Town of Germantown
Office Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIRegular Town Board Meeting
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
April 14, 2015
6:02 p.m.
Present: Chairman Gregg Haunroth, Supervisors Skip Barton, Dale Simonson, Jim Collis, Ray Feldman, Emergency Management Director Fred Cobbs, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Ganther, Town Officer Cameron McChesney
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order in the Town of Germantown at 6:02 p.m. following a Public Hearing.
A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve the minutes from the March 10, 2015 regular town board meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report/Vouchers
A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson, to accept the Treasurer’s Report and approve checks 25677-25731 totaling $81,882.56 and EFTs totaling $7,117.68. Motion carried 5-0.
Operator’s License
A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson, to approve an Operator’s License application submitted by Hannah Marie Lamb. Motion carried 5-0.
Holding Tank Application
A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve a holding tank application made by Elizabeth Kellie Wirtanen. Motion carried 5-0.
Town Engineer
A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson, to approve Vierbicher as the town engineer on a building project being conducted by Portofino, LLC with the understanding that all engineering costs associated with the project will be paid by Portofino, LLC. Motion carried 5-0.
Bids for Purchasing and Installing Piers in Germantown Park
One bid was received from Docking Solutions in the amount of $48,287.38. Half of the costs of the project, should it go forward, would be covered by impact fees. The Town has received direction on applying for grants to pay for the half not covered by impact fees. A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Jim Collis, to accept the bid from Docking Solutions on the condition that the piers will be installed and removed the first year as part of the price quoted. Motion carried 5-0.
Emergency Management
Emergency services calls in the Township were as follows:
February: Ambulance 4, Fire 0, Police 28
March: Ambulance 8, Fire 1, Police 32
Radios could not be re-programmed. A new grant is available. With the grant 3 new radios may be purchased.
Mauston Area Ambulance will be doing water rescue training.
Curbside chipping will be available May 1 – May 30.
An advertisement for bids is in the paper now. Bids are due by April 21st.
There is the cutting of trees happening on 17th Avenue.
Eagle Blasting will be doing blasting and painting work on the trucks.
No Report
Board Reports
Jim Collis – Law enforcement in the area complimented Germantown and how they handle Operator’s License applicants. While other areas did not have a procedure for review of the applicants, Germantown has background checks done on each applicant to assist in determining whether or not to approve the application.
Gregg Haunroth – Gregg will be leading the Plan Commission through a busy upcoming year. Work will be done on the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, the Outdoor Plan, and the upcoming revisions to the planned building project at Portofino.
Gregg Haunroth – The annual meeting will be held on April 21, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Gregg Haunroth – The Town is looking for members of the community who would like to volunteer their time for various committees.
5 permits were issued in March. 3 were for new houses.
Public Comment
Portofino’s expansion will also spur expansion of natural gas lines by Alliant in that part of the Township.
A motion was made my Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson, to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.