Town of Germantown
Official Website of the Town of Germantown, Juneau County, WIRegular Town Board Meeting
Town of Germantown Town Hall
N7560 17th Avenue
New Lisbon, WI 53950
November 13, 2018
6:00 p.m.
Present: Chairman Gregg Haunroth, Supervisors Skip Barton, Keith Korbein, Ken Jax, Ray Feldman, Zoning Administrator Dick Martin, Emergency Management Directors Fred Cobbs and Christopher Leopold, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Ganther
Absent: None
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at the town hall at 6:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve the October 9, 2018, minutes after changing reference to gravel work done on 17th to 37th. Motion carried 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial information was provided to the board and read aloud. A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Skip Barton to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried 5-0.
Bank Reconcilement
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Skip Barton, to accept the bank reconciliation. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve checks 11032-11093 totaling $62,261.64 and EFTs totaling $4,547.70.
Operator’s Licenses
A motion was made by Ken Jax, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve operator’s licenses for Hannah King and Riley Nelson pending background checks. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance 30
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Skip Barton, to amend Ordinance 30 by moving 15th Avenue from 32nd Street to County Highway G from roads listed as 45 mph to roads listed as 35 mph.
A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Y, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y. Motion carried
Island Bay Plat
After confirming the subdivision will be 12 residential lots that extend into Castle Rock Lake and that deed restrictions will be put in place, a motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve the Preliminary Plat of Island Bay. A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Y, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution 2018-16
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Keith Korbein to adopt Resolution 2018-16 Accepting Dedication of Town Roads (Buckhorn Acres). A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Y, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y. Motion carried 5-0.
16th Avenue Culvert
Brad and Pat Pavloski came before the board to propose a 12” outfall pipe being run from Island Lake to Castle Rock Lake. The pipe would cross under 16th Avenue and have easement between lots 2 and 3 of Island Bay. The pipe would be used to drain Island Lake into Castle Rock Lake during times of extremely high water. It would normally sit empty. By running the pipe under 16th Avenue it would require disrupting the road surface. The board decided to table the subject until the Town’s engineer can be consulted.
Public Safety/Emergency Management
In October there were 44 police calls, 6 ambulance calls and 1 fire call.
A radio was installed in the end loader.
The generator had maintenance done on it. The technician asked that the bush next to it be removed.
Wood cutting chaps have been ordered.
Graveling on 37th has been completed. Barricades will be placed to stop car, ATV, and snowmobile traffic until the project is completed in the spring. Bid requests for this project should be advertised for in February.
Parks/Town Hall
The town has requested a quote to replace the bridge in the park.
Board Reports
Ray Feldman – None
Ken Jax – Attended the Wisconsin Towns Association meeting where road maintenance and ambulance service was discussed.
Gregg Haunroth – The Sanitary District is having their audit completed.
There will be discussion at a future meeting about building homes on unplatted lots.
Buckhorn Acres had special assessments for 14 lots paid in full.
Keith Korbein – None
Skip Barton – None
12 permits were issued in October. 7 permits were for new homes. There have been permits for 34 new homes in 2018.
Public Comment
A member of the audience asked if the lots in Island Bay would have single family homes on them. It was pointed out that the lots are zoned as residential and any changes to that would have to go before the rezoning process including public hearings.
Closed Session
A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Keith Korbein, to go into closed session. A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Y, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y. Motion carried 5-0.
Reconvene into Open Session
A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Keith Korbein to go back into open session. A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Y, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y. Motion carried 5-0.
2019 Payroll
A motion was made by Ray Feldman, seconded by Skip Barton, to approve a 3% raise to Susan Ganther, Dick Martin (Public Works), Linda Salzwedel, Randy Mullenburg, Fred Cobbs, Christopher Leopold, and Dick Martin (Zoning Administrator) and a 3-month review for Randy Mullenburg. A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Y, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Skip Barton, seconded by Ken Jax to approve a $1.50/hr raise to Michaele Korbein as Chief Election Inspector. A roll call vote was taken: Barton – Y, Korbein – Abstained, Haunroth – Y, Jax – Y, Feldman – Y.
A motion was made by Keith Korbein, seconded by Skip Barton, to adjourn at 7:12 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Susan Ganther, Clerk/Treasurer