Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIRegular Town Board Meeting
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
January 11, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Present: Chairman Gregg Haunroth, Supervisors Ken Jax, Keith Korbein, Skip Barton, Ray Feldman, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Assistant Emergency Management Director Christopher Leopold, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Michaele Korbein
Absent: Emergency Management Director Fred Cobbs, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Ganther
Guests: Jim Collis
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at the town hall at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Approved agenda in any order
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Skip Barton, to accept the minutes from the December 14, 2021 and December 29, 2021 meetings. Motion carried 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report -Bank Reconciliation Report
A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Keith Korbein, to accept the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried 5-0.
Vouchers and Checks
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Skip Barton to approve the vouchers and checks #12945-12981 totaling $169,349.77, petty cash totaling $8.16, and Impact Fee checks #5005-5006 totaling $28,364.40, and EFTs totaling $7,244.92. Motion carried 5-0.
Operator’s License
Committee Reports:
Public Safety/Emergency Management
Mauston Area Ambulance Association had surprising, unexpected major sharp increases in costs already in January for drugs they need to carry on their units, causing concerns. Chris Leopold would be interested in the EM Director’s position. Keith Korbein is available to attend the next MAAA meeting.
The little truck is showing lots of wear; would like to get prices to replace it.
Zoning Administrators Report
134 permits issued in 2021, of which 99 were for new homes.
Parks/Town Hall/Buildings
Grinder pump is out in the town hall -A&M will be coming to check it out.
Park will be coming up for bids in March, with construction to start in April and to finish this fall.
Board Reports:
Ken Jax – The final version of the ARPA rules are now out for how those funds can be used.
Ray Feldman – There will be several Zoom meetings coming up on the University study to be done. The study will be needed when we apply for grants so that we can maximize grants. Study will look at how roads, lake access, retail, short term, fire, police, and ambulance will be affected by the future construction of 1000 or so homes in Germantown. Final results should be available in May.
Skip Barton – Nothing new.
Keith Korbein – Reported a UTV was pulled over by police on G. Old softener tank in front of electrical box in town hall needs to be moved for safety issues. Need to look at replacing leaky door seals in the building. Have the men’s toilet and the first women’s toilet looked at when grinder pump is repaired. Should put together a list of building repairs needed and prioritize them.
Gregg Haunroth – Discussed existing part sidewalks as they are under width for ADA but have been okayed to keep them.
Public Comment
Jim Collis asked if there were dollars available to help MAAA to pay for the drugs.
Closed Session as per State Statutes 19.85 (1)( c) considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any employee
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Skip Barton, to go into Closed Session as per per State Statutes 19.85 (1)( c) considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any employee; motion carried by roll call vote: Barton -Y, Korbein -Y, Haunroth -Y, Jax -Y, Feldman -Y.
Reconvene in open session as per State Statute 19.85(2)
A motion was made by Ken Jax, seconded by Keith Korbein, to go reconvene in open session as per State Statute 19.85(2); motion carried by roll call vote: Barton -Y, Korbein -Y, Haunroth -Y, Jax -Y, Feldman -Y.
A motion was made by Ken Jax, seconded by Skip Barton to adjourn at 6:55pm. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michaele Korbein
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer