Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI
Town of Germantown
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2023
Present: Commission Chair Shannon Armel, Commissioners, Keith Korbein, Gervase Thompson, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein
Absent: Commissioners Mick McCormick, Tamaya Loewe
Public attending: None
–Call to Order
The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairperson Shannon Armel at the Germantown Town Hall at 6:10pm.
–Pledge of Allegiance
–Possible approval of the Minutes from the July meetings.
Gervase Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 12, 23023 Planning Commission as presented, seconded by Keith Korbein; motion passed 3/0.
–Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance 22 changes
Reviewed and discussed changes to the zoning ordinance (Ordinance #22).
Regarding Section 2.09:
Changed sub-heading: change ‘Limits of Duration of Use’ to Limitations.
Under the Camping Permit heading, add in at end of paragraph: 1 camper per permit.
Remove the Special Events section to prevent confusion.
For the Park Models section, to keep things simple and easier, remove all existing wording and insert: Park Models are only allowed within licensed RV park or campground.
Under Sewage, remove (f) Gray Water.
Referrals to other sections within a section were corrected and updated.
All numbering and lettering will be adjusted.
Reviewed that CAMP/CAMPING definition as underlined for inclusion.
Regarding other items in Ordinance 22:
Removed lined-through words that were missed in removal from the 2022 Board-approved changes.
Removed several un-necessary underlines.
Reviewed the update STRUCTURE definition for retaining walls.
Reviewed for the copy, publishing, and posting requirements as underlined for inclusion in 3.08(9)(a)(i), 5.02, 5.04 (1), 6.03(b), 6.03(c), 8.02(3), 9.01(3), 9.02(3)
Keith Korbein made a motion to approve the changes to the Zoning Ordinance #22 as presented with the updates as discussed and reviewed this evening, to be presented to the Town Board for their approval, seconded by Gervase Thompson; motion passed 3/0.
–Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance 22 proposed checklists
Gervase Thompson made a motion to approve the six checklists as presented, seconded by Keith Korbein; motion passed 3/0.
–Discussion and possible approval of changes to Ordinances 15, 4, 13 ,30 ,35, 46, 57
Shannon combined these ordinances into one as a traffic code. However, per past work sessions, Ordinance 4 and Ordinance 15 should each stand alone. So, ordinances 13,30,35,46,57 are the only ones to be combined. This will be continued at the next meeting. Members are to use the copy as presented from last meeting to continue their review for the next meeting, but they should disregard sections pertaining to ordinances 4 and 15 as those will be removed.
Next meeting date to be September 13, 2023 at 5:30pm. Keith Korbein made a motion to adjourn seconded by Gervase Thompson; motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Michaele R. Korbein
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer