Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIPlanning Commission Meeting
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
October 9, 2019
5:30 p.m.
Present: Commission Chair Shannon Vogele, Commissioners Keith Korbein, Ken Jax, Gervase Thompson, Mick McCormick , Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein
Guests: Brad Pavloski of Pavloski Developments, Josh Langen of Vierbicher & Associates
Absent: none
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at the town hall at 5:30 p.m.
Possible approval of meeting minutes
A motion was made by Ken Jax, seconded by Mick McCormick, to approve the minutes from the September 25, 2019 meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Meeting with Vierbicher for work session on zoning ordinance updates
Josh Langen from Vierbicher presented and discussed their work in progress to date that was previously sent to the Planning Commission for review for this meeting. The information was included in member’s meeting packets, as well as additional handouts during the presentation -as attached. He highlighted points being changed and being worked on.
Tackling hardest first: 3.08.
Currently, too many steps in the process -could decrease from 19 to 15.
Where says conference with ‘Staff’, it means Zoning Administrator, other Staff, engineers, and other hired consultants.
Noted that more specifics related to landscaping, parking, and access are needed.
Change language of GDP and SIP to Preliminary PUD Plan and Final PUD Plan.
Question regarding what ‘reasonable compliance’ is; basically, it means that it is consistent with the plan presented. A definition could be included in the Definitions section of the ordinance to clarify. Note that the Planning Committee can request specifics to clarify things in question.
The Conditional Use process should not be referenced in a PUD.
This avoids having the developer spend thousands of dollars before the Planning Commission has a chance to review.
9b references ‘official certification’; he was not sure why that is there but left it in.
Discussed setbacks: Commercial 20’ setback and residential side setback 10’, and whether to measure from foundation ort from eves when measuring setbacks
Submittals should build on what a developer previously submitted, like a layer cake, and not have to resubmit everything prior plus what is needed for the next step.
Next being tackled: 3.0.
Gervase Thompson questioned the word ‘assume’ in the paperwork -he did not like it; Josh Langen indicated he will not use that word.
It was noted that right-of-way markers assume where middle of 66’ of road is, but actually it isn’t always the case, as the asphalted surface could be off-center of actual road location. Also noted that in most cases, utilities are usually on the property line.
Zoning should match the property, not the streets.
Pyramiding and its detail was removed, and new language inserted.
Discussed what ‘manufactured home’ is, and that it should be allowed.
Mobile homes in town center -On a lot, if a mobile home currently in place is removed, then it cannot be replaced with newer model.
Current mobile home parks in town center -being grandfathered in? What about removing a mobile home in currently in a mobile home park -does that invalidate the grandfathering?
Shoreland overlay section is on hold, as the County is waiting on the State to approve the County’s Shoreland Ordinance.
The next meeting with Vierbicher will be the second meeting. Josh Langen will address Conditional Use UPs then and any other sections. He will also do a legal review, as pertaining to cases that may apply to our ordinance.
He also noted that he will be looking at Ordinance 9 Land Use and having sections of it inserted into the new zoning ordinance. Then Ordinance 9 will be discontinued.
Keith Korbein and Ken Jax noted that G5 technology information may need to be included. This will be emailed to Josh
Langen for review.
The third meeting with Vierbicher will be to review the ordinance work when completed.
Discussed date for next meeting for just planning commission work session -November 13, 2019 at 5:30pm.
Keith Korbein made a motion, seconded by Gervase Thompson, to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michaele Korbein
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer