Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIMINUTES
Held remotely via Microsoft Teams
November 9, 2023
9:00 AM
Present: (all via Teams) Board Members Jim Murphy, Brad Pavloski, Rod Abbrederis, Jim Keene, Randy Dorshorst, Administrator Kathy Oliver, Kyra Cassidy, Jason Terry
Call to Order/Approve Agenda-
The meeting was called to order via Microsoft Teams at 9:11 AM and the agenda was approved by the board. With all 5 board members present, we did have a quorum.
Approval of Minutes-
A motion was made by Jim Keene, seconded by Randy Dorshorst, to approve the minutes from the September 14, 2023 regular meeting with no changes or corrections. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on Administrator’s Report –
-Financial Status Summary – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Our current members, Connected and Unconnected, total 1,335. We received $58,123.38 from the state for Project Funding, and expect to receive the final $39,237.56 disbursement upon final close out the facility upgrade project.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Operations Update –
Jason Terry reported that avg influent and effluent flows remained typical for Sept/Oct. With more aggressive chemical use and seasonal tweaking MSA has brought effluent levels for ammonia, copper and phosphorus into compliance. They expect the DNR to sign off on final project close out soon.
Jason Terry reported on other non-routine issues – see his report attached. He mentioned that our collection replacement system will need to be replaced in the near future, due to standard aging. He recommends we allow for that in our 2024 Equipment Replacement budget, and will look to get us an estimated amount.
On 10/13/2023 we had a Windcrest Ct sewer leak. A Compression plug repair started leaking and a homeowner called. Jason got 2 proposals for flushing valve repair from Gerke Excavating for $10,552.52, and Top Tier Grading Company for $9345.00. He mentioned that it took a couple of requests to get a bid from Top Tier, and that they are not as responsive to our needs as they have been in the past. He has worked with Gerke on the Township park project, and they are in the area almost daily working on new development projects. Brad Pavloski commented that they have been happy working with Gerkes, and that they are very familiar with all of our system components. He recommends we have Gerke’s do this work. A motion was made by Jim Keene, with a second by Brad Pavloski to approve the work be done by Gerkes at a cost of $10,552.52. Motion carried with all in favor.
Jason recommends that the District require curb stop adaptors be installed on all new installations to help prevent sand intrusion and fouling. This is not part of our current ordinance, and we need more info to make a decision. Jason will research cost and Kathy will put this on our January Agenda for further discussion.
Jason presented a new contract from MSA for annual services. He commented that if the District wanted MSA would lock in rates for 2 years vs the usual one year term. A motion was made by Brad Pavloski, with a second Jim Keene to renew the contract for 2 years. Motion carried with all in favor.
Kyra Cassidy presented a General Engineering contract from MSA for additional services required as we transition to the new facility components and practices. Jim Keene made a motion to approve the contract for $20,000.00 for 2024, with a second by Brad Pavloski. The motion carried with all in favor. A motion was made by Brad Pavloski, with a second by Jim Keene, to approve an additional $5,000 for General Engineering services for 2023. The motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on Portable Generator Use and Maintenance –
At our September meeting it was noted that District #1 no longer needs the portable generator that we own. We could keep it or sell it. Jason Terry Mentioned that District #2 could possibly use it, but that the odds of a power failure requiring use by them were extremely slim. Jim Murphy did reach out and discuss this with Steve Laridaen from District #2, and they decided that costs to keep and maintain the generator far outweigh any possible benefit. Jason feels that the sale value is between $15K-$20K. A motion was made by Jim Keene, with a second by Brad Pavloski to list the generator for sale at a price of $15,000. Motion carried with all in favor. Jason Terry and Kathy Oliver will work together to get it listed on an appropriate website and handle the sale.
Discussion and Possible Action on Cost of Service Study –
Kyra Cassidy presented the Cost of Service Study results and recommends a new fee and REU schedule for businesses operating within the District. The findings and recommendation are inline with other districts and WI Plumbing Code Rate Assignment. She recommends we hold a special public meeting and invite those affected to attend so we can explain the topic. Kyra and Kathy will work together to set up a meeting date as soon as possible, and coordinate the presentation.
Discussion and Possible Action on Member Fees, Annual Letter, Invoicing, Employee Compensation –
Jason Terry wrote a letter to possibly send to members explaining how their individual systems work, and who is responsible for each type of issues/repairs. We will have it printed on magazine type paper, and suggest at the top that they keep the info near their system for reference. It will be sent out to all members with this years annual billing, and along with our bill when new connections happen.
After some discussion a Motion was made by Jim Keen, with a 2nd by Randy Dorshorst to keep the Connected rate at $465 for 2024 and the Unconnected rate at $233. Motion passed with all in favor. We will wait to send invoices to the commercial members until after the Public Hearing and decision on REU change is made.
After some discussion a Motion was made by Jim Keene, with a 2nd by Randy Dorshorst to give a raise in hourly rate to the District Administrator. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on 2024 District Budget, Annual Contracts, Insurance –
Kathy Oliver presented a proposed 2024 Budget with amounts adjusted for insurance renewal, MSA Contracts, and other items. A Motion was made by Jim Keene, with a 2nd by Randy Dorshorst to approve the 2024 Budget. Motion carried with all in favor.
Public Comment –
Jim Murphy commented that he and Brad Pavloski’s terms are up for renewal with this spring’s election. Both said that they plan to run for reelection to the Board.
Board Meeting for 2024 will be at 9AM on Thursdays, January 11, March 14, May 9, July 11, September 12 and November 14th.
Adjourn –
A Motion was made to adjourn at 10:27AM by Jim Keene, with a second by Randy Dorshorst. Motion carried with all in favor.