Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District No. 1
Held remotely via Skype
July 8, 2021
9:00 AM
Present: (all via Skype) Board Members Jim Murphy, Jim Keene, Brad Pavloski, Ken Jax, Rod Abbrederis. Administrator Kathy Oliver, Tom Fitzwilliams from MSA, Kyra Cassidy from MSA, Britta Moline from MSA
Call to Order/Approve Agenda-
The meeting was called to order via Skype at 9:03 AM and the agenda was approved by Jim Murphy, President. With all board members present, we did have a quorum.
A motion was made by Brad Pavloski, seconded by Jim Keene to approve the minutes from the May 13, 2021 regular meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrator’s Report –
-Financial Status Summary – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Kathy reported that our CD in the amount of $928,317.47 will mature on 7/11/21, and asked if board members wanted her to look at renewal options. She explained that this money has been earmarked for our portion of the expenses for the upgrade project, and that the Bank of Mauston has agreed to allow us to move money in and out of the CD as needed for such, with no penalty. A motion was made by Jim Keene and seconded by Brad Pavloski that we renew the CD with the Bank of Mauston for another year. Motion passed with all in favor.
-Connections Update– . We’ve had 14 connections YTD in 2021.
A motion was made by Jim Keene, with a second by Brad Pavloski to approve the Administrator’s report. Motion passed with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Operators Report–
Tom Fitzwilliams reported on the daily operations. Average influent and effluent flows are in-line with expectations for the time of year. Ammonia concentrations have decreased and are below the DNR limits. Recent maintenance included spraying and cutting weeds from the lagoons and continued air release valve and flushing valve maintenance.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Construction Update-
Kyra Cassidy and Tom Fitzwilliams reported that Wapasha Construction continues to submit product and construction information. There will be a total of about 90 submittals; MSA has approved about 25. Wapasha continues to tie rebar for the foundation of the new control building, STR 90. The excavation is complete and the rock subgrade for the new Polishing Reactor has been installed. Concrete pours are likely to start next week. Wapasha has requested a change order in the amount of $6,800 for additional excavation that was required to remove a layer of topsoil from beneath the new Control Building. Tom commented that we budgeted for change orders in the overall project. There was discussion of who can approve change orders and a Motion was made by Jim Keene, with a second by Ken Jax, that the District Administrator be given the authority to approve change orders of $10,000 or less. Motion carried with all in favor. Jim Keene asked for a line item to be added to the financial reports to show change order expenses.
MSA is evaluating options for protection of the new generator and lift station equipment. They are also proceeding with the easement to be signed by the new owner of the land it is on.
Discussion and Possible Action on CWF Loan Closing-
Britta Moline explained the loan application and closing process, along with repayment dates and procedures. Our loan is set to close end of July, with the adoption of the Resolution and Bond Counsel.
Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $953,095 Sewerage System revenue Bonds, series 2021 and providing for other Details and Covenants With Respect Thereto-
A motion was made by Jim Keene, with a Second by Brad Pavloski to adopt the Resolution as presented. The motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action to Authorize Bond Counsel-
A motion was made by Jim Keene and seconded by Brad Pavloski to authorize Fryberger Law Firm to act as Bond Counsel on our behalf. Motion passed with all in favor.
Public Comment –
Jim Murphy commented that the committee formed in May to look at fees for commercial members met and will present recommendations for new fees at a future meeting – date to be determined. Ken Jax mentioned that we will need to consider the original Ordinance with respect to such fees before any changes are made.
A motion was made by Ken Jax, Seconded by Jim Keene, to adjourn at 9:38 AM. Motion carried with all in favor. The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 9th, 2021 at 9:00AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Oliver, Administrator