Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dells’s Bay Sanitary District No. 1
Half Moon Bay Clubhouse
N7832 Lake View Ct
New Lisbon, WI 53950
March 14, 2019
9:00 a.m.
Present: Board Members Jim Murphy, Pat Connors, Brad Pavloski, Jim Marx, Jim Keene, Administrator Kathy Oliver, Tom Fitzwilliams from MSA, Hillary Sorge and Chris Iverson from MBE CPA’s.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:02AM at the Half Moon Bay Clubhouse.
Pat Connors noted an incorrect date for Phosphorus compliance in the Minutes from the January 15, 2019 meeting minutes. With the date corrected, a motion was made by Jim Keene, seconded by Pat Connors to approve the minutes from the January 15, 2019 regular meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Discussion and Possible Action on 2017 Financial Audit Report
Hillary Sorge and Chris Iverson presented the 2017 Independent Auditors Report, along with Management Points and Audit Findings. Copies of such attached to minutes. They verbally noted that we are in compliance, have taken all recommended corrective actions, and that Administrator Kathy Oliver has a good understanding of all aspects of the process and is doing a great job of accounting and the district’s financial duties. The 2018 audit will be done this summer. A motion was made by Brad Pavloski, with a second by Jim Keene to approve the report and sign the Management Representations Letter, the Subsequent Events Statement and the Audit Report Approval. Motion carried 5-0. A motion was made by Jim Keene, seconded by Jim Murphy to provide a full copy of the audit report to the Town of Germantown. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrator’s Report
-Financial Summary Status – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. There was discussion on options for collecting from members who have filed bankruptcy, passed away, foreclosures, etc. Kathy will discuss best options for filing liens/collecting with Susan Ganther from TOG and take action on these accounts. We will send the letter telling members we will file against their taxes with TOG in March if that is OK with Susan Ganther at TOG. The annual transfer of $9,000.00 will be made from the checking account to the Equipment Replacement account, as required by the DNR, prior to 6/1/19.
-Connections Update-Total connections for 2019 were 36. There have been no connections in 2019. The Districts total connected members are 419, unconnected members are 579, for an overall current total of 998 members. Kathy Oliver noted that these numbers do not include any lots/parcels that have been platted in 2019.
-GIS Upgrade – We have paid the fees to begin the process and Todd Halvorson with MSA is working on the upgrade at this time.
-Quickbooks Payroll Upgrade – Quickbooks will no longer support our current payroll software after 5/31/19, so we will need to upgrade before that date. Jim Murphy suggested that Kathy Oliver consult Hillary Sorge to ask for her recommendations on our current Quickbooks software package before implementing the upgrade. Kathy Oliver will also ensure that we have a regular physical back-up on sight, with an additional backup online or to the cloud.
Wastewater Update
Tom Fitzwilliams from MSA reports that the plant is running well, and experienced no issues with the cold weather challenge that we had this winter. Our covers kept the water warm enough to keep ammonia limits in check, as well as all other limits.
Regarding Phosphorus Compliance – we are 4 years into our 5 year plan, with final date of 6/30/19. A new WPDES permit will be issued at that time. We are not sure if the total maximum daily load limits (TMDL) will be included with the permit, but it is expected that they will be approved by the EPA. MSA expects that new limit will be more stringent than current limits and will require an upgrade to meet those requirements. Our current focus is on Step 1, chemical feeds to control levels. We should get a permit with our compliance schedule from the EPA in June of this year. Once we have the new limit amounts we can work on this step, which could include a new building and piping to feed chemicals. We will work on the plan in 2019 and actual compliance date will not begin until sometime between 2020 and 2022. Depending on the limits that we receive from the EPA, if we are not able to meet them with chemical use, we may consider other options, including Water Quality Trading, or possibly a facility upgrade. Tom Fitzwilliams explained that there are new chemicals coming out regularly, which he feels will enable us to take that option for at least the next few years.
Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Emergency Member Service Needs
Jim Murphy explained that recently a member had their grinder pump go out on the weekend The member and their plumber were not aware of what kind of grinder pump the district requires be installed. This was the second time that this same member’s grinder pump went out. Jim Keene mentioned that he has also had his grinder pump go out, and he lives in the same vicinity. Tom Fitzwilliams explained that the issue can be caused by each home’s output, or possibly a pressure problem in the area. He suggested that we perform pressure checks on the system this year during peak times to ensure that we don’t have pressure problems. Tom will work on the pressure testing. He explained that if it was a pressure issue there would most likely be more people experiencing grinder pump or other problems. Brad Pavloski asked if the district could provide grinder pump specs and Jim Murphy suggested we provide such with any permits that are issued for connection. Tom Fitzwilliams will provide Kathy Oliver with the specs and she will develop something in writing to provide for members/plumbers.
Discussion & Possible Action on Approved Grinder Pumps for the District
See notes under Member Emergency Service Needs
Discussion & Possible Action on District Boundaries and Island Bay LPS Extension Plans
Great Northern Timber, LLC has requested that we accept wastewater from the addition of 12 lots that would be connected to the existing low pressure system at the intersection of Island Lake Rd and 15th Ave. Tom Fitzwilliams explained that the addition of the 12 lots has a minimal effect on the capacity of the conveyance and treatment system. He recommended that we agree to grant the request. He advised that the District will continue to monitor WWTF flows and capacities on an annual basis to ensure the facilities have adequate capacity to accommodate future growth in the sewer service area. We currently have 500+ unconnected lots and if all of them were to connect we would then most likely have to do an upgrade to handle the increased use. Right now, eve at peak times, we are having no issues with flow and pressure limits. In the future, as we approach the limits, we will most likely need to consider adding a lift station. The station would most likely be located on the north end of the Little Yellow River near the boat landing. Estimated cost of a lift station would be approximately $300,000.00. Tom Fitzwilliams feels that this will not occur for another 15-20 years at current connection rates. Jim Keene made a motion, seconded by Jim Murphy to approve acceptance of wastewater from Island Bay. Brad Pavloski abstained from voting as an owner with a financial interest in the issue. Jim Marx also abstained, and the motion carried 3-0.
Public Comment –
Jim Murphy noted that he spoke with Susan Ganther regarding possible relocation of the District office at the Town of Germantown building. Conclusion was reached that there is no space for such at this time.
A motion was made by Jim Murphy, seconded by Jim Marx to adjourn at 10:36 a.m. Motion carried 5-0. The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 9 at 9:00AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Oliver, Administrator