Town of Germantown

Office Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WI

Regular Town Board Meeting


Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
June 18, 2013
7:00 p.m.


Present:  Chairman Rosetta Boyle, Supervisors Greg Haunroth, Dale Simonson, Jim Collis, Ray Feldman, Emergency Management Director Fred Cobbs, Zoning Administrator Bill Bruce, Assistant Clerk/Treasurer Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer Marion Uphoff, Town Officer Cameron McCheseney


Meeting was called to order in the Town of Germantown at 7:00 p.m.

Proper posting was verified by Marion Uphoff.

Rosetta Boyle approved the agenda in any order.

Motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Greg Haunroth to approve the minutes from the May 14 and June 5 meetings.  Motion passed.

The bank reconciliation report was read into the record as follows:


                Balance on hand May 1, 2013                            $358,042.24

                Income                                                                    $100,977.89

                Disbursements                                                        $147,171.26

                Balance                                                                   $311,848.87


                Balance on hand May 31, 2013                              $311,848.87


                Bank of Mauston checking                                     $138,773.43

                Harris checking                                                       $13,228.74

                Harris Money Market                                             $5,509.90

                Impact Fees                                                            $153,652.08

                LGIP                                                                         $684.72


                Bank Totals                                                             $311,848.87


                Principal Balance on Loan                                      $151,837.00


A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson to accept the reconciliation report.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Liquor Licenses  Motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Ray Feldman to approve the following licenses:

Class B Combination License: Cutler Amusement Corp, Greg Haunroth, JJM Corp of Mauston, The Dirty Turtle, Portofino Bay, C&B Investments,  James Collis

Class A Combination License:, Horst Hartmann, Wendy Navis, Ronald and Jacqueline Pocevicz

Class B Beer License: Donna Case

Class C Wine License: Donna Case

Cigarette and Tobacco Products: Horst Hartmann, Wendy Navis, Ronald and Jacqueline Pocevicz,  James Collis

Non-Intoxicating Beverage License: Cutler Amusement Corp, Gregory Haunroth, JJM Corp of Mauston, The Dirty Turtle, Portofino Bay, C&B Investments, James Collis, Donna Case,  Horst Hartmann, Wendy Navis,  Ronald and Jacqueline Pocevicz

Motion carried.  Greg Haunroth and Jim Collis abstained.


An application for a Class B Liquor License was submitted by Donna Case.  This application was denied as there was not a license available. 


A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Ray Feldman to approve the following Operator’s Licenses:

Kozy’s:  Tanya Schultz, Brittany Randall

Dirty Turtle: Brielle Oliver, Tasha Steen, Angela Locken, Brian Marx,  Samantha Brodbeck, Michelle Cila-Graf, Victoria Van Doren, Valerie Heltsley (also for Buckhorn Café),  Jenna Washetas, Clark Nauman, Tyler Plantz, Crystal Weight,  Cassie Kramer

Buckhorn Café: Jessica Bilski,  Nicole Siddall, Amy Steele, Kathy Bye, Sarah Forsythe (also for Buckhorn Store)

Shipwreck: Karen Brady,  Jeanette Williamson,  Amber Lowe, Jamie Bartlett, Jacinta Wicka, Amanda Wengrzynowicz

Fresh & Frozen: Kari Czajka, Douglas Case, JoEllen Bolda

Portofino Bay: Joshua Potter, Lacy Thompson                      

Buckhorn Store:  Jessica Bluell, Veronica Neuman, Loren Smith, Nicole Bluell, Veronica Glavin

Pine Cove: Donnette Denman, Karen Fank                                   

Motion carried.  Greg Haunroth and Jim Collis abstained.

Emergency Management Report                 

Radio has been fixed and repeater is working.  Many options for ambulance service are still being explored by the Committee.

Roads Report    

Dick Martin confirmed that road work is currently being done.  Crack filling is done, seal coating to begin the week of June 24, and blacktopping to be done in July.


Rosetta Boyle reported that 3 picnic tables have been purchased for the park at the town hall.

Hiring MSA 

Justin Sornsin from MSA explained preliminary plans for EMS building.  A motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Jim Collis to accept the service contract from MSA.  After discussion the motion was rescinded by Dale Simonson.  A motion was made by Greg Haunroth, seconded by Jim Collis to accept Phase One of MSA’s contract (preliminary design) in the amount of $9,500 pending revisions to the contract.  Motion carried.

Board Member Reports              

Jim Collis reported about an ambulance call to the Buckhorn Store and the lack of personnel on the ambulance.  Greg Haunroth reported that discussions are ongoing information is being gathered for replacement of the 15th Street boat ramp.  More information should be available next month.

Zoning Administrators Report                 

11 building permits have been issued.  6 for new homes.  YTD there have been 16 permits for new homes. 


Motion was made by Jim Collis, seconded by Dale Simonson to approve Vouchers 16775 – 16816 totaling $21,975.98 and a bank transfer of $50,000.  Motion carried.

Public Comment           

Comments were heard from Lucio Lanza. 


Motion was made by Dale Simonson, seconded by Jim Collis to adjourn at 7:40 p.m.  Motion carried.