Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIO’Dell’s Bay Sanitary District #1 Board of Directors Special Meeting
Held remotely via Microsoft Teams
September 14, 2023 at 9:00 AM
Present: (all via Teams) Board Members Jim Murphy, Brad Pavloski, Rod Abbrederis, Jim Keene, Administrator Kathy Oliver, Kyra Cassidy, Jason Terry, Pat Morrow
Call to Order/Approve Agenda-
The meeting was called to order via Microsoft Teams at 9:10 AM and the agenda was approved by the board. With 4 board members present, we did have a quorum.
Approval of Minutes-
A motion was made by Brad Pavloski, seconded by Jim Keene, to approve the minutes from the July 11, 2023 regular meeting with no changes or corrections. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action on Administrator’s Report –
-Financial Status Summary – Financial information was provided by Kathy Oliver, including bank account balances, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Our current members, Connected and Unconnected, total 1,335. We expect to receive approximately $94,000.00 in disbursements from State of WI as we continue to close out the facility upgrade project, by the end of this year. Jim Keene asked why out CD interest is much less than this time a year ago. Kathy Oliver will look into it, but believes it is because we restructured our CD’s and will collect interest later in this year.
Discussion and Possible Action on WWTF Operations Update –
Jason Terry reported that avg influent and effluent flows remained typical for July/August, with normal seasonal fluctuations for ammonia. We have had some daily limit violations due to low Ph. Copper is trending below limits and Phosphorus is trending down because of manual ferric chemical feeding.
Jason Terry reported on other non-routine issues – see his report attached. We are having problems with the Lagoon 1 blower motor and Jason and Kyra are working with the manufacturer and installer to get this fixed. It is just out of warranty, so they are hoping to get a 50/50 split in costs.
WPDES violations/treatment issues – pH and BOD issues. Testing and adjustments continue. Soda ash addition (4 Monday, 4 Wednesday in MH – A and 6 in tank/week).
Curb stop damage/repairs above grade – just an FYI for now. Will discuss further in the future, including how to handle homeowner calls when there are issues.
Discussion and Possible Action on Portable Generator Use and Maintenance –
SD#1 still owns a portable generator, that we no longer have use for. However, it still needs annual maintenance at a cost to the district if we plan to keep it. Jason Terry explained that he sees some options on how to move forward. We could offer it to SD#2, at a cost to be determined. Jason explained that the odds they would ever need to use it are very low. He feels they may be able to just call a septic truck if an issue arises. Another option would be to sell it to someone else. Jim Murphy asked what it’s value might be. Jason feels that it is worth at least $5,000 and maybe more. He will do some checking to try to determine a value if we should wish to sell, along with some options on how/where would be best to sell. Jim Murphy will contact SD#2 to inquire on whether they may wish to buy the generator. NO action taken.
Discussion and Possible Action on Cost of Service Study –
Kyra explained that she continues to research costs and REU assignment in similar district in order for us to make an accurate determination on how to proceed.
Kyra also elaborated on the need to develop more specific ordinances on requirements for new requests to connect to the system. She explained that we have already used the $20,000.00 additional service budget that was approved earlier this year. Much of that time has been used to addresses such requests and issues. Kyra, Jason and Kathy all feel that we could eliminate a lot of time if we had better, more specific guidelines to follow. She feels that an aditiional $10,000.00 for 2023 will be sufficient to work on this, and asked the board for approval of the extra funds. A Motion was made by Rod Abbrederis, with a second by Brad Pavloski to extend the contract and additional $10,000.00 thru the end of this year. They also asked for monthly updates from MSA on how the funds are being used. Motion carried with all in favor.
Public Comment-
There was no Public Comment.
A motion was made by Brad Pavloski, with a second by Jim Keene, to adjourn at 10:04 AM. Motion carried with all in favor. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 9, 2023.
Respectfully Submitted, Kathy Oliver, Administrator