Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Town of Germantown

Planning Commission Public Hearing Minutes

May 31, 2023



Present:               Commission Chair Shannon Armel, Commissioners Ken Jax, Keith Korbein, Mick McCormick, Gervase Thompson, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Mick McCormick, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein

Absent:                None

Applicant Present:   Brad Pavloski, Pat Pavloski, Chris Renner -all three of the developer CR 58 Land Investments LLC  

Public attending:      Mike Edwards, Tamaya Loewe


The Public Hearing was called to order by chairperson Shannon Armel at the Germantown Town Hall at 5:54 pm.

This public hearing is to hear public comments upon a petition to re-zone and for a Planned Unit Development on property in the Town of Germantown for applicant CR58 Land Investments LLC.

Chris Renner explained that the intent is to expand the existing PUD on Bear Paw Lake to 344 acres.  There would be 260 lots total: 259 would be residential, and one a multi-use lot. 

Lots would have an average width of 90’. 

Density comes to .8. Total green space is 49% or 1565 acres, and it includes land from Beach Lake and Waterstone; but that land is not figured into the density. 

No lots will be off of 37th; all traffic will come off of 15th.

Oakdale is looking to possibly put in a substation in the corner. Question if there will be a problem providing power to the properties -Chris said no.  They thought that there might be more solar panels going in, but that has not happened.

Some do not like to see trees cut down, but those being cut down are not good healthy trees.

Snowmobile trail -could re-route it by Hwy 58 as it currently runs through where the lake will be.

There are concerns about walkers and getting them off the busier roads.

Why does it look like the two roads in the middle are parallel -it is to increase site distance so opposite lot owners do not see the property on the back side when looking out the back of their property.

The houses that are currently along 15th Street are being moved to other locations, one in Clearfield and one just across the street. They have given Mike Sullivan life estate where he lives. Tamaya Loewe’s land is the only one left on the north side of G that has not been purchased by them.

Is there a concern about ground water shortage -no.

Has there been a study done on the impact on wildlife -no.

Has DNR reviewed the plans?

Has a lupine survey or a wetland delineation been done, and what about water retention in basins? They complete one test to go the next test/step.

How much is pond space vs green space -just under 30% pond to just over 70% green space.

The beach at Sandpoint is 13’ above Castle Rock Lake, so the ground water affects their ponds instead of Castle Rock Lake.

Construction traffic will come in off of Hwy 58 at Bean’s barn. Construction will need to start on 15th to accommodate the construction of the sanitary sewer.

Question if the water in and around the old dump has been tested?  They said Yes, in and around 15th. Tests showing metal and glass. They have to test for each lot platted that is within 1200’ of the old dump site, as there are no blanket variances on it any longer. Properties there will have deep well casings to get past the dump area.

Opinions expressed were about having 700+ lots, and worrying about over-building and expansion, infrastructure, amenities or lack thereof, and ruining the reason people come here, but also seeing that the developments are done the best they can be done and providing areas to walk or bike. 

The developers noted there could be a boating club where groups of people go in together on a watercraft to use and maintain, which would cost less than outright purchasing the watercraft.

Additional thoughts were about fire service and ambulance, and how to find and keep services, yet keep property taxes down.

One person would like to see more effort put into construction, such as on roads, that would help prevent serious accidents.  A Memorandum Of Understanding was to protect citizens, so construction traffic was supposed to come off of 38th.  People just need to be made aware.

Larry Koopman of Lampert & Lee reviewed the proposal with the steps in the ordinance and made notes. 

Chris noted the sanitary sewer is reviewed by the DNR, and it has an easement.

Average lot width measures 90’ at the midpoint of the lot. Discussed how this is allowed -generally in the resolution, not by variance.

This development may be the last to develop.

With no other public comments, the public hearing was closed at 6:42p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Michaele R. Korbein

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer