Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIRegular Town Board Meeting
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
August 21, 2018
6:00 p.m.
Present: Chairman Gregg Haunroth, Supervisors, Skip Barton, Keith Korbein, Ken Jax, Ray Feldman, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Ganther
Absent: Emergency Management Director Fred Cobbs, Assistant Emergency Management Director Christopher Leopold
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at the town hall at 6:00 p.m.
Stone Gate Lake Plats
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Ken Jax, to approve the Preliminary and Final Plats for the Seventh Addition to Stone Gate Lake. A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Y, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Ray Feldman, to approve the minutes from July’s meeting and public hearing as printed. Motion carried 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report and Bank Reconciliation
After review of the Treasurer’s Report and Bank Reconciliations, a motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Skip Barton, to accept them as printed. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve checks 10874-10940 totaling $62,194.33 and EFT’s totaling 4,302.82. Motion carried 5-0.
Operator’s Licenses
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve Operator’s Licenses for Alex Malory and CaSandra Trynzolyn. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution 2018-12 Amending the 2018 Budget
A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Keith Korbein, to approve resolution 2018-12 Amending the 2018 Budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Liquor License
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Keith Korbein, to accept the relinquishment of the Class B Combination license held by Cutler Amusements and approve the application for the license submitted by Kozy’s Pizza Inc. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution 2018-13 Support of Wisconsin Town’s Association’s “Just Fix It” Initiative
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Ken Jax, to approve Resolution 2018-13. Motion carried 5-0.
Emergency Management/Public Safety
Calls for July: Ambulance 11, Fire 2, Police 97
Fred Cobbs has found a source of grant money available for the ambulance service and will be working towards applying for funds with Chris Leopold.
The board will need to discuss Boat Bash prior to next year’s event. Discussion should include the regulating of the distribution of liquor at the event. Public safety should be of concern at such a large event.
Buckhorn Acres roads have been paved. Shouldering will happen after Labor Day.
Seal coating and crack filling throughout the township has been completed. The budget will be reviewed for funds availability to do work in Castle Rock Estates.
Bids for gravel on 37th Street road project will soon be requested.
No report.
Board Reports
Gregg Haunroth
- A resident approached Gregg about the need for walking paths and volunteered his services to be a part of a committee. The town will begin to ask for more volunteers for such a committee. The committee can work alongside the county as they begin mapping out walking/bike paths county wide.
- Local fire chiefs met with Mauston Ambulance on how to better work together.
- Talks on future fire contract are upcoming.
Ray Feldman
- Ray had become aware of questions on whether the Sanitary District has the capacity to service all lots that are platted within the township. It was discussed that there are mechanisms in place to monitor and handle increased capacity and funds already available to complete any upgrades required to the district when that time comes.
Ken Jax
- Mauston Ambulance will begin their budget process soon.
Keith Korbein
- Keith has been asked about short term renting within the township. The town has been advised by legal-council to not address the situation as it opens up liabilities to the town. Homeowner’s Associations should address it in their by- laws.
- Keith attended the local Wisconsin Town’s Association meeting. The state will be making changes to bridge funding.
- Wabash National worked with fire departments to conduct confined space rescues.
Skip Barton
- Windsocks will be installed soon.
11 permits were issued in July. 9 were for new homes. Permits have been issued for 22 new homes so far this year.
Public Comment
Brad Pavloski asked if the town has ever considered a seasonal renting marina along the shores of Germantown Park because of the shortage of boat slips.
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Ken Jax, to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer