Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dells’s Bay Sanitary District No. 2
May 27, 2020
In attendance:
Jim Reed
Jeni Pink
Steve Laridaen
Al Conti
Steve Laridaen called the meeting to order at 8:05am. Minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting were approved.
Noted that an announcement for annual meeting was mailed to each individual property owner.
Old Business:
- Past due accounts from 2019 were turned over to Germantown Township in October to be submitted with
property tax bills.
- Information for new owners is updated as received from Title Company.
New Business:
- Unique Customers on rolls as of May 26,2020: 99
Units/Lots: 122
- Budget Items
Financial Reports included Income Report, Expense Report, Balance Sheet/Cash on Hand Report
- Expense Report January 1 to May 31 = $2,013.68
- Accounts Receivable as of May 26 = $4,990
- Cash on Hand as of May 26 = $83,777.44
- Insurance on Pump Station (Cincinnati Insurance Company)
Policy effective date 9/19/19 to 9/19/20
- Policy holds a $500 deductible with the exclusion of flood deductible which is $25,000
- Assessment for FY 2021
No increase – dues to remain
- $175/residential (all residential lots are charged the same regardless of development)
- $500/commercial
- $1,000/county
- If power goes out, what happens?
MSA has direct phone line from the pump station and is notified of problems
MSA has key to pump station
MSA receives a quarterly maintenance fee of $225
Close Meeting
- Meeting adjourned 8:46 am.