Town of Germantown
Office Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIRegular Town Board Meeting
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
February 9, 2016
6:00 p.m.
Present: Chairman Gregg Haunroth, Supervisors Skip Barton, Dale Simonson, Jim Collis, Ray Feldman, Emergency Management Director Fred Cobbs, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Ganther
Absent: None
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at the town hall in the Town of Germantown at 6:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve the minutes of the January meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report/Reconciliation
A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Ray Feldman to accept the Treasurer’s Report and bank reconciliation. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Ray Feldman to approve vouchers and checks 26238-26293 totaling $40,850.65 and EFTs totaling $6,371.91. Motion carried 5-0.
O’Dells Bay Swim Area
The board was given a letter O’Dell’s Bay Community Association voicing their approval of a swim area in O’Dell’s Bay previously approved by the board.
Turning Over of Land to Township
A landowner approached the Township about turning over land to the Township. The land is located in Park Place and in the original plat of the area was designated for a possible road. The board feels that there is no reason the Town should take over that land and remove it from the tax roll. A motion was made by Gregg Haunroth, seconded by Dale Simonson to deny the request to take over the land located in Park Place. Motion carried 5-0.
Operator’s Licenses
A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Ray Feldman to approve an Operator’s License for Carlye Morris. Motion carried 3-0 with 2 abstaining.
A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Dale Simonson, to approve an Operator’s License to Jessie Callagan pending Deputy Green’s approval. Motion carried 3-0 with 2 abstaining.
Emergency Management
December Calls: Ambulance 11 Police 71 Fire None
January Calls: Ambulance 16 Police 38 Fire 1
There were problems with the radios being able to communicate truck to truck. Pointon Communications came and fixed the problem.
The updated Necedah Fire and Rescue contract has been received and is ready to be signed.
A text thread will be started to each employee so that in the event of an emergency all town employees/board can be reached with one text.
Mauston Area Ambulance will be holding an After 5 event as a fundraiser.
Oil prices are down right now which should make road repairs less expensive this year. With the savings other road projects are being considered over and above those that are currently scheduled.
The Town will be purchasing trees from the DNR to use in the park. Because the trees have to be bought in lots of 100 trees may be made available to the public for purchase.
Dredging around the piers in the park was discussed. In 2016 there will be work done to allow equipment access to the piers with the work likely to be done in 2017.
Board Reports
Jim Collis – Boaters are asking that the Slow No Wake ordinance covering the area north of the Buckhorn Bridge be repealed. This will be an agenda item for the March meeting.
Dale Simonson – Dale viewed a webinar regarding regulating signs. This will help as the Planning Commission is reviewing the sign ordinance.
Skip Barton – Skip voiced support of more road projects while it is economically advantageous to the Township.
Zoning/Building Permits
A meeting will be scheduled regarding a potential solar farm in the Township.
1 building permit was issued.
Public Comment
A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson, to adjourn at 6:35. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted, Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer