Town of Germantown
Office Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIRegular Town Board Meeting
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
May 13, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Chairman Boyle called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman approve the agenda in any order
Supervisors Feldman and Haunroth were sworn in.
Chairman Boyle announced that the Board Meetings time was going to change to 6 p.m. starting in June.
Minutes of April meeting was read. Mr. Collis made a motion to approve the minutes as written.
Second Mr. Haunroth. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was read by Supervisor Haunroth. Supervisor Haunroth reported that he had reviewed the reconcilliations and all was in order. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Mr. Haunroth. Second by Mr. Collis. Motion carried.
Chairman Boyle reported that the vouchers could not be printed as the printer is down. This will be tabled and the Board will meet to approve vouchers at a later date.
Ord 22- Supervisor Simonson discussed changes made to the Zoning Ordinance, basic and minor. Mr. Bruce commented that the changes were in the Messenger. Supervisor Simonson made a motion to approve the changes. Second by Mr. Haunroth. Motion carried.
Starting line of credit. Mrs. Ganther has checked local banks for lines of credit, maximum $100,000.00. Example of why needed- unexpected repairs- insulate the ceiling/roof. Mr. Haunroth would like to see kept separate from other accounts, discuss line items and categories on the budget. Motion made by Mr. Simonson to accept Bank of Mauston as the lender for our line of credit. Greg Haunroth second. Motion carried.
Operators License- Chairman Boyle reported that 4 applications have been received and that the Town Officer has approved three. One background check is pending- Lecy Busse
Mr. Collis made a motion to approve the Operator Licenses Tonia Lewis, Nicole Turner, Charyn Dorn, Reba Marti and Lecy Busse pending background checks. Second by Mr. Simonson. Motion carried.
Sanitary Districts – Mr. Berkos discussed problems concerning “agreements”, had agreed if District 2 dissolved District 1 could pick up. There are problems with a recapture agreement so District 1 decided to withdraw their petition to expand at this time. When sorted out they can reapply.
Chairman Boyle agreed the issue is closed.
Committee member chairman Boyle read the Committee appointments. See Attached list.
Chairman Boyle made a motion to approve the Committees as read. Second Mr. Haunroth. Motion carried.
Public Safety- Municipal Court requested amending our Ordinance as State Statute numbers were incorrect. Should be 941.41. Motion to amend was made by Mr. Haunroth. Second Mr. Feldman. Motion carried.
Supervisor Feldman passed out an article and discussed civil liabilities in a fire- starter of fire responsible for costs of suppression. Discuss fireworks. Would like the Town Officer to pass out this information when issuing the first warning. Second time should receive ticket.
Emergency Management- Emergency Management Director, Mr. Cobbs reported on the exercise held this past week. Updates are needed on Ordinance 31 to include ICS system and any changes recommended by the State at the meeting Nov. 12. They will be ready or the June Board Meeting There will be a table top exercise in October.
Roads- Mr. Martin reported that 30th Ave has been pulverized and gravel laid. They will be paving next and should be done by Memorial Day.
The roof, insulation has been taken care of and we still need tile in the men’s bathroom.
Stump removal will be $675. There are 30 plus stumps- some 2 foot. Motion to go forward with the Stump removal was made by Mr. Haunroth. Second Mr. Simonson. Motion carried.
Zoning-Supervisor Collis questioned last years evacuation plans, what is on file. Mr. Cobbs- the State and County Parks have plans, if they update will get from County Emergency Management.
Supervisor Haunroth has had good feedback on the new ramp. We still owe Pavloski’s for work done on it.
Zoning- Mr. Martin reported 8 permits for total of $1590, of which there were four new houses.
Public Comment- None
Motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Collis. Second Supervisor Simonson. Motion carried.