Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dells’s Bay Sanitary District No. 1
Half Moon Bay Clubhouse
N7832 Lake View Ct
New Lisbon, WI 53950
January 9, 2002
9:00 a.m.
Present: Board Members Jim Murphy, Jim Marx, Jim Keene, Brad Pavloski, Administrator Kathy Oliver, Tom Fitzwilliams from MSA, Hillary Sorge from MBE CPA’s.
Call to Order/Approve Agenda
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM at the Half Moon Bay Clubhouse and the agenda was approved by Jim Murphy, President. With Pat Connors absent, we did have a quorum.
A motion was made by Jim Keene, seconded by Brad Pavloski to approve the minutes from the November 14, 2019 regular meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrator’s Report
-Financial Status Summary – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Jim Murphy asked Hillary Sorge if she had any recommendations on any other info we should include with our financial reports at meetings. Hillary commented that we could include a Budget Compared to Actuals report. She also recommended an annual review by the Administrator of newly platted lots to ensure that they have all been accounted for. Kathy Oliver commented that we do currently keep such lists in a separate binder for each development. Kathy asked for direction from Hillary on whether 2018 and 2019 restricted funds must be deposited into our existing CD or if we could start a new CD with these funds. Hillary said that either is acceptable. Discussion continued on the best way to deposit these funds with both interest earning potential and spending for the facility upgrade in mind. Tom Fitzwilliams commented that the Clean water Fund Loan program currently charges approximately 1.6%. He also explained that we should anticipate needing to start spending larger amounts of funds for the project in the spring/summer of 2021.
-Connections Update– There were 44 connections in 2020. The District has an overall current total of 1088 members.
-Brad Pavloski made a motion to approve the Financial Report, with a Second by Jim Keene. Motion carried 4-0.
Financial Report –
Hillary Sorge from MBE CPA’s presented the findings and report draft for the audit of the District’s 2018 finances. The financial statements presented fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of O’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1 as of December 31, 2018 and 2017, and the results of its financial position and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. A motion was made by Jim Keene, with a Second by Jim Marx to send a copy of the findings letter to the Town of Germantown when the final report is sent by MBE. Brad Pavloski made a comment thanking Jim Murphy and Jim Keene for their initiative in starting the annual audit process for the District. Hillary Sorge commented further that our District is one of the best run organizations of our type that she works with. A motion was made by Brad Pavloski , with a Second by Jim Keene, that we move all NMRCA funds collected in 2018 & 2019 to our Restricted Funds account, with Kathy Oliver and Jim Keene to decide the best account to put those monies in. Motion carried 4-0.
Wastewater/Compliance Update –
Tom Fitzwilliams reported that the plant is currently running well and meeting all standards for compliance. New Copper and Phosphorus limits will come out February 1, 2020 and Tom believes that going forward a Pond/Lagoon based system will continue to best meet the District’s needs for at least the next 20 years. He noted that in addition to the Pond & lagoon upgrade we may potentially need to add a pump station in the future, and our plan should include consideration of changing annual fees for members. Tom presented a Compliance Schedule that the District will need to follow in order to coordinate facility planning, funding and building schedules. MSA will manage the process for the District and Tom will present an estimate for cost to do so at our March 12, 2020 meeting. We will hold a Public Hearing meeting on April 9, 2020, at which Tom will present a formal plan for approval by the District Board. Kathy Oliver will post notice for the meeting in the local newspaper of record.
Discussion & Follow-Up to Meeting with Juneau County regarding new Hook-Ups and Private Sewer Systems-
Kathy Oliver and Tom Fitzwilliams will update the GIS mapping software to update platted land and connections. Tom will then get a map for the District, The Town of Germantown and the County showing all lands within the District with their status as being either connected, unconnected, or having a private system so that the entities can coordinate future requests in consideration of the overall plan.
Discussion and Possible Action on sewer back-up at Ward Residence-
Tom Fitzwilliams was contact by Joe Ward, who has a residence in the District. He had a septic pump alarm go off at his residence on 9/24/19, and called a plumber to investigate. It was found that the lines had been shut down for connection of the Beach Lake Development. Mr. Ward then called Jason Terry with MSA who explained the situation and that if they waited a bit all would be back to normal, which in fact was the situation. Mr. Ward is asking the District to pay the plumber’s bill in the amount of $373.50. A motion was made by Jim Keene, with a Second by Jim Murphy, that the request for payment be denied. Brad Pavloski abstained from voting and the motion carried 3-0.
Public Comment –
Jim Keene asked for Kathy Oliver to provide him a list of our current CD’s and interest rates for use in the decision on where to deposit the 2018 & 2019 NMRCA restricted funds. He also asked that we put consideration of our current annual member fees on the agenda for our March 12, 2020 meeting.
Brad Pavloski asked about Sanitary District #2 fees, possible Sunset Date and how this might fit in to the planning process for our facility upgrade. Tom Fitzwilliams commented that there is an Inter-Municipal Agreement in existence that would most likely require some financial payment by District #2 as part of the Clean Water Fund Agreement. Tom will send the agreement to Kathy Oliver, who will ask out attorney Tim Homar to review it and tell us what the implication are. We will also contact the Town of Germantown to see what information they have that we may also need to consider. We will add this item to our March agenda.
A motion was made by Jim Marx, Seconded by Jim Keene, to adjourn at 10:58 AM. Motion carried with all in favor. The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 9:00AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Oliver, Administrator