Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Planning Commission Meeting


Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
April 17, 2014


Present: Commission Chair Shannon Armel; Commissioners Keith Korbein, and Mick McCormick, Tamaya Loewe arrived after meeting started; Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, and Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein

Absent:  Commissioner Gervase Thompson,

Guests:  Chris Renner, Pat Pavloski, Brad Pavloski


–Call to Order

The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Commissioner Shannon Armel at the Germantown Town Hall at 5:30pm. 


–Pledge of Allegiance


–Possible approval of the Minutes from the February meeting

Mick McCormick made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 20, 2024 Planning Commission Public Hearing and the March 20, 2024 Planning Commission Planning Commission Meeting, seconded by Keith Korbein; motion passed 3/0.


–Discussion and possible approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of First Addition to Sunset Lake at Sand Point

No changes had been made since last approval, and there were no other questions or comments. Keith Korbein made a motion to approve the Preliminary and Final plats of the First Addition to Sunset Lake at Sand Point, seconded by Mick McCormick; motion passed 3/0.  This will now need to go to the Town Board for their approval.  


Tamaya Loewe arrived at this point.


–Work session continued on Short Term Rentals

Beach Lake and Sunset Lake were set up as rental areas; Brad Pavloski said dues in both of those areas are more than in other developments because of the being rental properties.  Glacier Point and High Ridge have a few rentals. Note that there are other areas in the town like Sandstone or individuals that also allow rentals.


Town of Rome in Adams County has their short term rental information on their website.  It would be worthwhile to review their website.


Still a big concern is how to get emergency information and notifications into those rentals.  A good suggestion is to post it, like the hotels do, with a placard on the door and in paperwork kept on the property.



Best time to find out what properties are being rented through VRBO is to check it in an off-peak or off-season week.  If you Google “AirDNA”, you can find out performance of rentals in the area. Those who want to build rentals use this as a tool.  As for us, it can show what properties are being rented.


Possible fees and fines were discussed, possibly to charge $500 for a new application, $500 for a renewal application, a $1000/day fine for every day not in compliance and a 5-day warning.  Most felt having serious penalties would be a deterrent, so people would not want to break the ordinance.  People may complain, but they would still pay the fees because in the end they are making money from having their property rented.  Applications/forms could be online in a format like GoogleDoc.


For next meeting, review Rome’s website on short term rentals and check other municipalities who have procedures and policies in place for this.  The hope is to implement such items here sooner rather than later, but it could also be noticed in the tax bill at year end. 



Next meeting will be May 15, 2024 at 5:30pm.  Keith Korbein made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Tamaya Loewe; motion passed 4/0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:37pm.


Respectfully submitted,



Michaele R. Korbein

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer