Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1 Board of Directors Meeting
Held remotely via Microsoft Teams
March 9, 2023 – 9:00 AM
Present: (all via Teams) Board Members Jim Murphy, Jim Keene, Brad Pavloski, Randy Dorshorst, Administrator Kathy Oliver, Kyra Cassidy, Pat Morrow, Jason Terry. Absent – Rod Abbrederis
Call to Order/Approve Agenda-
The meeting was called to order via Microsoft Teams at 9:04 AM and the agenda was approved by the board. With 4 board members present, we did have a quorum.
Approval of Minutes-
A motion was made by Randy Dorshorst, seconded by Brad Pavloski, to approve the minutes from the January 12, 2023 regular meeting with no changes or corrections. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on Administrator’s Report –
-Financial Status Summary – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. In addition, Kathy presented an updated report on Expenditures and Loan Disbursements for the WWTF Upgrade Project. Our current members, Connected and Unconnected, total 1,335. A Motion was made by Randy Dorshorst, 2nd by Jim Keene, to transfer $553,345.00 from the checking account to our CD. Motion carried with all in favor. A Motion was made by Randy Dorshorst, 2nd by Jim Keene to transfer $6,600.00 from the Equipment Replacement Fund account to the checking account to cover the cost of replacing the Soda Ash Hopper. Motion carried with all in favor. A Motion was made by Jim Keene, 2nd by Randy Dorshorst to approve the Administrator’s Report. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Operations Update –
Jason terry reported that avg influent and effluent flows remained on par for Jan and Feb. They continue to optimization of the chemical feed system and have resolved issues with the systems feed rates and dosing setpoints.
There was a leak at Copper Point due to a double flush connection 2” ball valve failure. Jason has done a temporary fix, but permanent repair will be required, which will include excavator work to break up the road. Jason will get a proposal for the work for the board to review at out next meeting.
There was a sewer blockage in the High Ridge area, which required extensive work including jetting and excavation. There was some discussion and agreement that the cost should be the responsibility of O’Dells Bay Sanitary District #2. Jason will apprise them of the situation and costs.
Discussion and Possible Action on Generator Annual Service Proposal –
Jason presented 2 proposals for generator service from Fabick Cat and Cummins. His recommendation was to go with Cummins as they are the manufacturer of the new generator and there is proprietary programming that they can better address. Their proposal was also for lower cost than the Fabick Cat proposal. A Motion was made by Jim Keene, 2nd by Randy Dorshorst to go with the Cummins Contract. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Construction Update-
Kyra Cassidy provided an update on the upgrade project. There are a few minor details that she is working to resolve with Waupasha Construction before final project close. She suggests we hold final payment until they are settled. No action taken.
Discussion and Possible Action on Cost of Service Study –
Kyra Cassidy reported that they are close to finishing the study, and hope to have recommendations to present soon. Some issues they are working on include REU definition and seasonal vs year-round customers in the commercial customer segment. There was discussion on best way to present final info to customers once decisions are made and changes are implemented. Kyra and Kathy Oliver will work together on this item when the time comes.
Public Comment-
Jim Murphy inquired about board members terms and spring elections. No one’s term is up this year. Jim asked Kathy Oliver to put together a list of terms and expiration dates for the next meeting.
A motion was made by Randy Dorshorst, with a second by Jim Keene, to adjourn at 10:16 AM. Motion carried with all in favor. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 11, 2023.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Oliver, Administrator