Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIPlanning Commission Public Hearing
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
March 2, 2022
5:30 p.m.
Present: Commission Chair Shannon Armel, Commissioners Ken Jax, Keith Korbein, Mick McCormick, Gervase Thompson, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Mick McCormick, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein
Applicants Present: Owners Kevin/Suzanne Hoag and Eve Laridaen (Owner Steve Laridaen -absent)
Guests: Dan/Diana Strauser, Thom/Patty Avgeris, Jerry Vannatta, Jeni/Rodney Pink, Janette Lavender, Bob Koprowski, Tom Siebert, Richard Burke II, Jeff/Pam Schryver, Cheryl Mike, Steve Radmer, Laurie Dykstra, Sandy Henneman/Lucio Lanza, Bill Bittner, Clem Martin, Todd Kuebelbeck, Greg Dickinson, Shirley Larson, Anne Larson, Rod/Georgia Sloan
The Public Hearing was called to order by chairperson Shannon Armel at the Germantown Town Hall at 5:30 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
The Public Hearing is to hear public input and comment on a request for a Zoning change request and a Conditional Use permit to construct an RV park with small store, mini golf, and other small recreational features on a 40-acre site SW of 40th Street and Zilinski Lane. Applicant: Lake N Woods LLC. Legal Description: NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Town 16N, Range 04E, Juneau County.
Guests identified themselves and spoke their general concerns:
Dan Strausser -already have campgrounds in area, wildlife will be affected, campfires in a forested area, traffic hazards at a six-way intersection, loud music, internet drops at high use times, forests are disappearing, who pays for sewer, he was told a decision was already made.
Jeff Schryver -agreed with all points Dan made, where will runoff go, swamp area, why is this being spot zoned, just opposed to the project.
Pam Schryver -traffic study is needed, will roads accommodate size of campers, RV noise, partying, smoke from campfires, lights on all night, disturbing the sleep of working people, safety and security issues, increase in crime
Bill Bitner -believes in planned developments and following rules, spot zoning is illegal per state law, has the signed petition page for the four pages of emailed concerns, six streets and a private drive all come together at one place and is dangerous, the gate in Castle Rock Gardens that is for emergency use only, what about pets, notices were late or not received.
Bob Koprowski -smoke from campfires, not against progress but believes there are enough campgrounds here already.
Jan Lavender -ATV noise and racing and going onto neighbor’s properties illegally, will ATVs be allowed, will this be locally managed and maintained, if the owners live here.
Kevin Hoag replied that locally managed between the four of them; Steve and Eve live here; not allowing ATV’s; will be heavily regulated as they want to offer nice, quiet wooded area as alternative to the highly active sites.
Thom/Patty Avgeris -concerned about land ethics, how will this business affect their business/life, doesn’t object to project but concerned how it will affect wildlife, can Board predict costs to Germantown owners.
Ken Jax replied that the Lake N Woods would be responsible for costs to run sewer into the project so no cost to the neighboring owners.
Lucio Lanza/Sandy Henneman -questioned capacity of Sanitary District #2 to handle this project, smell from SD2 lines is terrible, not against project but SD2 needs to get smell under control and make sure has capacity to handle this. How will guests access the lake, concern through the Gardens, only four public parking spaces available for public by Gilligan’s, also Gilligan’s toilets would be overwhelmed.
Ken Jax noted that MSA did a study and said SD2 has capacity -Kathy Oliver of SD1 can assist with getting a copy of the study.
Cheryl Mike -walkers already walk on her side yard to get to the lake, private access to lake for Garden’s owners but public still uses it to launch boats, public uses her property to help launch boats and wants that to end, where will campground guests go for boat launch or just to access the lake.
Dick Martin said walkers can walk the town roads and access the lake through the Gardens or Portofino. New houses pay for the emergency services and roads, etc. People come for the bars and fun on the lake with their boats. Roads can handle the additional traffic. 800 new houses constructed in Germantown in last 10 years, so a campground here would be minor in comparison.
Kevinn Hoag -the guests can launch their boats in the County Park like other property owners do.
Rod/Georgia Sloan -access to lake is difficult, homeowners are different from campgrounds, the Gardens is not meant to handle more traffic, etc., or to be an access point to the lake.
Bill Bittner -was DNR contacted yet, drainage is an issue as discharge from the culvert into the lake in the Gardens area caused a ‘total’ fish kill last year, also noted four pages of concerns from those owners of Castle Rock Gardens and has a signed petition against it, spot zoning cold create many problems down the road of done here.
Gervase Thompson -Step 1 in the process is to go for re-zoning of the property. If approved, then Step 2 would be to go for a conditional use permit. If approved, then Step 3 would be they have to apply to the County for their permit.
Kevin Hoag -One entry off of Zilinski. The drawings were to start somewhere. They needed public input and put it out there, even though it still might not happen. They don’t want it to turn into a resort type like the Dells. Water, electricity, and sewer at all campsites. They were told they would need two smaller wells instead of 1 high capacity, so in case one well is down, they would have a backup. Surface will be paved. Wetland plan would be developed after decisions are made. Again, only one entry is off of Zilinski.
Rod Pink -would like to see friends/local people develop this rather than complete strangers.
Gervase Thompson -not prohibiting it from being developed. But the question is if we want a commercial area in the middle of a residential area.
Michaele Korbein read in the emailed and mailed public comments from Terrence/Joanne Shannon, Richard Pagels, Ray/Daneen Bellazzini, Edna/Jerry Klein, Sandra/Allan Rhea, Tracy Honek, Chrystin Rittenhouse, and Dave Donnelly -Juneau County Zoning/Sanitation Administrator, and noted the four pages of concerns from the Gardens’ owners of which most things were already brought out that were listed in it.
Additional notes:
-If the business fails, then the zoning would go back to original zoning.
-Golf carts are illegal on all public roads.
-ATVs are allowed on town roads except where posted.
-ATVs are allowed only on select parts of County Road G.
The public hearing was closed at 7:05pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Michaele Korbein
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer