Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dells’s Bay Sanitary District No. 1
Held Remotely via Skype
September 10, 2020, 9:00 AM
Present(All via Skype): Board Members Jim Murphy, Jim Keene, Brad Pavloski, Ken Jax, , Administrator Kathy Oliver, Tom Fitzwilliams from MSA, Kyra Peach from MSA, Gregg Haunroth
Call to Order/Approve Agenda
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM and the agenda was approved by Jim Murphy, President. With 4 of 5 board members present we did have a quorum.
A motion was made by Ken Jax, seconded by Brad Pavloski to approve the minutes from the July 9, 2020 regular meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Administrator’s Report
-Financial Status Summary – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable, and 2020 YTD Budget vs Actuals.
-Connections Update– There have been 17 connections in 2020. The District has an overall current total of 1,131 members/lots.
Ken Jax asked if Kathy would email a copy of the fee schedule to all board members. Kathy asked all members to stop in and sign updated account signature cards. Jim Keene asked about the status of the Spectrum Insurance dispute. Kathy explained that we settled with them for the lower amount of $2,500.00.
-Brad Pavloski made a motion to approve the Financial Report, with a Second by Ken Jax. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion and Possible Action on Contract with MSA for GIS Support Services and 2020 Annual Service Contract –
Tom explained that we use the GIS system to map and track the infrastructure and lots within the district. Services are performed as required or requested. A motion was a made by Jim Keene, with a second by Brad Pavloski to approve the contract for services from 9/1/2020-12/2021 at an approximate cost of $3,000.00. Motion carried 4-0.
Tom then explained that the service rates for MSA for WWTF Operation Services has remained the same for 2020 at $1,800.00 per month and $85/hour for non-routine services. A motion was made by Jim Keene, with a second by Brad Pavloski to approve the contract for 2020. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion and Possible Action on Re-Vote to Affirm the Vote to Approve Facility Plan, Concept and Cost Estimate from April 30, 2020 Public Hearing-
Kathy explained that we erred in the process at the Public Hearing vote. The vote should have been done in a closed meeting vs. during the Public Hearing. To correct such we re-voted on the subject. Ken Jax made a motion, with a second by Jim Keene, to approve the WWTF Facility Plan, Concept, and Cost Estimate. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Operations Update-
Tom Fitzwilliams reported that we had a double service connection sewer leak at Half Moon Bay on 8/18/20. Emergency repairs were made with, Jason Terry onsite, by A&M Plumbing and Miller’s Septic Service at a cost of approx $3,500. Tom also explained that there is another similar leak nearby and that as soon as the wet conditions dry we will need to pro-actively repair that one. Jim Keene made a motion to approve the expense of both repairs. With a second by Brad Pavloski the motion carried 4-0.
Tom explained that our trending flow rates are running very similar to those in 2019. The ammonia trending levels support our decision at the last meeting to add an ammonia polishing reactor to the facility upgrade.
The refrigerated sampler that we have used for years has died and Tom explained the need to replace it at a cost of approx $7,682.80. Jim Keene made a motion, second by Brad Pavloski, to approve the purchase. Motion carried 4-0.
Tom explained that we are due in our preventative maintenance schedule to clean and televise the gravity sewers located in the O’Dell’s Bay area in the fall of 2020. Estimated cost $6,000.00. Jim Keene made a motion, with a second by Brad Pavloski to authorize the expenditure for such. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Design Update and Plan Review –
Tom said the Facility Plan Amendment was submitted to WDNR on 9/1 to address the addition of the ammonia polishing reactor. Due to the added electrical load of the aeration system, we will need to replace the existing generator with a larger unit. We can either sell the old generator on Wisconsin Surplus, or possibly sell it to SD#2. The project cost increased by approximately $600,000 with the addition of the ammonia polishing reactor and generator. This could result in an annual sewer rate increase from $355 to $390 per year. Tom reviewed the upgrade plan with a virtual building tour and said the plans, specifications, and the Clean Water Fund Application will be submitted to WDNR by 9/30/2020.
Tom reviewed and asked for approval of a Design Amendment for additional design services from MSA at a cost of $19,800.00. Brad Pavloski made a motion to approve the amendment. With a second by Ken Jax, the motion carried 4-0.
Tom introduced a Reimbursement Resolution which allows the district to be reimbursed by CWF for costs incurred prior to loan closing in April 2021. Jim Keene made a motion, second by Brad Pavloski, to adopt the resolution. Motion carried 4-0.
Tom introduced an Authorized Representative Resolution which assigns Kathy Oliver as Authorized Representative of Sanitary District to sign documents for CWF application process. Ken Jax made a motion to approve the resolution, with a second by Jim Keene. Motion carried 4-0.
Public Comment –
Gregg Haunroth gave a recap of the discussion that occurred between the county, township and sanitary district this spring regarding coordination of new hook-ups or POWTS on lots within the district that are not currently serviced. He explained that he doesn’t think it is a responsibility of the Township, but rather of the Sanitary District to know what is feasible for future requests. More specifically he’d like to see a policy and connectivity availability. They would most likely take 2 factors into account. Number one being financial feasibility and two being proximity to or affect on the lake. Greg requested that this be put on the agenda for the next board meeting with an invite for Dave Donnelly from the county to join the discussion. Jim Murphy suggested that he would prefer to put this on the agenda for the January 2021 meeting as the November 2020 meeting will be long and include facility upgrade and annual budgeting action. Gregg said he is OK with waiting until January of the item is set for discussion and possible action. This will be put on the agenda for the January 14, 2021 meeting at 9AM. Jim Murphy suggested maybe some board members would consider forming a committee to prepare for the meeting. Some issues that were brought up for consideration include grinder pump and lateral infrastructure, what situations would require connection, knowledge of existing POWTS within the district, lot size and location, whether the township could dictate connections, what policies the DNR has, and county input. Kathy will send out an email asking for volunteers to form a committee.
A motion was made by Ken Jax, with a second by Brad Pavloski, to adjourn at 10:30 AM. Motion carried with all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Oliver, Administrator