Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Planning Commission Meeting


Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
September 11, 2024


Present: Commissioners Keith Korbein, Gervase Thompson, and Tamaya Loewe; Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, and Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein

Absent:  Commission Chairperson Shannon Armel, Commissioner Mick McCormick

Also Present:  38 members of the public



–Call to Order

The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Commissioner Keith Korbein at the Germantown Town Hall at 5:30pm. 


–Pledge of Allegiance


–Possible approval of the Minutes from August meeting

Tamaya Loewe made a motion to approve the August 21, 2024 Planning Commission meeting, seconded by Gervase Thompson; motion passed 3/0. 


–Work Session on Building Permit Application

Discussed a declaration to be included in all building permit requests. This would help prevent permits from being switched between lots in a development.  Tamaya Loewe made a motion to approve the declaration as presented to be included in all building permit requests, seconded by Gervase Thompson.  Motion passed  3/0. 


–Work Session continued on Short Term Rentals

Last night, the Town Board did not approve Vierbicher’s quote to create a STR ordinance.  Instead, they may put out a survey to owners for input on a possible ordinance.  An STR ordinance would help protect the town from those not following state rental rules.  STRs have been done for years already.  The off-and-on discussion over the last ten years on STRs included with the Town’s attorney who advised at that time not to regulate it.  But times have changed, and the Planning Commission has been working on this for almost a year. Meetings specifically focused on STR would help make this a priority to get done.  Many of the public here tonight voiced concerns in emails about non-conforming, minimum rental stays, and grandfathering. Those emails were distributed to the commission members to review prior to the meeting.  Those and any further public comments, along with survey results, will assist the Planning Commission and the Town Board in this process.  The Town wants to cover costs on infrastructure, emergency services, etc., as a result of the increase in renting, with the goal to try to avoid missing any hidden costs.  And those costs only keep rising.   A survey may be created; the results, along with the comments already received and the results of what the Planning Commission has already discussed, would then be used to create the STR ordinance. They are trying to keep the process simple, but it could take well into the middle of next year.  There will be a public hearing when it is ready.



Tamaya Loewe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gervase Thompson; motion passed 3/0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:48pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Michaele R. Korbein

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer