Town of Germantown

Office Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Special Town Board Meeting


Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
January 29, 2015
6:00 p.m.


Present: Chairman Gregg Haunroth, Supervisors Dale Simonson, Skip Barton, and Jim Collis, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Emergency Management Director Fred Cobbs
Absent: Supervisor Ray Feldman

The meeting was called to order in the Town of Germantown at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Gregg Haunroth.

Changes to Building Inspector’s fee schedule

A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Jim Collis, to approve the changes to the Building Inspector’s fee schedule. Motion carried 4-0.

New Accountants

A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Jim Collis, to approve the change to the new accountants: MBE CPA’s. Motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2015-1 Totally Opt Out of IOH Length & Weight Limits

A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Skip Barton, to totally opt out of the IOH Length & Weight Limits. Motion carried 4-0.

Intergovernmental Agreement with Mauston Ambulance

Gregg Haunroth said someone was going to be at the meeting from Mauston Ambulance, but no decision is going to be made tonight, so it will only be discussion. There was discussion about the contract – Ray will review upon his return.

Donation for paramedic fly car

A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Jim Collis, to approve a donation of $6000 toward the paramedic fly car. Motion carried 4-0.

Change in office hours

A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Jim Collis, to change the office hours at the town hall from 8:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. to 7:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. Motion carried 4-0.

Board member reports

Dale handed out the proposed fees from the Planning Committee. He says Linda also made a big list of all the fees associated with all the ordinances which they will use to move forward with changes.


A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Skip Barton to adjourn at 6:55p.m.  Motion carried 4-0.