Town of Germantown
Office Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WINOTICE
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
6:00 P.M.
Town Hall / Community Center
N7560 17TH Avenue, New Lisbon
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Germantown Planning Commission and Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 in the Town Hall / Community Center, N7560 17th Ave, pursuant to Zoning Ordinance #22, Section 3.08 (17) to consider a substantial alteration of the Sand Point Lake PUD #14, including the proposed increased density and traffic study review (vehicle and pedestrian.) In consideration for the increased density, there is a proposed land exchange allowing for the re-routing of 37th Street east of 58th, eliminating two dangerous curves.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PLAN: Available at Town Hall upon request.
APPLICANT: Sand Point Lake Investments, LLC
Any interested party may attend and be heard or submit comments to Town of Germantown, N7560 17th Ave. New Lisbon, WI. 53950
Immediately following the Joint meeting / Public Hearing there will be a regular meeting of the town board at the Town Hall / Community Center, N7560 17th Avenue.