Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

2014 Resolutions

2014-01 O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District

O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District
Resolution No. 2014-1


WHEREAS, the Town Board, pursuant to 60.71, Wis. Stats., created O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District and by resolution 2003-10 created Town Sanitary District # 2 which resolution is recorded as Document N0. 626993, plus subsequent expansions; and

WHEREAS, the Board has received a petition to Dissolve Town Sanitary District # 2 signed by Juneau County represented to be the owner of 51% of the land in District 2 on the condition that O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1 expands its borders to encompass the entire area currently designated as Town Sanitary District #2 which Petition is dated February 19, 2013 and was filed with the Town accompanying a Petition to expand O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District dated September 3, 2013 and signed by Patrick j. Connors, President, and Tracy Tomaloff, Administrator; and

WHEREAS, it is represented to the Town Board that Sanitary District #2 has been operating as required by law and that Paul Merk, Chris Beall and Gloria Hale are the duly authorized Commissioners of District #2 who support this Petition by Juneau County; and

WHEREAS, the Town has not been involved in the internal operations of O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District # 1 or Sanitary District #2 and, thus, relies on the representations of their acting Commissioners, including the execution by the Commissioners of both Sanitary Districts of an Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement under which the Town will be held harmless from any damage or expense for having relied upon the District and their Commissioners representations regarding the facts and procedures in this matter;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, after having held a public hearing, finds that the commissioners representations that one or more of the standards of 60.71(6)(b) are not met and that following dissolution, all outstanding contractual obligation and indebtedness of the District will be provided for as required under 60.785(3) and, thus, Sanitary District#2 of the Town of Germantown is hereby dissolved on the further condition that all of the lands previously included within the Sanitary District #2 are added to O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1 of the Town of Germantown.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, after public hearing, accepts the representation of the Commissioners of O’Dell’S Bay Sanitary District #1 of the Town of Germantown that the requirements of 60.785(1) and 60.71 have been met and that the boundaries of O’Dells Bay Sanitary District are now expanded to include all of the lands previously within Sanitary District #2 as specifically described in attachment Exhibit A provided by O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District.  That this addition will be effective the 11th day of Feb., 2014  and that this new land added to O’Dells Bay Sanitary District  will be subject to the governance of O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District and its duly authorized Commissioners.

Dated  February 14, 2014


APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-02 Sanitary District Expansion

Resolution 2014-2
Town of Germantown, Juneau County
Expansion of Boundaries of O’Dells Bay Sanitary District #1


A petition was received from O’Dells Bay Sanitary District addressed to the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, requesting the inclusion of the following parcels:

  • Parcel 29012970 (26 acre parcel)
  • Parcel 29012969 (14 acre parcel)
  • Parcel 29012965 (40 acre parcel)
  • Parcel 29012962 (19 acre parcel)
  • Parcel 290121002 (9 acre parcel)

Now therefore it is ordered that the area described is accepted as part of the O’Dells Bay Sanitary District #1 and the District shall be extended as follows:

Parcel 29012970 (26 acre parcel) The North half of the South half of the Northwest fractional quarter (N ½ S ½ NWfr ¼) of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, SUBJECT TO the Transportation Project Plat recorded in Volume 1 of TPP on page 44, as Document Number 635207.

Parcel 29012969 (14 acre parcel) The north half of the Northwest Fractional Quarter (N ½ NWfr ¼) of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the North 39 acres thereof, being the plat of Waterstone as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, on pages 60-64 as Document No. 650200; SUBJECT TO the Transportation Project Plat recorded in Volume 1 of TPP on page 33, as Document No. 635207.

Parcel 29012965 (40 acre parcel)  The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW ¼ NE ¼) of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin.

Parcel 29012962 (19 acre parcel)  The East half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (E ½ NE ¼ NE ¼) of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin; EXCEPTING THEREFROM lands conveyed in Volume 165 of Deeds, on page 5668, being the North 250’ of the East 250’ thereof.

Parcel 29012999 (10 acre parcel) Parcel 2 of Juneau County certified map No. 747 recorded in Volume of CSM, Page 213, being part of the N ½ SE ¼ of Section 31, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin.

Parcel 290121002 (9 acre parcel) Parcel 5 of Juneau County certified map No. 748 recorded in Volume 3 of CSM, page 214, being a part of the N ½ SE ¼ of Section 31, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin.


Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown this the 27th day of March, 2014.

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-03 Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Resolution 2014-3


WHEREAS, the Town of Germantown recognizes the importance of enhancing its ability to mitigate the potentially devastating impacts of wildfire as well as the importance of reducing the human suffering, property damage, interruption of public services and economic losses caused by wildfire; and

WHEREAS, wildfire poses a particular, significant, and ongoing threat to the Town of Germantown; and

WHEREAS, community resiliency to wildfire depends on the preparedness levels of all stakeholders in the community – individuals, families, homeowner associations, community organizations, non-profits, businesses, and government; and

WHEREAS, by participating in the development of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, the Town of Germantown has an opportunity to influence where and how monies are spent on hazardous fuels reduction and can compete competitively for public funding to implement hazardous fuels reduction projects within the Town of Germantown.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Town of Germantown hereby approves participating in the development of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan and agrees to designate at least one town board member to serve on the Community Wildfire Protection Plan Steering Committee.

