Town of Germantown

Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

2022 Resolutions

2022-01 Amends Resolution 2021-8 to adopt ward plan and to designate polling place

Town of Germantown
Juneau County
Resolution 2022-1



                WHEREAS, the Town of Germantown of Juneau County, Wisconsin, is required to establish wards in accordance with Section 5.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes; and


WHEREAS, Section 59.10(3)(b) of the Statues requires that each County Board adopt and transmit to each municipal governing body in the County a tentative County Supervisory District Plan, and the Town of Germantown has received a copy of said plan; and


WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes require that each municipality designate the various ward(s) to be created within the municipality.


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board does hereby create 3 wards as follows:


Ward 1 – which shall be a portion of County Board Supervisory District #16 with a population of 830.   Lands bordered: on the South by the Little Yellow River over to the West boundary of the Township which is Hwy 58, then following Hwy 58 north to the North boundary of Township which is 28th Street, then following 28th Street east to the East boundary which is Castle Rock Lake, then following the Castle Rock Lake shoreline south back to the Little Yellow River.


Ward 2 – which shall be a portion of County Board Supervisory District #16 with a population of 311.   Lands bordered: on the North by the Little Yellow River to Hwy 58, on the West going south on Hwy 58 to 37th Street, on the South going east on  37th Street to Beach Cottage Drive then following Beach Cottage Drive east back to and along 37th Street to South Stone Gate Drive, then on the East of South Stone Gate Drive going south and continuing on 16th Avenue going south to 38th Street, then on the North of 38th Street going east to 17th Avenue, then on the East of 17th Avenue going south to County Hwy G, then on the North of County Hwy G ending with and including the property at W4796 County Hwy G at the Little Yellow River.


Ward 3 – which shall be the County Board Supervisory District #18 with a population of  487.

Lands bordered: on the North by 37th Street over to Beach Cottage Drive and following Beach Cottage Drive east back to and along 37th Street  to South Stone Gate Drive, on the East by South Stone Gate Drive going south and continuing south along 16th Avenue to 38th Street and following 38th Street east  to 17th Avenue then following 17th Avenue south to County Hwy G, on the North following County Hwy G going east to and including W4788 County Hwy G, on the East going north to the shoreline and then following the shoreline of the Little Yellow River and Castle Rock Lake south to the Southern boundary of the Township of 43rd Street, on the South by 43rd Street going west to Hwy 58, and then the West following Hwy 58 North back to 37th Street.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above ward boundaries are outlined and identified on the attached map (Exhibit A), which is incorporated herein by reference.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for all voting purposes for elections going forward unless changed by resolution, the above wards will be combined, using one common polling place, which will be N7560 17th Avenue, New Lisbon, WI 53950, as located in Ward 2.


Approved and adopted this May 10, 2022

Ayes    Nays    Abstain   Absent   { x } Voice Vote



­Gregg Haunroth, Chairman


I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Town of Germantown Board of Supervisors at a regular meeting held on the 10th of May, 2022.

Signed by:   Susan Ganther – Clerk

Town of Germantown

2022-02 Budget Amendment

Town of Germantown
Juneau County
Budget Resolution 2022-02


A resolution changing the 2022 budget of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, adopted by four-fifths majority vote of the entire membership of the Town Board.

BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Germantown that the 2021 budget be amended as follows:




Intergovernmental Revenues                                     $12,075.36


TOTAL:                                                                                  $12,075.36




General Government                                                     $10,002.03

Public Works                                                                      $2,073.33


TOTAL:                                                                                  $12,075.36


Adopted this 10th day of May, 2022.


Gregg Haunroth, Chairman

Jim Collis, Supervisor

Ken Jax, Supervisor  

Keith Korbein, Supervisor

Ray Feldman, Supervisor


ATTEST:      Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer



Income:    Municipal Service Aid                $96.19                     Expense:                  Postage                    $202.03

                Lottery Credit                           $1,853.15                                                 Election Wages         $500.00

                April PILT                                  $10,126.02                                               Natural Gas -Hall       $2,000.00

                                                                                                                                Hall Maint. Pump      $7,000.00

                                                                                                                                Cleaning                   $300.00                                  

                                                                                                                                Road Signs                $1900.00

                                                                                                                                Recycling                 $173.33

2022-03 Budget Amendment


Town of Germantown

Juneau County

Budget Resolution 2022-3


A resolution changing the 2022 budget of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, adopted by four-fifths majority vote of the entire membership of the Town Board.


BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Germantown that the 2021 budget be amended as follows:




Charges for Public Services                                          $900.00


TOTAL:                                                                                  $900.00




General Government                                                     -$1,269.43

Public Works                                                                      $2,169.43


TOTAL:                                                                                  $900.00


Adopted this 12th day of July, 2022.


Gregg Haunroth, Chairman

Jim Collis, Supervisor

Ken Jax, Supervisor

Keith Korbein, Supervisor

Ray Feldman, Supervisor


ATTEST:              Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer



Income:                                                                    Expense:


Hall Rental                $900                                        Upkeep Hall                             $2,428.41

Insurance                                 -$3,697.84

Upkeep Pub Works Bldg.           $2169.43

2022-04 Budget Amendment


Town of Germantown

Juneau County

Budget Resolution 2022-4


A resolution changing the 2022 budget of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, Wisconsin, adopted by four-fifths majority vote of the entire membership of the Town Board.


BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Germantown that the 2022 budget be amended as follows:




Miscellaneous Revenue                                                                     $230.88

Intergovernmental Revenue                                                             $5,131.19

Licenses and Permits                                                                           $400.00

Miscellaneous Income                                                                        $1,400.00

Unassigned Net Assets                                                                      $22,539.95

Proceeds from Long Term Debt                                                        $107,815.50


TOTAL                                                                                                    $137,517.52




General Government                                                                          $8,589.79

Public Safety                                                                                         $280.00

Culture/Recreation/Education                                                          $3,601.05

Capital Outlay                                                                                       $107,815.50

Refunds                                                                                                 $100.00

Public Works                                                                                        $17,131.18


TOTAL                                                                                                    $137,517.52


Adopted this 13th day of September, 2022.

Gregg Haunroth, Chairman

Jim Collis, Supervisor

Ken Jax, Supervisor

Keith Korbein, Supervisor

Ray Feldman, Supervisor


ATTEST:      Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer


Income:   Delinquent Tax Interest             $230.88                                   Conditional Use Permits                            $400.00

2% Fire Dues                            $1,512.62                                 Other Income (Insurance

MFL                                          $3,618.57                                     Dividend, Covid Election Money)             $1,400.00

Unassigned Net Assets              $22,539.95                               Truck Loan Proceeds                                 $107,815.50




Expense:  20% MFL  $564.77                                                                     Fuel         $792.33

Bank Fee  $3.32                                                                        Tools        $599.95

Other Hall Expenses MISC $2,173.86                                           Rec Facilities (Docks 2021) $3,101.05

Other Hall Expenses (Air Conditioning) $4,000.00                       Rec Facilities Misc $500.00

Insurance Liability $1,654.84 Worksman’s Comp $193.00             Road Signs 300.00

Fire Call $280.00                                                                       Truck Purchase $107,815.50

Refunds (Hall)    $100.00                                                            Solid Waste (Lamberts 2022)$8,088.90

Solid Waste (Lamberts 2021) $7,350.00

2022-05 Adoption of the Wildfire Protection Plan (2015-2024)




WHEREAS, the Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003 was created in order to reduce the threat of destructive wildfires while upholding environmental standards and encouraging early public input during review and planning processes, and


WHEREAS, The Town of Germantown has been identified as being at Very High risk in the Wisconsin Communities-at-Risk Assessment, and


WHEREAS, a Community Wildfire Protection Plan is recommended for communities listed as an at risk community in a federal or state risk assessment, and


WHEREAS, The Town of Germantown has worked cooperatively with other stakeholders to develop a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, and


WHEREAS, the intent of the plan is to help fire protection agencies, community leaders, natural resource professionals, and homeowners be better prepared for wildfire, and


WHEREAS, adoption of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan results in priority consideration for Wildfire Risk Reduction funding made available through DNR, and


WHEREAS, the Town of Germantown Board of Supervisors has reviewed the draft of the Town of Germantown Community Wildfire Protection Plan and concurs with the final plan content.


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Germantown Board of Supervisors hereby adopts the Town of Germantown Community Wildfire Protection Plan (2015-2024).


Dated this 13th day of September, 2022.


Resolution introduced and adoption moved by Keith Korbein

Motion for adoption seconded by Jim Collis

Voting Aye:  5_     Nay:  0  



Gregg Haunroth                                                  Chairman

Jim Collis                                                              Supervisor

Ken Jax                                                                 Supervisor

Keith Korbein                                                      Supervisor

Ray Feldman                                                       Supervisor


Susan Ganther, Town Clerk/Treasurer