Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1 Board of Directors Special Meeting
Held remotely via Microsoft Teams
January 12, 2023 – 9:00 AM
Present: (all via Teams) Board Members Jim Murphy, Jim Keene, Brad Pavloski, Randy Dorshorst, Rod Abbrederis, Administrator Kathy Oliver, Kyra Cassidy, Pat Morrow
Call to Order/Approve Agenda-
The meeting was called to order via Microsoft Teams at 9:03 AM and the agenda was approved by the board. With all 5 board members present, we did have a quorum.
Approval of Minutes-
A motion was made by Jim Keene, seconded by Brad Pavloski, to approve the minutes from the November10, 2022 regular meeting with no changes or corrections. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on Administrator’s Report –
-Financial Status Summary – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. In addition, Kathy presented an updated report on Expenditures and Loan Disbursements for the WWTF Upgrade Project. Our current members, Connected and Unconnected, total 1,331. Motion was made by Randy Dorschorst, 2nd by Jim Keene, to approve the Administrator’s Report. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on 2021 Audit Report-
Hillary Sorge from MBE CPAs presented the final audit report for 2021. The audit was on a modified cash basis of the O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1, as of and for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the District’s basic financial statements. The statements all present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of O’Dell’s Bay sanitary District #1 as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, and the respective changes in the modified cash basis financial position for the years ended in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting. Ms. Sorge and Kathy Oliver, Administrator will meet to make necessary adjustments ASAP. A final audit report will be sent to the Town of Germantown once it is complete. A Motion was made by Jim Keene, 2nd by Brad Pavloski, to approve the report with final adjustments to be made. Motion passed with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Operations Update and Cost of Service Study-
Kyra Cassidy introduced Pat Morrow, who is MAS’s new rep for the District. They reported that average influent and effluent flows are running within average range. Effluent ammonia concentrations have remained below the Monthly Average Limit since mid-May 2022. Phosphorus levels are also staying low and within limits. Kyra commented that they are addressing an issue with copper and alkalinity levels, and believe that tweaking the new chemical feed system will correct the problem. They reported on non-routine service. Kyra presented a service contract from MSA for 2023, with no cost increase. MSA will present options for generator service agreements at our next meeting in March.
Cost of Service Study since November 2022 MSA has reassessed commercial users flow after eliminating outdoor capacities. They are also working on a preliminary assessment of REU assignments for all users and selecting a recommended REU schedule. They anticipate presenting the report at our next meeting in March. Jim Murphy commented that the board would like to have the information needed to be ready to take action at our May 2023 meeting. No action taken.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Construction Update-
Kyra Cassidy provided an update on the upgrade project. Wapasha Construction completed the following since September
-Facility Cleaning
-Equipment Troubleshooting
-Punchlist Items
Work left to be Completed:
-Equipment troubleshooting (Lagoon blowers and soda ash feed system)
-Warranty Items (CT cabinet, gate accessories)
Work to be removed from the contract and completed at a later time:
-Site grading and seeding
-Lagoon No.1 influent pipe replacement
Additional Work:
-Landscaping at lift station
-Lagoon cover repairs
-Soda ash hopper modifications
A project financials update was provided – see attached report for details. Kyra Cassidy presented a request from MSA for a $30,000.00 Amendment to their service contract for additional costs incurred for the project that were non-scope items, and not included in original bids. After some discussion a Motion was made by Jim Keene to approve the Amendment. With a 2nd by Rod Abbrederis, the motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #2-
Jim Murphy commented that he attended the most recent meeting of the SD#2 board. They continue to face challenges with odor issues in their system. They also asked about any progress on the Cost of Service Study and possible REU adjustments that may be coming. Jim apprised them on the status of the project, and mentioned that we hope to have actionable results this spring. No action taken.
Public Comment-
There was no public comment.
A motion was made by Rod Abbrederis, with a second by Jim Keene, to adjourn at 10:15 AM. Motion carried with all in favor. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 9, 2023.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Oliver, Administrator