Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI
Planning Commission Meeting
Town of Germantown
February 9, 2022
Present: Commission Chair Shannon Armel, Commissioners Ken Jax, Keith Korbein, Mick McCormick, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Mick McCormick, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein
Absent: Gervase Thompson
Guests: None
Call to Order
Planning Commission meeting was called to order by chairperson Shannon Armel at the Germantown Town Hall at 5:30 pm.
Possible approval of meeting minutes.
Ken Jax made a motion, seconded by Keith Korbein, to approve the minutes from the December 15, 2021, Planning Commission meeting. Motion passed 4-0.
Work session re: camping in Camping Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance and Nuisance Ordinance
Wisconsin Towns Association’s attorney, Lara Carlson emailed a reply to Shannon’s camping questions. Essentially, we need to determine to which it is most applicable, which seems to be Zoning. We would need to put into the Use table, and we would need to have an attorney review it.
Under our current camping ordinance, two or more camping units is considered a campground, which then it falls under the Zoning ordinance for campgrounds.
The biggest concerns/reasons to need a camping ordinance seem to be regulating sewage and multiple campers on a property.
Discussed parts of the camping ordinance to see what we really want to keep in it if put into the Zoning ordinance. Among those parts to keep are fire numbers, driveway permits, keeping camping in ARO and TC, violations, penalties, setbacks, 1 or 2 on a 3-acre parcel.
Some areas of the camping ordinance will not be able to be enforced.
Still want to do some sort of camping permits, and the parts on special events and licensing.
What about park models?
Could put the camping ordinance in the Zoning ordinance between 2.12 and 2.13, and then adjust the numbering. Definitions could then be added to the Zoning ordinance definitions.
Shannon will reach out to the town’s attorney on this.
Work session on Petition to Re-zone and for Conditional Use of 40-acre site at 40th
It sounds like they would be offering daily and weekly RV only camping.
No decks would be permitted, as it is not for permanent sites.
No tents. Only RVs.
They are keeping a buffer all the way around.
A Public Hearing was set for this for March 2, 2022, at 5:30pm. The Planning Commission will meet immediately following to make their decisions. Applicant, Lake N Woods, needs to notify neighboring properties that are within 1000 feet of the property. The Planning Commission’s decision would go to the Town Board for their March 8 meeting.
Work session on Short Term Rentals
The Town Law Conference information on regulating short term rentals and a sample ordinance will be re-emailed to the commissioners. Should also look at having an ordinance allowing the collection of room taxes.
Next meeting will be March 2, 2022, with the Public Hearing at 5:30, with the Planning Commission meeting immediately following.
Ken Jax made a motion to adjourn at 6:52 pm, seconded by Mick McCormick. Motion passed 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 6:33pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michaele Korbein
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer