasha Construction recently completed the following:

-Installed spray foam insulation, drywall and painted walls and ceilings of Control Building, installed glass board in the chemical room. 

-Installed HVAC ductwork and water and sewer piping

-Installed new electrical equipment in Control Building

-Completed power and controls switchover from Blower Building to Control Building, installed temporary power and controls to existing blower

-Demolished first blower in blower building

-Performed leakage test in MH D

– Installed lagoon 3 cover

-Connected Control Building grinder station to existing forcemain

-Installed aeration in MH B and MH C

-Set Lift Station generator, poured WWTF generator pad

Kyra commented that the generator at the Lift Station had some finish damage when it arrived. She made repairs to ensure no further damage would occur. There was discussion on whether we should accept the generator or send it back. Kyra said bigger concern would be the fact that if we sent it back we would have no back-up power, and that she feels it will be fine as-is. Jim Keene asked her to give us an update on the issue at our meeting on March 17. Kyra continues to work on the replacement well situation. She has a quote for drilling the new well, and will personally oversee the work. She has applied for a variance for depth. Her opinion is that we are better off with the expense to re-drill now vs the alternative, which would mean using the water and needing to treat it chemically, at a large annual expense to the district. Jim Murphy asked if Kyra could show the facility to any board members that what to see it in person. She offered to give a tour on March 17 at our special meeting, which will be held at the facility. A motion was made by Ken Jax, and seconded by Brad Pavloski to accept Kyra’s report. Motion passed with all in favor.


Public Comment –

There was no public comment.


A motion was made by Ken Jax, Seconded by Jim Keene, to adjourn at 9:55 AM.  Motion carried with all in favor.  The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th, 2022 at 9:00AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy Oliver, Administrator