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-04 Line of Succession

Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin
Resolution 2014-4
Line of Succession


WHEREAS, the Town of Germantown Board has adopted Emergency Management State Statue 323.14 (4)(b) and;

WHEREAS, State Statute 323.14 (4)(b) calls for a Line of Succession to be named;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT:  the Town Board agrees to each May name a Line of Succession approved by a majority vote of Board members.

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-05 Appointing Municipal Clerk

Town of Germantown, Juneau County
Resolution Appointing Municipal Clerk
Resolution 2014-5


WHEREAS, Marion Uphoff stepped down from the position of Clerk/Treasurer; and

WHEREAS, it is required that the Town of Germantown appoint a Clerk/Treasurer; and:

WHEREAS, Susan Ganther has served as the Deputy Clerk/Treasurer in the Town of Germantown;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Susan Ganther  be and here is appointed Clerk/Treasurer for the Town of Germantown for a three year term to expire December 31, 2017;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said appointment was effective January 1, 2014.


Passed: July 8, 2014

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-06 Opposing Trust Land Status for Ho-Chunk Land in the Town of Germantown



WHEREAS, the Ho-Chunk Nation has acquired certain real estate in the Town of Germantown, and has asked the Bureau of Indian Affairs to approve placement of that land in trust, which will mean that the land will become tax-exempt and immune to many state, county and local regulations.  This property consists of 211.93 acres with taxes collected yearling in the amount of $9,849.85.

WHEREAS, the Ho-Chunk have already acquired a large amount of real estate in Sauk County, and own a great deal of land in Juneau County, which is already in trust status and exempt from taxation and regulation;

WHEREAS, it is unnecessary and inappropriate for the federal government to grant additional tax exemptions to the Ho-Chunk nation;

WHEREAS, it is contrary to the public interest for the Ho-Chunk to be granted status on scattered parcels of land through the vicinity, which will have the effect of causing jurisdictional confusion and inconsistent regulation of land use, water quality and public safety;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, that the Town of Germantown hereby opposes placing the Town of Germantown lands acquired by the Ho-Chunk Nation in trust;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Germantown Board urges the United States Congress and President enact legislation that would provide for a payment in lieu of taxes to the state, county, school and local taxing district to replace taxes lost on all land that is placed in trust for Indian tribes.

Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown this 19th day of August, 2014.

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-07 Expansion of Boundaries of O'Dell's Bay Sanitary District #1

Resolution 2014-7
Town of Germantown, Juneau County
Expansion of Boundaries of O’Dells Bay Sanitary District #1


A petition was received from O’Dells Bay Sanitary District addressed to the Town Board of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, requesting the inclusion of the following parcels:

  • Parcel #: 29012635.1 (6.06 acres)
  • Parcel #: 29012656 (51.74 acres)

Now therefore it is ordered that the area described is accepted as part of the O’Dells Bay Sanitary District #1 and the District shall be extended as follows:

Parcel 29012635.1 (6.06 acres) The North 200 feet of the South 840 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin.

Parcel 29012656 (51.74 acres) The South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, EXCEPTING THEREFROM lands conveyed for highway purposes in Volume 159 of Deeds, on Page 673.

Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Germantown this the 19th day of August, 2014.

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-08 Reclassification of Parcels

Town of Germantown
Juneau County
Reclassification of Parcels
Resolution No. 2014-08


WHEREAS, Juneau County Investments, Inc. has petitioned the Town of Germantown’s Planning Commission to reclassify parcels:

NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 33
Township 17th North
Range 4 East
Town of Germantown


Part of the N ½ of Section 30
Township 17 North
Range 4 East
Town of Germantown

as shown on Map 9 Land Use Plan of the Comprehensive Plan dated March, 2008, from Preservation/Open Space to Residential;

WHEREAS, there was no opposition to the reclassification at a public hearing held on August 25, 2014;

WHEREAS, by unanimous vote the Planning Commission agreed to recommend to the Town Board the reclassification;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Germantown hereby authorizes changes to the Comprehensive Plan dated March, 2008, reclassifying the above named parcels from Preservation/Open Space to Residential.


Passed:  September 9, 2014

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer

2014-09 Adopting the Town Tax Levy

Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin
Resolution 2014-9
Adopting the Town Tax Levy


Whereas, S. 60.10(1)(a) of Wisconsin Statutes authorizes the town electors of a town to adopt the town tax levy at a town meeting of the electors;

Whereas, as special town meeting of the electors has been called for the 4th day of December, 2014;

Now, therefore, a special town meeting of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, by a majority vote of the eligible electors voting on this 4th day of December, 2014, duly assembled and voting resolves and orders as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED, the town electors of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, hereby adopt the town tax levy for 2014 to be collected in 2015 at $442,294.00.

The town clerk shall properly post this resolution in 3 places or publish this resolution once in a qualified newspaper as required by law under s. 60.80 of Wisconsin Statutes within 30 days of adoption.


Adopted this 4th day of December, 2014, at a Special Town Meeting.

APPROVED: Chairman Rosetta Boyle
ATTEST: Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer