Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI
Town of Germantown
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2023
Present: Commission Chair Shannon Armel, Commissioners: Keith Korbein, Gervase Thompson, Mick McCormick, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein
Absent: Commissioner Tamaya Loewe, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin
–Call to Order
The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairperson Shannon Armel at the Germantown Town Hall at 5:30pm.
–Pledge of Allegiance
–Possible approval of the Minutes from the September meetings.
Mick McCormick made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting as presented, seconded by Keith Korbein; motion passed 4/0.
–Discussion and possible approval of Preliminary and Final Plats of Sand Point Development
Once Section of the north/south road was straightened a bit from the original. Question on outlots; they can also be leftover for later development. It was noted that the snowmobile club may ask about the recreational trail that runs through the land.
Resolution approved the original plans in March 2018 for a residential PUD. Internet there will most likely be LYNXX. CAT5 wire will be run to houses built there. CR58 Investments is the Pavloski’s company. Any future changes would have to go before Planning Commission and Town Board.
Mick McCormick made a motion to recommend approval to the Town Board the preliminary and final plats of Sand Point Development, seconded by Keith Korbein; motion passed 4/0.
Because the interior monuments are part of the preliminary and final plats, they need to also be part of the approval, so Keith Korbein made a motion to recommend waiving placement of the interior monuments in Sand Point Development until such time as construction of public utilities is substantially completed, seconded by Mick McCormick; motion passed 4/0.
–Discussion and possible approval of combining Ordinances 13,30,35,46,57 into a road ordinance
Most of the combining was just copying and pasting from those five ordinances. Then some areas were re-arranged to improve flow, similar areas combined, and duplicated areas removed. Also, several additional updates were made, mainly to time periods.
Note that the driveways portion was removed as that ordinance#4 remains on its own. Also not included is anything on road construction that is covered in ordinance#15.
The Zoning Administrator needs to get the traffic map updated so it can be available in the office when referring to the traffic ordinance and for when others ask for it.
Next meeting date to be November 8, 2023 at 5:30pm. Keith Korbein made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Shannon Armel; motion passed 4/0. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Michaele R. Korbein
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer