Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Planning Commission Public Hearing 


Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
January 13, 2021
5:30 p.m.

Present:   Commission Chair Shannon Armel, Commissioners Gervase Thompson, Mick McCormick, Keith Korbein, Ken Jax, and Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein

Absent:    Zoning Administrator Dick Martin

Guests:    Paul Merk; Brad Pavloski; representatives of Little Pond Lodge on Hwy 58



At 5:30 pm, Committee Chairperson Shannon Armel opened the Public Hearing to hear comments on the application for a Conditional Use Permit for four billboard signs at N6734 Highway 58 in the Town of Germantown.  The applicant was Gary Merk. Gary Merk was out of state, so his brother Paul Merk presented.


Two 24’ signs would be end to end with 1-foot space between facing one direction, and the other two signs would be on the back side with the 1-foot space facing the opposite direction. 


For a visual aid, a 49-foot string was measured and tied to chairs to show the actual length of the size of the signs as per the drawings, including the 1-foot space between.  Also, it was noted the ceiling was approximately 15 feet and the proposed signs would be another 7 feet taller than the ceiling height.


Paul explained that the drawings were not quite correct in showing the location. He stated the signs would be high enough not to block views or become a hazard for snowmobilers to run into. The signs would be properly set back from the road.  These signs would be in a commercial district and would be approximately the same size as what neighboring townships have along Highway 58.   Gary has a state permit.


A question was asked if neighboring properties were properly notified:  Dick Martin and Paul Merk both indicated this had been done, but nothing was provided showing that they had. 


Among the concerns voiced:  safety of snowmobilers driving under or around signs and support structure; sight lines for safety; overall height and width; the overall size doesn’t fit with the area; some do not want Germantown to start looking like the interstate as well as neighboring townships with all the signs; if you let one person put them in, then others will want them; who will advertise on it; will they be for the property owner to advertise on them or is for rent for other business to advertise on them; what will be advertised on them; and will they have lighting, what kind, and how.


After hearing no other comments, the public hearing was closed at 6:00pm.


Respectfully submitted,



Michaele Korbein

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer