Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dells Bay Sanitary District No. 1
Half Moon Bay Clubhouse
N7832 Lake View Ct
New Lisbon, WI 53950
December 6, 2018
9:00 AM
Present: Board Members Jim Murphy, Pat Connors, Brad Pavloski, Jim Marx, Jim Keene, Administrator Kathy Oliver
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:00AM at the Half Moon Bay Clubhouse
Discussion & Possible Action on District Developers Agreement-Pavloski
As an owner with financial interest in the issue, Brad Pavloski recused himself from discussion and voting, by leaving the meeting for the discussion. He mentioned that his attorney has conferred with the District’s attorney (at his cost), and both are in approval of the Agreement as presented. Jim Keene commented on the wording in item 1(c) and asked if we need to clarify “unreasonable delayed”. Pat Connors asked if the Agreement required any kind of bond or guaranty from the developer. After some discussion it was decided that further clarification was not necessary, and that the bond/guaranty issue is satisfactorily addressed in Exhibit 2 of the Agreement. Jim Marx asked if the Agreement clarifies the issue of when the NMRCA needs to be paid for lots. In the past the District has made agreements for the fees to be due/paid at various times. The Pavloski’s and the developer of the Three Rivers Development have asked that the fee be allowed to be paid upon the sale of the lot by the developer, and that is currently how it is being handled. Jim Murphy commented that the Pavloski’s have a proven good record with the District and have always followed protocol for payment of all fees. Pat Connors asked what would be the case with lots that never sell, or take years to sell? He suggested setting a sunset date for those lots. Jim Murphy commented that he does not feel these issues are significant and need to be addressed. he commented that MSA does a thorough job of planning and tracking when they give approval to accept waster from new developments and that capacity is not a concern once they give approval. So if a lot takes years to sell, it would should not create any new capacity or financial need issues for the District. Jim Murphy made a motion, with a second by Jim Keene to adopt the Developer’s Agreement as presented and to have a copy made for signature by the Pavloski’s. Motion carried 4-0, with Brad Pavloski abstaining.
After the vote Mr. Pavloski re-joined the meeting.
Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Adjustments to the 2019 Budget
Kathy Oliver mentioned that Hillary Sorge with MBE CPA’s suggested that we make adjustments to “clean up” our Accounts Receivable by EOY 2018. There are a few that we feel may be uncollectable and a few accounts that reflect an inaccurate balance because of past accounting errors. Jim Murphy made a motion, with a second by Jim Keene that Kathy work with Hillary to make any necessary adjustments so that our AR balances are accurate by the end of the year in order to wrap up the audit process. Motion carried 5-0. Kathy excused herself from the meeting for discussion of employee wages. After brief discussion Brad Pavloski made a motion, with a second by Jim Keene, to give a .50/hour raise to Red Gates and a $2.00/hour raise to Kathy Oliver, with a change to the budget to include such, and to approve the budget with these changes. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Pat Connors , seconded by Jim Marx to adjourn at 9:55 a.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Oliver, Administrator